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Yeah Blue, seen this on the news this morning.....what a fuckin joke! :angry: With all the other problems going on in the world you would think that people had better things to do with their time than stitch up some hard-working bloke. Whatever moron in his council authorised that should be taken out the back and given a good beating, and then made to pay for the privilage....that kinda thing makes me sooo mad aaarggh!

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It's good to see that this is being done by 'public' servants. I wonder what the carbon footprint of all this snooping amounts to?


And the pollies wonder why people are disillusioned. Will they introduce similar fines for all the waste paper generated by governments?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yet another waste miscreant is found!

Shame on you very old person!

If it wasn't so f*cking pathetic it would be funny.


At least they have a 'team' of people who will come round and explain to you what to do with your rubbish - what a wonderful employment idea - at no cost to the ratepayer I assume - paid for with the fines????


Am in New Zealand at the moment - add this to the crazies...the Auckland City Council have a Marketing Department for parking infingements and they have now come up with the idea of equipping their Parking Wardens (or is that stationery vehicle awareness officepersons?) with those Segway electric mobility machines...to help them get around - seems they are having problems with feet and legs.


Kafka come back - all is forgiven.

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