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A Blast From The Past (for Ex-ravers)


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Lovely. I don't think it would do much for me now though. Did quite a bit of seedy club raving 'back in the day' - I have the odd listen to random 'silver oldies' (we are the generation with the odd grey hair now aren't we?) but I think too much of the 'shouty shouty' would give me a head ache now. Heehee.


Just noticed the bit about ex ravers...is there such a thing? I think it was Caged Baby DJing at Bestival last year - wey hey rave away, it was great fun. I love to dance its most excellent fun and also very good for you in general (so I hear)

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I'm definitely an ex-raver. You'd do well to even get me into a Douglas club nowadays, all those sweaty people in such a small space :(


I can still listen to the old tunes for a while before getting a headache, but tend to shy away from sets with lots of mc'ing...

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That Caged Baby are wicked, I can't find any decent footage of them but here is their myspace, the tracks on there are a bit on the cheesy side but when they DJ, hmmm, rip it right up and throw the whole music score in the air! Recently, I have been mostly listening to

, and if you watch
you will see that the session musicians that they are rehearsing with are none other than The Bays (who I used to hate but then I got onto how ace they were) - Ace ace ace. Ohh and
is some Ott.

There is no point in talking to me any more all I have to talk about is those pesky bands :)

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That Caged Baby are wicked, I can't find any decent footage of them but here is their myspace, the tracks on there are a bit on the cheesy side but when they DJ, hmmm, rip it right up and throw the whole music score in the air! Recently, I have been mostly listening to
, and if you watch
you will see that the session musicians that they are rehearsing with are none other than The Bays (who I used to hate but then I got onto how ace they were) - Ace ace ace. Ohh and
is some Ott.

There is no point in talking to me any more all I have to talk about is those pesky bands :)

no such thing as an ex-raver!!!Would love to see Quo!!

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You'll probably find it on ebay, there's shedloads still kicking about. I regret not ever making it to the Eclipse, we used to travel the country going to allnighters but for some reason we never made it there.

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