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The Coral Accoustic - 6th June 2008


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Hello :cool:


I see that 'The Coral' are playing a the Villa Marina on 6th June 2008 ( senior race day night ) and i'm interested in going to see them.


I went to see the Coral at the Villa a couple of years ago, which was a great night, but i was a bit worse for wear and things are a bit vague.


Anyway, i'm up for seeing them again.


I see from the Villa website that the gig is listed as ' The Coral Accoustic ' and I wondered if anyone could tell me what the 'Accoutic' bit was ?




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yeah, I got that bit.


What I was trying to find out was if the gig the Coral did a few years ago at the Villa would be termed ' an accoustic set ' ?? and would the gig of 6/6/08 be similar ??

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yeah, I got that bit.


What I was trying to find out was if the gig the Coral did a few years ago at the Villa would be termed ' an accoustic set ' ?? and would the gig of 6/6/08 be similar ??


Coral - Acoustic:

Coral - non-acoustic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsTlFjBqhZo


I'll ask the GF tonight as she was there, but I'm 95% the last gig here was non-acoustic.

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The last gig was non-acoustic and it was also shit. They seemed to be using their own equipment and the sound was terrible from anywhere except the very back of the hall (Perhaps this is why they've decided to do an acoustic set?). The lead singer got a bit shirty that the majority of the people there didn't know any tracks apart from the ones they released, in fact he came across as a complete dick.


One of the other guys started introducing the songs in the end because the singer had got himself into a right strop over it all. Credit to them though i don't think they cut it short.


It was a shame really because i don't mind the Coral's music but i'd never go to see them again.

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