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Wii Fit


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I don't think you have to be cynical not to be wooed by Wii Fit. The games look shit, and the whole thing reeks of novelty value - that's my personal opinion, and you can't really argue with that any more than I can argue with you thinking it nifty or your love of catching hoops whilst balanced on one leg. It's the same deal with "regular" games: Plenty of people think that games like CoD4 or The Sims are rubbish and lame, so I don't see why not thinking Wii Fit is the bees knees should be any more controversial than these examples.


No, you misunderstand me. I'm not that fussed on it personally, I'd rather play a game like CoD4, in fact I'm doing exactly that at the moment. But I can see the benefits, I can see, and have seen how the wii's way of doing things works well for casuals and kids, and I don't see how that's 'retarded'. It's just different, not for me, but it doesn't make it shit.

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I already have made my point on the subject. It's a clever gimmick, that won't be any good as an actual fitness tool.


Plenty of people think otherwise, why not back up what you're saying. Even if you look at it like an educational tool, it teaches stuff like stretching, like small progressive results, and it's also got some fun aspects. Why wouldn't it work vs sitting on the sofa doing fuckall?

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For what it's worth Slim I agree entirely.


For a huge number of people it's a gimmick/crap/one minute wonder etc, but for some it might get them a little bit into gear, and if nothing else be a bit of fun.


Probably not for me either but I might try it for the fun factor & if I don't use it often it's no big deal or I can flog it again etc.


Just for the record I did some experimenting last time I owned a Wii, and once you get to a reasonable level on Wii boxing you can quite easily burn about a thousand calories or so with a bit more than an hour's worth of play. That's a considerable amount of energy/exercise for something that's not even intended as an exercise tool, so add into the equation things like balance, stretching & weight/bmi monitoring and it's potentially quite a handy tool.


If people think that's wrong then I can prove it works. Use a pulse monitor and get into a bit of enthusiastic wii boxing (it's surprising how easily an hour can pass on this) and you'll soon see that it does actually work. Whether people use it like that or use it consistently is another thing entirely but that's up to them, not the hardware/software.

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i've just picked mine up at dinner gonna give it a rasp this evening, i think it will be good as now i have a baby its hard to find the time to get out n exercise as i want to spend time with my lad and as he doesn't go to be till 8 - 8:30 finding the motivation to go the gym etc past that point is hard whereas now i can have a regular exercise programme in my home

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Just for the record I did some experimenting last time I owned a Wii, and once you get to a reasonable level on Wii boxing you can quite easily burn about a thousand calories or so with a bit more than an hour's worth of play


A thousand calories! I don't think that can be right, surely? Even jogging doesn't burn that much.

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Just for the record I did some experimenting last time I owned a Wii, and once you get to a reasonable level on Wii boxing you can quite easily burn about a thousand calories or so with a bit more than an hour's worth of play


A thousand calories! I don't think that can be right, surely? Even jogging doesn't burn that much.


This was working up a lot more of a sweat than I ever have done jogging. From memory I think jogging is meant to be something like 300 cals/hour isn't it? It's not really renowned as one of the most intensive exercises ever though.


I was using a pulse monitoring watch which calculates (via some basic input - I forget exactly what but stuff like age/sex/weight etc) how many calories you are burning based on your pulse rate. Exactly the same way that machines in the gym provide the same info - it's fairly normal & accepted stuff really.


Thinking back specifically I recall one evening where it was about 900 calories burned in around 1 hour 20 minutes, so actually a bit less than a thousand cals, and 1.3 hours but still. Quite impressive for a video game designed for a bit of fun and not really aimed at exercise.


Granted there are extra factors such as:

1) I was fairly unfit at the time, whereas the effect is not likely to be as pronounced on someone healthier to begin with.

2) I was getting quite 'enthusiastic' about my input due to the cheating bastard nature of the game.

3) I think from memory my pulse was mainly ranging from 160-200 during this time which really is a bit higher than you should have.


Nonetheless, I'm 100% certain that had I kept doing this even for maybe half an hour an evening I'd have quickly lost some weight, but the problem was I was getting too cross with it and the novelty was wearing off as at that level I was finding it difficult to make further progress easily.


Figures obviously aren't going to be 100% accurate because I'm not a boffin in a lab, but from the amount of perspiration, swearing & heat generated it's a given that a lot of fuel is burned.

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Any exercise is better than no exercise, simple fact.


WiiFit is designed to be a fun way to perform some basic exercise routines and monitor weight and bmi along the way. I don't see how anyone can see anything bad about that.


If you don't like it, don't buy it. Quite simple really. :)

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Any exercise is better than no exercise, simple fact.


WiiFit is designed to be a fun way to perform some basic exercise routines and monitor weight and bmi along the way. I don't see how anyone can see anything bad about that.


If you don't like it, don't buy it. Quite simple really. :)


Appears to be more of a body awareness trainer than a fitness trainer as such. Looks smart though.

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Yes and no, it does focus heavily on posture yes but that's no bad thing. There's some good exercise routines in the form of step aerobics and jogging which I've seen so far. I like the way it takes hills into account on the jogging also.


It is actually very well thought out in my opinion.

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I only bought a Wii last week and am hooked - its immense fun, its stupid and it does work up a sweat - I am trying to loose weight and I go swimming 2 times a week and usually an hour once a week at the gym running on treadmill and cross trainer etc, I figured I could have some fun 20 mins a day at home playing the wii! I love the tennis game, you really work up a sweat, and the boxing is good, and to be honsest I am on it for 40 mins at a time without even realising!! That never happens at the gym I am always counting down the mins till I can get out of there.


Anyway I bought the wii fitness board - mainly because I wanted to buy some new weighing scales tha measured BMI which are about £40 - so for an extra £30 I got the board. It is fantastic - I have programmed some acheivable goals to loose weight and lower my BMI over the next 2 months, it keeps you motivated to play at least 20 mins a day so you can unlock the games. I love the aerobics and the jogging is really funny too!


I think the posture an balance exercises are helpful also.


I didnt like the evaluation of my body though it was a bit shocking, but in a good way!

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