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Chief Minister stands down for 'integrity of Island'


It's an historic moment in the Isle of Man, the Chief Minister has announced his resignation after being arrested last night.


Richard Corkill is currently on Police Bail in connection with allegations over tourism grants paid to him and his wife.


Mr. Corkill says he's decided to step down 'to safeguard the integrity of the office of Chief Minister of the Isle of Man.'


He believes an important factor in his decision was the prolonged public pressure that his family was enduring while the Ballacain Cottage allegations were investigated.


He goes on to say his decision does not mean that allegations have any more substance that they had before...and remains confident that due process will confirm his innocence.


Mr. Corkill thanks his office and says it's been a privilege to serve as the Chief Minister...he wishes he's successor (who is yet unknown) the best of luck.

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Gelling approached to take the helm again


Mr Corkill's predecessor as the Island's Chief Minister - Donald Gelling - has confirmed to Manx Radio he has been approached by several members of Tynwald to allow his name to go forward to take the helm once again.


Mr Gelling says the time frame doesn't allow him long to think about his position and he wishes to make no further comment while he consults with his family.

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the prolonged public pressure that his family was enduring while the Ballacain Cottage allegations were investigated.
Errrrr, hello?

Who chose to drag it out? Most of those aware of the situation would have been happy for a swift conclusion.

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Thanks F*** hopefully we can have something else to talk about... but I imagine the bloodthirsty amongst us will be anticipating what criminal charges if any there will be and if so the outcome of a possibly forthcoming criminal trial.

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Gelling approached to take the helm again 


Mr Corkill's predecessor as the Island's Chief Minister - Donald Gelling - has confirmed to Manx Radio he has been approached by several members of Tynwald to allow his name to go forward to take the helm once again.


Mr Gelling says the time frame doesn't allow him long to think about his position and he wishes to make no further comment while he consults with his family.


I can’t see how appointing ‘one of the gang’ will address the shortcomings & inadequacies of our current political system.


Wouldn't it be better for the Island to move forward rather than backward?

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Now wouldn't it have just read so much better for the Isle of Man if he had stepped down several months ago BEFORE the dramatic arrest? The arrest element is what particularly makes the story and sadly that could have been avoided if he had previously had the decency and dignity to do it earlier. It wouldn't have got half the amount of coverage or drawn even half as much attention. Damned annoying if you ask me.


Edited to add: I also think some responsibilty rests with the rest of our government appointed officials who should have recognised where this was going and who should have been relentless in their pressure to see the right course of action taken.

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Well said.


Hindsight is indeed crystal clear.


I believe the CM has now set an example. The teflon coated umbrella of numero uno on the island has been removed.


There are other powerful people - not politicians - who swagger about our Island believing themselves to be immune from having their dodgy dealings found out. They are worried just now.


What they got up to may have been ok yesterday - but it ain't today.

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Now wouldn't it have just read so much better for the Isle of Man if he had stepped down several months ago BEFORE the dramatic arrest? The arrest element is what particularly makes the story and sadly that could have been avoided if he had previously had the decency and dignity to do it earlier. It wouldn't have got half the amount of coverage or drawn even half as much attention. Damned annoying if you ask me.


Edited to add: I also think some responsibilty rests with the rest of our government appointed officials who should have recognised where this was going and who should have been relentless in their pressure to see the right course of action taken.


Well said! The voice of reason and common sense.

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Rumour has it, some chap by the name of ' Carter' is to take the bull by the horns, and give the job a bit of a bash.


This must be killing poor old Vader...what happened to the dear chap?


The CM, Richard Corkhill that is, should have fallen on his sword many moons ago, simply for sporting that horrendous 'upper lip carpet'


Chaps in an 80's time warp.

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