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Last Financial Center On Earth


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The Isle of Man is the last financial centre on earth most accountants want to relocate to, according to a specialist website.

Full article at http://www.manxradio.com/readNEwsItem.aspx?id=19010


That would explain all the vacancies.

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Yes I know what you mean. On a side issue, I know a couple of people who have voted with their feet for warmer and more remunerative climes. One told me he did so as he was fed up taking on loads of extra work as the company he was at just couldn't get any new people. He didn't mind covering for a time but they just didn't pay him accordingly when it became clear they weren't recruiting anyone. Another one went on a contract to BVI and has put his house here on the market and is staying out there.

Can't blame them.

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I take surveys like this with a pinch of salt. Plus, if you dig a bit deeper you'll see they only questioned 142 job seekers.


If given a wish list, naturally people are going to put Dubai, New York and Sydney first - Duh! Their next survey might as well be 'Do you want to win the lottery?' or 'Do you not want to win the lottery?'.


Lots of people in the UK and much further afield don't even know where the Isle of Man is - in my experience abroad, if you were to ask 142 foreigners probably only about 10% would know.

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I don't think that this state of affairs is completely unique to the financial industry. It is also affecting the construction industry, especially on the engineering side of things. I had just left a firm because they couldn't find an engineer to come over and take over the running of the office. The professionals are being put off by the percieved high cost of living here, especially given the montrous house prices, fuel costs, and now the cost of basic goods such as bread and milk. Also, alot of the companys are basically being held to ransom by prospective employess as there is such a labour shortage at that end of the market.

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