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The Statement


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Am I right in thinking that our elected representatives in their effort to restore a sense of integrity in the IoM ("in the best interests of the international reputation and stability of the government of the Isle of Man that there is a seamless transfer of power and Tynwald continues to operate the business of government without interruption") are throwing their weight behind an unelected politician i.e. Donald Gelling? Can someone explain to me how someone who is unelected by the electorate can become Chief Minister? Surely that is unconstitutional? Is it legal?


I may be way off the mark here so excuse my ignorance with regards to political protocol etc...

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If Mr Gelling is elected Chief Minister then by virtue of the fact he is a member of the Legislative Council he will not be able to sit in the House of keys and answer questions.


This is very convenient for him and others eh?


Just remember the Mount Murray report chastised Mr Gelling for his involvement.


It really is going from bad to worse.


And as Addie rightly infers as an MLC he is not answerable to the electorate. But those that are answerable are conveniently backing Mr Gelling for a difficult period of time so when the next general election comes they can all say "I was not involved"!!!!!


Tynwald now appears to be commencing a damage limitation exercise or rather a shafting of the people.


And under our non-democratic system you and I have no say whatsover until the next general Election when all files will have been shredded and the scandals forgotten.


And the people will vote the same sh*te in again because.."he is a nice man"


Jesus H Christ!


Is this the legacy we want to pass on to our children?


I cannot change it, I do not like it, but at least I can SCREAM about it.

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Just for info Marcus,


Despite all your concerns, the Pulrose estate is being rebuilt and many local authority homes are being refurbished. A plus to the Manx Government. Also we have no more than 7 itinerants on our streets and they exist because they have turned down the opportunity of free housing from the Manx DHSS.


Next time you visit the IOM perhaps you should take a stroll around and see that despite my criticism and that of others of the Manx Government it remains a fact that the Manx nation is doing a better job than what the two faced gobxxxxxs are doing in the British Labour Party under Smiley Blaire.


And please do not leave this forum despite your twice weekly bulletins.

You are liked in here man. Even though you and I probably drive ans up the wall!


If this forum looses controversial characters then it goes bland.




The dark one XX

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Carter and controversial just don't seem to sit too well together do they?


Remember a time when everyone called him a boring old fart?


Crack on guys but remember, we're watching you. ;)


Wow such power eh!


Pathetic remark and meaningless.


But true though.

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Marcus what are you going on about. what is this "social divide" of which you speak, as we have virtually nil unemployment theres no excuse for anyone to be skint anyway.

A mate of mine has just got a council house in Pully, reckon he would be pretty pissed off to see you saying we should feel sorry for the poor little people living there blah blah. He for one is well chuffed about his cheap rent and glad he's not going to have to carry on paying private rent. If you're writing from England maybe you should have a look at all the tramps living on the streets and clogging up the soup kitchens before you come here going on about Our social divide.


Kite you do have a social divide, do you think your low taxes are of benefit to those on low incomes or disability benefits?


Yes its great to see the improvements in the Pulrose estate, but my they are hardly rushing are they?


I have been in many of your commisioners houses all over the island, many lack central heating double glazing etc.

Its great your mate has found a place, but i never said anything about feeling sorry.

I'm sorry but many of you do take the xxxx out of Janets corner, jurby etc.


All i'm trying to say is with all the wealth on the island, the least the goverment could do is look after its own.

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I suppose it is quite natural considereing my views but, i liked Carter and 'if' Shamus is he, shhhhhhh then or the formun police might notice, but in the real world................erm? there is one??? soooo drinkersderd - I nearly went to Colours.......fooooook I must be reallly reallly drinksked out maaaaaaan! Love you all


xx :ban::xmas:

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marcus is (or was) Carter.


shamus is (or was) vader.


Hope that clears things up for you bees. :)


P.S. I used to be F_One_Man / Mr. Pedantic / Emoticon and about a hundred others too.


Just ask if you're unsure of anything else hun.

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