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[BBC News] New MLC wants fresh voting system


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[bBC News] New MLC wants fresh voting system . . . . .


Oh, and the man doesn't want added flouride in the water.


Amazing isn't it. Someone who hasn't been on the ego boosting gravy train can come in and talk sense, even have a feeling about what the electorate want our Government to do (or NOT to do) for us.

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[bBC News] New MLC wants fresh voting system . . . . .


Oh, and the man doesn't want added flouride in the water.


Amazing isn't it. Someone who hasn't been on the ego boosting gravy train can come in and talk sense, even have a feeling about what the electorate want our Government to do (or NOT to do) for us.




You != The Entire Electorate

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Well, looks like you've given me a bit of an "in " there, ans.


Mmmh, I think that there is more than nippity nip doesn't want flouride added to the water


My mind was quite open on this flouride matter and coming from a more or less scientific background was keen to learn more of what it was all about when I went to the meeting at the Loch Promenade Methodist Church.


Arguments were presented on both 'sides'. A vote was asked and out of approximately 120 people there were 3 (Minister and his 2 medic pals I think) said "Aye" the rest said "No. No, no, no".


So, yes, on this matter it is fair to say that Davis Callister has an opinion on a mater that (largely) complies with what the electorate want.


I'd put my left knacker on that.

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Wait a minute, you went to a meeting organised by an anti fluoridation group and because the majority of the attendees were (gasp) anti fluoridation, you have extrapolated this into assuming that the vast majority of the population agree?


You need to revise your sample set before making such wild assumptions.

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Wait a minute, you went to a meeting organised by an anti fluoridation group and because the majority of the attendees were (gasp) anti fluoridation, you have extrapolated this into assuming that the vast majority of the population agree?


You need to revise your sample set before making such wild assumptions.


What makes you 'assume' that the vast majority of attendees were anti-fluoridation? Were you there, did you ask everyone their position on the issue?

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Wait a minute, you went to a meeting organised by an anti fluoridation group and because the majority of the attendees were (gasp) anti fluoridation, you have extrapolated this into assuming that the vast majority of the population agree?


You need to revise your sample set before making such wild assumptions.


Other than Government ministers and their senior employees, I have never met anybody who has an opinion that we should flouridate the water. Perhaps I should get out more.


But I see what you mean.


Mind you, I never ever, ever, met anybody who thought that 16 year olds should get the vote but our government bent over backwards to give it. What's that got to do with it? Probably not a lot but there is a logic there somewhere. I think.




I wonder how many MHKs would be elected on a pro-flouride stance?


If flouridation gets pushed through, I wonder how many pro-flouride MHKs will be returned in 4 years time? Somehow I don't think we'll get to know.

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@ saveourwater:


Had a look around your site. You need to get your petition out in the spotlight more - using a guestbook for that is rubbish. Use a proper site for it and link to it from yours - www.petitiononline.com works well. Once you've got it set up, do a proper media round. Journos are always looking for a nice story - pm/email Stu, papers, prepare a press release calling on people to sign, etc. If I've seen that right, then there's only 22 people signed up against it until now - that ain't gonna move much (unless I've missed something somewhere..)

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The latest member to be voted onto the Isle of Man Legislative Council says change is on his agenda.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7362956.stm


A democratically elected upper chamber - they will be shaking in their boots in Westminster and in Dail Eireann. The right of 'political gift' is a useful weapon of persuasion for political leaders - anachy could occur if the mass unwashed elected upper house members.


How effective is fluoride toothpaste? If it is any good this might be the 'middle ground' - don't put in the drinking water but on your toothbrush if you believe it is good for you.

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Wait a minute, you went to a meeting organised by an anti fluoridation group and because the majority of the attendees were (gasp) anti fluoridation, you have extrapolated this into assuming that the vast majority of the population agree?


You need to revise your sample set before making such wild assumptions.


What makes you 'assume' that the vast majority of attendees were anti-fluoridation? Were you there, did you ask everyone their position on the issue?


I'm not assuming anything. Apparently there was a vote.

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@ saveourwater:


Had a look around your site. You need to get your petition out in the spotlight more - using a guestbook for that is rubbish. Use a proper site for it and link to it from yours - www.petitiononline.com works well. Once you've got it set up, do a proper media round. Journos are always looking for a nice story - pm/email Stu, papers, prepare a press release calling on people to sign, etc. If I've seen that right, then there's only 22 people signed up against it until now - that ain't gonna move much (unless I've missed something somewhere..)


Thanks for the comment Amadeus but I think what you have been 'looking at' is our 'Guest Book', there is no way you can have seen how many signatures we have on our petition. 'Guest book' = 22 or so yes, but 'Petition' many, many ,many, many more!


The site that held the petition is a lot older than the newer site, so we linked to it when we created the new site. Anyway, since when did the government listen to petitions? Incinerator anyone?

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