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The Statement


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The illegal imigrants found at a well known Onchan Holiday resort during a raid by the Flying Squad are now on thier way home. The smuglers that were arrested have now been released and let off with a caution on the understanding that they escort the imigrants home. Its been reported that the illegal imigrants are now all in good health after the ordeal of being locked away in rusty old tool boxes for the last 12 months. As a going away present they were presented with a credit card each by the MEA to use as they like.



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After reviewing the last four pages of this thread I have a few coments to make


Ans - Ned has made various statements to both the press and radio and in Tynwald about the other side of the argument. In fact I am aware that the builders were on occasions refused the right of reply to the same. I know you will now say I dont listen to the radio or take any interest in political matters. Well if thats the case stay out of these issues.


I reiterate my comments to Observer no furter discussion should take place on this forum in regard to this sorry affair. As a born and bred manxman (yes I have four manx grandparents) all I want is justice either for Ned and his family or the taxpayers of the Isle of Man. A posting that slips through the Moderators net could be used by an eagle eyed lawyer to craete problems with any investigation or possible court action. So please be extremely careful with what you post or refrain totally from any comment until this whole matter is resolved.

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Why was the credit card thingy edited out


I see nothing about credit cards other than in your posts.


It was in a posting this Morning,so stop the bullxxxx with fcmr, your begining to look like a crawlybumlick sort of person. Its also been noticed that you are prepared to delete postings that dont suit you but wont delete reported postings by others, are you amoderator or dictator

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Billy - I'm cool with that, these types of people twist what people post. I think its all horrible - poor Ned and Julie and the other me thinks they should be hung - just for being ugly! :lol:


Oh your all upset about the Neds,why, hes still kept the cash, still getting paid as an MHK, he still delays the court proceedings. And the Poor Builders they are having a great time, not been paid, friends and workmates not been paid. lost thier businesses, sold property to pay of legal bills. get real Bees the only ones that have been hurt here is the workmen and families.

We dont see Ned rushing to get his case heard in court now do we, due in Court on Monday, but what does he do, xxxx off on a holiday.

I to am getting bored with this topic, but will still be interested untill the final outcome, so can someone speed thingds up.

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off thread a bit but that is an old old trick where the richie crawlers go on holiday in a court action


its happening all the time


you boys arnt the only ones thats geting stitched up on this island





theres more than you and that big painnter chap gettin it right now. Believe me


This Island is very corrupt now. very

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Forgive me but back to this four Manx Grandparent thing. If you had four Manx Grandparents wouldn't you be classed as a total and utter inbred.

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but wont delete reported postings by others


We get lots of reports and requests to remove posts. Some are removed, some are not. I had 34 emails today about reported posts, some were, some weren't. I even went to the trouble of contacting the Police to clarify some things.


I do apologise if you feel that you and your friends deserve special treatment but the report post function is a request, not a demand or instruction. Strangely enough, all moderators receive the request to remove posts, so the fact they remain would seem to indicate that none of the mods felt certain posts should be removed.


Cry me a river.

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This thread is damned good reading. I must say it has been well moderated.

Well done Observer and ans.


I just hope eventually the truth will really come out. For everyones benefit. Including Ned and wife and FCMR.


The matter is really complicated now and to be honest people are bored with it or just cannot understand it.


Blame for that is down to the "establishment".


You might think this is a bit daft but when I die I hope my generation does not pass on a legacy of such sh*te to my children and their fellows, that our generation has created due to incompetance, greed, stupidity, naivety, or whatever.

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