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[BBC News] Pair held after double stabbing


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As for your comment on these scroats being the hardest to pull in line, bollocks even the worst eventualy break down and unlike the TV show theres no option to leave and I can assure you if they end up in military prison they will never want to see prison again. A secondary bonus is that conscripts are usualy the first to be sent into the shitty situation in combat so we could get rid of a few there whilst saving the decent ones.

I too have an eight-figure number. Mine begins with 24 and I disagree with you. You remember the line "if you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined"? I'm sure the resentment at being forced in would be the over-riding factor. It's just so different from those who volunteer I just can't see it being anything but a disaster. Unfortunately I think you'll also find that the days of "cannon fodder" are over - with an estimated 30% all-arms casualties on a first nbc strike what you post is meaningless.

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The point is you don't have to shoe-horn scrotes into the best bunch of legalised lunatics in the world just so that you can use their punishment regimes. Military "correction" is neccessarily tough because military life can be harsh anyway. So if it didn't push the boundaries out it would hardly be a punishment. All the nods agree it works. So does Sherriff Joe. He makes his prison as tough as he possibly can and he pointed out that in our pc land we somehow seem to have dropped the word "punishment" from our rehabilitation programs. A mistake to his mind. For me his re-offend rates are getting more and more intriguing.


BTW "The army, little boys join it with romantic ideas" really is laughable. And you don't get "broken" - the reverse happens i.e. they build you up.

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As for your comment on these scroats being the hardest to pull in line, bollocks even the worst eventualy break down and unlike the TV show theres no option to leave and I can assure you if they end up in military prison they will never want to see prison again. A secondary bonus is that conscripts are usualy the first to be sent into the shitty situation in combat so we could get rid of a few there whilst saving the decent ones.

I too have an eight-figure number. Mine begins with 24 and I disagree with you. You remember the line "if you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined"? I'm sure the resentment at being forced in would be the over-riding factor. It's just so different from those who volunteer I just can't see it being anything but a disaster. Unfortunately I think you'll also find that the days of "cannon fodder" are over - with an estimated 30% all-arms casualties on a first nbc strike what you post is meaningless.

Fantastic are we going to get a war of numbers now saying mine was 238, as for the NBC strike try telling the lads in Afghanistan they shouldnt be getting shot at until there has been an NBC stike, nor do I ever remember one happening in the Falklands whilst sat freezing my bollocks off or in Oman surrounded by the flies coming of my dead mate shot with a WW1 rifle. As for Bees comment I joined with no romantic illusions but ended up having a bloody good time. I do note with a smile that most who comment on the Army not being character building have never served.

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Fantastic are we going to get a war of numbers now saying mine was 238,

Of course not but it should give an idea of when which is the reason I put it up. I suspect you were later than I was and things must have certainly changed, that is all.


As for Bees comment I joined with no romantic illusions but ended up having a bloody good time. I do note with a smile that most who comment on the Army not being character building have never served.

When I posted "nbc" I realised it was very stupid because hopefully in this day and age it's very unlikely to happen. I still stick to my point though. I wouldn't have wanted a theiving scrote forced onto me and my mates and neither would anyone else I suspect. You have to rely on them too much to have any doubts. I'm sure a good dose of the right punishment would work on some but it doesn't have to be done in the forces.


The "romantic ideas" is funny though and yes it is character building. Into a nice character? Not sure sometimes. Some come out and just drift downwards it seems. The number of homeless is a surprise as well.


Anyway, back to low-life scrotes and the re-building of the welfare state...

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Apparently children's rights are the ONLY thing that have changed in our society so that MUST be the reason for the current malaise.


Well, I have to admit that I am astonished at some of the ignorant, knee-jerk, violent comments and suggestions made thus far by some of the posters to this thread.


Parent/guardian/police violence? It's illegal for an adult to strike another adult but some think it should be legal for an adult to hit a child? On what planet does that logic make any sense at all? Let's bring back the era where so-called pillars of the community: teachers, priests, police, etc. were judge, jury & executioner on juvenile affairs. Adults are afforded certain legal rights, but kids? Screw them; they may be the most vulnerable but my twisted logic dictates zero legal protection for the youngsters. Teachers, priests and the police are infallible anyway, it's a necessary qualification for those positions. They can never be wrong.


Perhaps somebody wants to tell the many victims of child abuse how "namby pamby" they're being? There's definitely no learning substitute for a regular beating; no non-violent method of discipline that could teach a child the invaluable lesson that violence is the final arbiter. That will stand any kid in good stead for the rest of their life: they can become the messengers then, speading the word.


The thing I find most disturbing is the 'them' and 'us' attitude. The same one that cropped up in the thread on immigration. A lot of the opinions on these threads are seemingly from people (maybe I'm wrong?) who have absolutely no idea what it is to be in the situations they're claiming to have the answers to.


To the poster who responded to my earlier contribution...


Re: Bill Gates: we do not all jump around stabbing each other through envy of Gates's cash because those who are not socially excluded usually have enough wealth and/or education to possess a certain amount of power over their own situation and future. However, it has been argued that the bank balance of billionaires contributes to white collar crime. eg Enron, etc.


Re: Monaco: it is not comparable with most Western states. For example, it has a small population of approx. 30, 000; three quarters of it's workforce commute from France; and, more significantly, it has LOW levels of income inequality and a very high standard of welfare provision.


FYI, social exclusion is widely regarded by academics (sociologists & economists) and politicians alike as a major cause of rising crime levels.




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Parent/guardian/police violence? It's illegal for an adult to strike another adult but some think it should be legal for an adult to hit a child? On what planet does that logic make any sense at all?


Smack the child...... perfectly okay.


Not enough 'smacking' in this world.

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Typhoid, couple of questions.


1. Are you a parent ?.


Actually, no, just one question, Are you a parent ?.


Let me know and I can then reply accordingly to your post.



I am with you there manxblue, seems most of the namby pamby do gooders have never had the joy of a howling child throwing a tant in tesco because you said no or had to punish one for trying to put a newly bathed very pissed off looking cat in the tumble dryer.

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There's a world of difference between smacking a child and beating a child - trying to lump anyone who smacks their kid into the child abuse category is astoundingly ignorant.

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Smack the child...... perfectly okay.


Not enough 'smacking' in this world.


Are you whacking that cute little baby you were parading around here recently then? Lead by example, never too early to start.


I am with you there manxblue, seems most of the namby pamby do gooders have never had the joy of a howling child child throwing a tant in tesco because you said no or had to punish one for trying to put a newly bathed very pissed off looking cat in the tumble dryer.


At ease soldier, lol,lol........ Why not stand the young miscreant in the back yard naked and hose it down with freezing water before all the lads steam in, hey, it'll be just like the good old days in Aldershot........... ; )



There's a world of difference between smacking a child and beating a child - trying to lump anyone who smacks their kid into the child abuse category is astoundingly ignorant.


People who hit kids would say that though, wouldn't they? They have to justify their violence somehow, if only to themselves.

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With regards to smacking (and speaking as someone who has raised 4 children of his own + two step children), there are occasions when a slap is preferable to any other form of 'punishment'. Usually, this is when the child has refused to take the safety of itself, or others, into consideration.

It should never be the first option, but it should be an option - and the child should be aware of it.

Whatever rules exist, it is perfectly natural for any child to try putting their 'toe beyond the line.' If children didn't do so, there would be a cause for concern. Some such incidents can simply be laughed off, others need to be dealt with a little more severely, but when genuine danger is involved then it may become necessary to administer a quick slap to emphasise the seriousness of it. Use it too often, and it loses its effect.

Children rely on their parents to teach them the rules of survival and if important ones have to be emphasised in this way - occasionally - then so be it. As another poster said, there is a world of difference between a warning smack and regular beating.

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