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[BBC News] Pair held after double stabbing


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What punishment will these two receive? If any one person died as a result of this, and there was another murder, what then? In my opinion, an attack like this should be considered 'attempted murder' and the punishment should be as if murder had occured. After all, is this not like the case recently, only that that man died in hospital?


Thank you for your judgementalist irrelevant view. Again. Do you know what happened? No. You have no idea what led to these people being injured. Yet your straight here on your high horse making accusations.


Maybe if you were on the jury of this case and knew all the facts (instead of making half-arsed comments based on reading a brief news report) you might be better qualified to comment.


Never let the facts get in the way of a good rant.

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A few lessons I was taught when I first came here in the 1990s came flooding back:


Murders on the Isle of Man? One every 20 years, if that!!

Heroin on this Island - never, a bit of cannabis being smoked and maybe some speed. There'll never be heroin here !!!

Streets are crime free mate, you're absolutely safe at anytime of day or night !!!!!

You don't need to lock your car here lad! The Island is too small !!!!!!!

We never even lock our front door !!!!!!!!!


It continued ad nauseum. Well, for a couple of years anyway


Yes Nipper prior to the 1990's life was like that on the Isle of Man.


It seems to have gone downhill since you arrived.


Perhaps the areas in the UK that you have fond memories of being safe in have also declined.

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What punishment will these two receive? If any one person died as a result of this, and there was another murder, what then? In my opinion, an attack like this should be considered 'attempted murder' and the punishment should be as if murder had occured. After all, is this not like the case recently, only that that man died in hospital?


Thank you for your judgementalist irrelevant view. Again. Do you know what happened? No. You have no idea what led to these people being injured. Yet your straight here on your high horse making accusations.



hboy, what accusations have I made?


And how might I ask, are my comments any more "judgemental" and "irrelevant" than those of shoepatshoe or P.K?


Now take your average hoody wearing, track suit pants tucked into socks, hands down the front of his pants local 17 year old. He's completely unemployable, completely uneducated... But at least the little shit isn't allowed to smoke in there anymore - Ha, punishment at last you little weasel.


Unfortunately it's a scenario becoming all too depressingly familiar. Feral scrotes completely out of control, the result of useless parents..


It seems that you are demonstrating your double standards again. Despite shoepatshoe and P.K making (arguably) harsher comments than my own, you are apparently fine with them (as you haven't complained) but the minute I come along and say something similar... it's the whole 'you are so judgemental' scenario again.


hboy, while my comments may appear judgemental, I'm only voicing the opinion of many. Something needs to be done about these such problems and outbursts on this island. If that's judgemental, then so be it.

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Dan - hboy quoted the bit where you've made accusations and you've quoted it again yourself. Here it is -


"an attack like this should be considered 'attempted murder' and the punishment should be as if murder had occurred."


Your accusations are -


1. it was an attack, when for all we know it may have been in self defence

2. that there was an intention to inflict death

3. that it was premeditated since you wish to sentence them as if murder and not manslaughter, had happened.


In less than a sentence you've tried, convicted and sentenced them, decided that wasn't strong enough so you've convicted of a more serious offence and then upped the ante punished them as if they'd committed an even more severe crime. And yet all we know is that two people have been taken to hospital and two people have been arrested.

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The people who pass judgement and make policy with regard to the underclass do so based on their experiences of life

So they tend to come from a family which has some level of cohesion and cares about its members


They will also have had an education and an interest of the wider world trough travel, newspapers,Tv etc

The perpetrators of 80% of crime in the IOM are not like that

They are thick as shit, couldn't give a fuck about family members, have no sense of duty, loyalty, no work ethic, bad teeth, bad skin,etc.


Need I go on ?


If you want to deal with these people then you have to deal with them at their level, reform is not an option


The obvious answer (gassing them) got a bit of a bad name during the war years, so I have a suggestion for these more enlightened times:


Free heroin / crack cocaine plus sky tv all-channel subscription plus free council flat for life (short)


In exchange for sterilisation at puberty, how's that for an offer you can't refuse ?

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The people who pass judgement and make policy with regard to the underclass do so based on their experiences of life

So they tend to come from a family which has some level of cohesion and cares about its members


They will also have had an education and an interest of the wider world trough travel, newspapers,Tv etc

The perpetrators of 80% of crime in the IOM are not like that

They are thick as shit, couldn't give a fuck about family members, have no sense of duty, loyalty, no work ethic, bad teeth, bad skin,etc.


Need I go on ?


If you want to deal with these people then you have to deal with them at their level, reform is not an option


The obvious answer (gassing them) got a bit of a bad name during the war years, so I have a suggestion for these more enlightened times:


Free heroin / crack cocaine plus sky tv all-channel subscription plus free council flat for life (short)


In exchange for sterilisation at puberty, how's that for an offer you can't refuse ?


Ooh, and there's me thinking you were a libertarian.


Although your suggestion does have some attractions, I doubt the powers that be would go for it. However, I have to agree that there does seem to be an underbelly of society that doesn't think normal rules apply to them. It is not just here, it is in every 'prosperous' society. Life is too easy, people don't have to conform to society's norms to get what they want out of life, and no-one expects anyone to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.


Inside Out last night on BBC1 was interesting talking about the drug and gun culture in Liverpool. The last contributor (who himself I suspect came from the very social background that seems to be breeding the miscreants) argued that there were 7 and 8 year olds who in ten years would be gun toting, drug dealing yobs who would rule the streets. If they weren't shown a different route now , in his view, society would be in total freefall and he wouldn't want to go out of his house.


Well how about taking a radical view - unemployeds to be employed on civil capital projects, save us all a bit of money, give them something to do all day and a little more than their normal state benefit (sounds like slavery?, well that would be one word for it).


Stop state benefit for illegitimate children after the second; one is bad luck, two is careless.


Require all parents of teenagers 'on the radar' to sign for their conduct and risk losing any benefits they may be entitled to if the little chap errs.


Or just dismantle the whole welfare benefit system, it doesn't work, doesn't hit the people who really need it and allows perfectly capable and able people to live off the state for years, almost whole dynasties of spongers have been created.

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Dan - hboy quoted the bit where you've made accusations and you've quoted it again yourself. Here it is -


"an attack like this should be considered 'attempted murder' and the punishment should be as if murder had occurred."


Your accusations are -


1. it was an attack, when for all we know it may have been in self defence

2. that there was an intention to inflict death

3. that it was premeditated since you wish to sentence them as if murder and not manslaughter, had happened.


In less than a sentence you've tried, convicted and sentenced them, decided that wasn't strong enough so you've convicted of a more serious offence and then upped the ante punished them as if they'd committed an even more severe crime. And yet all we know is that two people have been taken to hospital and two people have been arrested.


Rubbish Declan.


So my accusation is that "it was an attack"??? What an accusation that was! Let's look at the news reports:


TWO males have been stabbed in Pulrose.

Police have confirmed they are investigating a 'serious assault' that occurred at a property in Oak Avenue in Lower Pulrose.


Two men were knifed in what police are calling a 'serious assault' in Oak Avenue.


Sounds to me like an attack. I don't think I'm making accusations here.


Similarily hboy has "accused" me of being judgemental. You have "accused" me of sentancing and convicting them.


I'm not making any accusations here. I'm reading the news reports and commenting on them.



The rest of my words there "should be considered 'attempted murder' and the punishment should be as if murder had occurred" were my opinion on how we should deal with crime. In my opinion, if you stab someone..... it should be considered 'attempted murder' and they should be tried accordingly. Too often, people die from such incidents and they get away with the simple excuse in court "oh, I didn't mean to kill him.... I only meant to stab him badly".


Once again Declan, I'm not making any accusations. Hboy simply has a problem with me when I post. My words are no more 'accusing' or judgemental than anyone elses here.


Simple example:


They are thick as shit, couldn't give a fuck about family members, have no sense of duty, loyalty, no work ethic, bad teeth, bad skin,etc.


To which you replied:


Where do I sign?


I think you'll find, that those comments (that you agree with) are more judgemental and accusative than mine.

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I think you'll find, that those comments (that you agree with) are more judgemental and accusative than mine.


Turn the record off you sad little man. We'll have another whole day of DJDan blah, blah, blah posts refuting what everone else categorically saw in his first post.

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What punishment will these two receive? If any one person died as a result of this, and there was another murder, what then? In my opinion, an attack like this should be considered 'attempted murder' and the punishment should be as if murder had occured. After all, is this not like the case recently, only that that man died in hospital?


Thank you for your judgementalist irrelevant view. Again. Do you know what happened? No. You have no idea what led to these people being injured. Yet your straight here on your high horse making accusations.


Maybe if you were on the jury of this case and knew all the facts (instead of making half-arsed comments based on reading a brief news report) you might be better qualified to comment.


Never let the facts get in the way of a good rant.



And yet there was this from hboy:


the police and courts do the square root of eff-all about it, which convinces the disgusting little shits that they can get away with anything


Quite right, you'll never stop all the shits stabbing over here. Its in the blood.




I'm judgemental for making "accusations"...?




What of yourself?


Basically, you've said that it is the "shits" that are the ones doing the stabbing! And because it is in the blood!!


So in this case, having "no idea what led to these people being injured" (your words), you are "straight here on your high horse making accusations" (your words), that the person who stabbed the two men was a "shit" and it was in his blood to do so.


But yet again, I'm the one being judgemental?


ah, nevermind.

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I think you'll find, that those comments (that you agree with) are more judgemental and accusative than mine.


Turn the record off you sad little man. We'll have another whole day of DJDan blah, blah, blah posts refuting what everone else categorically saw in his first post.


haha, whenever you cannot back up what you say... you turn to insults and that one liner. :D

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Basically, you've said that it is the "shits" that are the ones doing the stabbing! And because it is in the blood!!


It was a joke - a suggestion of shit-stabbling? Most everyone else picked it up. But not good old humourless you who wouldn't spot a (poor) attempt at a bumsex joke if it jumped up and hit him in the face.


I apologise for having to explain it: Define


Urban dictionary - shit stabber


Edited to add link to show your a complete arse

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Its about the individual making choices, not the parents,



but the individual needs to be educated by the parents as to what is acceptable. not ushered out to play and left to get into trouble with instinct taking over while the parents sit in watching corrie getting wasted. if someone does wrong and gets battered for it they will think twice about doing it again. if this happens as a nipper by the time you hit your teens you know the bounderies and that consequences exist. if your parents back up your delinquency and blame the people who you piss off for being there then you won't care about doing it again.



I was a twat when i was growing up, drugs, stealing cars, fighting ect. My parents taught me what was right and wrong and as far as they knew i was a model teenager. I made the choices to be an arse and it had nothing to do with my parents or my upbringing. I also made the desision to get a grip of my life and change, this also had nothing to do with my parents, i just didnt want to end up in prison with no prospects like the rest of my mates at the time.

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