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[BBC News] New MLC wants fresh voting system


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I'm not assuming anything. Apparently there was a vote.


Yes, you are assuming.


The vote was held 'after' both presentations were made to the audience.


For your information we invited every GP, every dentist and every hygienist on the Island to attend the meeting - hell we even reserved the first front 5 rows for their pleasure. We also invited 'every' group of Comissioners and their Town Clerk (2 seats per set) and held seats for them in the front 5 rows along with 'all' the dentists, hygienists and GP's etc. We even invited 'all' the Parish Captains to the party and 'all' the MHK's and 'all' MLC's and reserved seats for them too - and guess what?, many of them turned up and took their reserved seats and listened to both sides of the debate and made their minds up for themselves.


Despite all this we still stand accused of somehow 'rigging' the meetings. This is a joke, the DHSS paid for adverts in all 3 newspapers to advertise the meeting, and we personally invited all the so called 'hostile' audienece to the meeting yet still get accused of filling the hall with anti-fluoridationists.


The truth however remains, since the inception of the DHSS campaign to fluoridate the Manx water supply some 5 years ago (May 2003) they have not yet won a single round of the fight. Not a single debate, not a single Mannin Line, not a single public meeting nor any other form of public opinion poll. Yet despite this vehement opposition to their plan they persist in their waste of public funds in pursuit of their goal.


The only people demanding fluoridation of YOUR water supply emanate from the DHSS, and they continuously dismiss any adverse effects of fluoridation as minor and cosmetic – despite the growing evidence to the contrary.


The random poll of 1,000 people will be taken next week via the telephone and then the DHSS will pull the shutters down on the whole exercise. Consultation over - no more public meetings – no more embarrassing defeats for the DHSS. Will the real truth of what has happened over the past 5 years ever come out though – I doubt it very much!

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I seem to have stumbled upon a fluoridation thread whilst looking for debate on our new MLC


I am with the majority of the public in being totally ignorant as to the pros & cons of the issue, but surely if putting stuff in the water supply to stop tooth decay was effective, wouldn't all the dentists be out on strike ?

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..but surely if putting stuff in the water supply to stop tooth decay was effective, wouldn't all the dentists be out on strike ?


Why? It's not as if they appear to want Joe Public to come and see them on a regular basis (i.e.NHS), they only want the people willing to fork out for their charges or DenPlan etc.

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