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[BBC News] Pair held after double stabbing


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I am terrified of doing anything wrong which is why I don't. The mere THOUGHT of going to Court and getting shouted out makes me want to weep! Never mind prison! I'd be chewed up and spat out by the thugs who stay in prison - honestly it would kill me. Therefore the legal system works perfectly on me.


Now take your average hoody wearing, track suit pants tucked into socks, hands down the front of his pants local 17 year old. He's completely unemployable, completely uneducated, has no respect for anybody due to his poor upbringing and has absolutely no prospects in life what so ever. He'll never own a nice house, a nice car, go on nice holidays, marry a nice girl who his nice mum would think was wonderful. His future contains nothing more than abject misery for him and those who come into contact with him. This is where the legal system doesn't work.


To him, getting in trouble with the police is an opportunity to raise his status. Going to Court and getting his name in the local paper makes him feel that he IS somebody. A trip to prison is an opportunity to see his old mates, watch a nice tv, keep warm and eat properly. Outside prison, his life involves skulking around Douglas trying to avoid having to work and hopefully eating every now and again. Prison must seem like a paradise.


But at least the little shit isn't allowed to smoke in there anymore - Ha, punishment at last you little weasel.


Bring back the birch and public flogging, that's what I say.

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Y'know how when something happens it starts to creep into the subconscious of society that that thing is normal and OK to do? Like when there were no murders for ages, and then all of a sudden loads came along at once? It's like that again.

It's like buses. None come along and then three arrive together i.e. one, two and three.


Unfortunately it's a scenario becoming all too depressingly familiar. Feral scrotes completely out of control, the result of useless parents, a litany of complaints from local residents, the police and courts do the square root of eff-all about it, which convinces the disgusting little shits that they can get away with anything ..................................


and as a consequence some poor soul gets brutally murdered.


What follows is a lot of useless hand-wringing and the usual weasle words from those who are ultimately responsible. And the parents? No surprises here - couldn't give a toss.


Time for zero tolerance.

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Y'know how when something happens it starts to creep into the subconscious of society that that thing is normal and OK to do? Like when there were no murders for ages, and then all of a sudden loads came along at once? It's like that again.

It's like buses. None come along and then three arrive together i.e. one, two and three.


Unfortunately it's a scenario becoming all too depressingly familiar. Feral scrotes completely out of control, the result of useless parents, a litany of complaints from local residents, the police and courts do the square root of eff-all about it, which convinces the disgusting little shits that they can get away with anything ..................................


and as a consequence some poor soul gets brutally murdered.


What follows is a lot of useless hand-wringing and the usual weasle words from those who are ultimately responsible. And the parents? No surprises here - couldn't give a toss.


Time for zero tolerance.

More like time for a transit van to pick 2 or 3 of these feral scrouts up, take them for a rid up the round table, give them a good kicking and break a bone, issue a warning then kick em out naked. Thats the only way the message might get through because the namby pamby system doesnt work

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More like time for a transit van to pick 2 or 3 of these feral scrouts up, take them for a rid up the round table, give them a good kicking and break a bone, issue a warning then kick em out naked. Thats the only way the message might get through because the namby pamby system doesnt work


If you stand for Governor, I PROMISE I will vote for you. Your policies seem sound to me.

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the police and courts do the square root of eff-all about it, which convinces the disgusting little shits that they can get away with anything


Quite right, you'll never stop all the shits stabbing over here. Its in the blood.

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shoepatshoe says.....

17 year old - unemployable - uneducated - no respect for anybody - poor upbringing - no prospects in life .


So who failed that child? All of the children should be the responsibility of all of society, feral children are everyones worry.


and then....


He'll never own a nice house, a nice car, go on nice holidays, marry a nice girl who his nice mum would think was wonderful.


What is so fantastic about all of that? Its all terribly superficial. People need a place to live, not status symbols. Status, wealth and celebrity are corrosive to neighbourly communities. Which is why we have such a horribly class driven, greedy society.


Jim&shoe, you think these children need to be beaten up? that makes you worse than them. They need a chance in life, not to be constantly judged.

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A few lessons I was taught when I first came here in the 1990s came flooding back:


Murders on the Isle of Man? One every 20 years, if that!!

Heroin on this Island - never, a bit of cannabis being smoked and maybe some speed. There'll never be heroin here !!!

Streets are crime free mate, you're absolutely safe at anytime of day or night !!!!!

You don't need to lock your car here lad! The Island is too small !!!!!!!

We never even lock our front door !!!!!!!!!


It continued ad nauseum. Well, for a couple of years anyway

All that proves is your teacher was a cock.



Oh don't worry, I realise that. Obviously. Except it wasn't only one teacher it was the whole office in just about every place I worked at. Hence the multiple typefaces. Hence the "ad nauseum".


We've surely all been in those conversations, either as an onlooker or a visitor being shown the ropes with this wonderful Island of ours.


"Oh and never say the 'R' word"


"Never call it the 'mainland' call it 'across' "


"Most locals have names that begin with 'Qu' or 'K' or 'C' "


"They use the phrase 'there's a boat in the morning' "


etc. etc etc.


Intersperse the comments in the original post as required to complete the picture.


manxman8180 . . . . . loyal to the last! I was like that once!!!


As I have mentioned previously, especially when it comes to seeing what the Isle of Man is really like, most local folk have either got their head up their own arse or their head in the sand.



..........you choose.

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News in seems boy hits girlfriend her brothers come to sort boy out he stabs the brothers, again another domestic stabbing.

As for who failed the little scroats they failed themselves, I bet there are others here like me who didnt have the best of upbringings yet managed to pull themselves up and get a couple of degrees without ever having drawn benifits or bleating on and expecting society to give them a living, if that isn't enough then it's the parents, society cannot be blamed for producing kids who think it is normal to steal. What is wrong with a little street punishment, seems when the PIRA used it in the 70's domestic theft, rape and joyriding fell dramatically. mind you the orthopedic medical teams got plenty of overtime and black and decker sales went up. theres a bonus in every situation.

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I'm sure we are at the next stage of evolution and a new sub-species has seperated from the herd (see Shannon Matthews' mother for an example).


Presumably the sub species will eventually die out as they stab each other to death of die of malnutrition after realising that they can't survive on a diet of Maccy D's and episodes of Jeremy Kyle.


Personally I can't wait

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Its about the individual making choices, not the parents, not the surroundings. If people need help making the right choices but at the same time they also choose to ignore the advice then there is knowone left to blame but themselves.


Wasters who will never amount to anything and all they will leave behind when they are gone is a prison statistic.

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Its about the individual making choices, not the parents,



but the individual needs to be educated by the parents as to what is acceptable. not ushered out to play and left to get into trouble with instinct taking over while the parents sit in watching corrie getting wasted. if someone does wrong and gets battered for it they will think twice about doing it again. if this happens as a nipper by the time you hit your teens you know the bounderies and that consequences exist. if your parents back up your delinquency and blame the people who you piss off for being there then you won't care about doing it again.

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Part of the problem is that there are no boundaries. There is no parent-to-child discipline.


Society is somewhat responsible in that people are far too dismissive of the actions of the youth today. Far too ready to put it down to anything as pathetic as 'they got nothing else to do'. There's no respect in schools, no respect to the public on the street. No one is able to offer punishment without it being deemed 'too harsh' and restricting their own human rights.


I firmly believe that if we want to deter these actions, we need to have punishments set in place which act as a deterent. Punishments that are harsh enough to bring justice to the crime.


It is becoming all too common an attitude that such attacks are 'to be expected' in our society. Well, they are not, and they shouldn't be. They should be a tragedy. An outrage. They who attack another in any way such as this need to be punished severly. One, to bring justice to the crime. Secondly, to deter others from like manner actions.


What punishment will these two receive? If any one person died as a result of this, and there was another murder, what then? In my opinion, an attack like this should be considered 'attempted murder' and the punishment should be as if murder had occured. After all, is this not like the case recently, only that that man died in hospital?


It is disgusting that the Island is in this position.

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I'm sure we are at the next stage of evolution and a new sub-species has seperated from the herd (see Shannon Matthews' mother for an example).


Presumably the sub species will eventually die out as they stab each other to death of die of malnutrition after realising that they can't survive on a diet of Maccy D's and episodes of Jeremy Kyle.


The problem there is that they breed an awful lot faster than we do.


It's either martial law within the lifetime of this generation, or we're all fucked.

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