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Mr Peters could you let us know about your professional background.

I understood you were in the media before moving to the island, but it was more to do with film/corporate video work.

1 Are you a trained radio journalist?

2 If not have you been sent on any courses?

3 How much input do you give to Mandate?

4 Did you really think yesterdays programme was good under the circumstances?


What's this? a job interview....


...give the guy a break. He has the decency to come on here and and put forward his own views without even hding behind a username like the majority of us. He has given you his side of events, if you have further questions direct them to the station itself.

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Mr Peters could you let us know about your professional background.

I understood you were in the media before moving to the island, but it was more to do with film/corporate video work.

1 Are you a trained radio journalist?

2 If not have you been sent on any courses?

3 How much input do you give to Mandate?

4 Did you really think yesterdays programme was good under the circumstances?



Dear sam-iom: I could, but I won't. There's enough info on the Manx Radio website about my background, and I've already answered the question posed about yesterday's Mandate and the chronological order of things.


Couple of clues though, before you elect me President For Life: I've got an O'level in woodwork and drove a taxi round Douglas a few years ago.


Barby: Hell yes! Will resist any comment on pearls...

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Ans can be my consiglieri


Blimey, I actually had to look that up.


1 entry found for consiglieri.
con·si·glie·re    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (kns-lyr)
n. pl. con·si·glie·ri (-r)

   An adviser or counselor, especially to a capo or leader of an organized crime syndicate.


Seems apt.

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I heard today's Mannin Line with Roger Watterson.


He seems rather fixated on the idea that the Guardian newspaper is anti - IOM. He seemed to be extrapolating this view from his experience of once meeting some particular Guardian journalist in London. He doesn't seem to realise that all of the serious (hmmm) UK newspapers (including the Times and the Telegraph) have been reporting the recent issues -> and as connected issues.


Someone show him the article from Saturday's Times. It isn't just the soft left wing press which is raising questions.


[Perhaps the Manx Radio newsroom needs to get on to which ever company provides them with their press/media clipping service.]


I wonder when the island will next feature in Private Eye. We had regular columns there back in the 1970s and early 1980s.


PS - I had the impression that I could hear him sighing and grunting in the background whilst his callers were talking. It sounded, at times, almost as if he couldn't quite be bothered.

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Anyone see the BBC's Politics Show today?


Didn't paint a very rosy picture. Just as well really cause there ain't one to paint.


IOM constitutional crisis


Constitutional crisis looms

The Isle of Man has been plunged into a constitutional crisis after the resignation of the Chief Minister Richard Corkhill.


Mr Corkhill and his wife have been arrested following allegations of corruption connected with grants paid to them paid to them by the Department of Tourism and Leisure.


They have now been released on police bail.


Gill Dummigan reports from the Isle of Man on the latest developments and we talk about the implications with a studio panel.


Politics Show North West with Jim Hancock and Gill Dummigan.



The latest programme can be downloaded from here (needs realplayer).



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Blimey, I actually had to look that up.


The only person on the planet who didn't watch the Godfather then.


IOM constitutional crisis


Constitutional crisis looms ... Richard Corkhill.


Mr Corkhill and his wife ...


Gill Dummigan reports from the Isle of Man on the latest developments and we talk about the implications with a studio panel.


Politics Show North West with Jim Hancock and Gill Dummigan.

Or is that John Allcock and Bill Dummygan?


And just in case, whilst you and your flannel are talking and implicating and you're not sure where (or what) you're talking about, this isn't the Isle of Wight.


Get things right. What is wrong with these people?


Edit to add


Sorry, Simon said

PS - I had the impression that I could hear him (Roger Watterson) sighing and grunting in the background whilst his callers were talking

He does that every week. Puffing, panting, sighing, grunting and shuffling papers. Used to work with an elderly chap like that, drove us all nuts :-)

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He does that every week. Puffing, panting, sighing, grunting and shuffling papers. Used to work with an elderly chap like that, drove us all nuts :-)
Doesn't make for serious sounding modern current - affairs radio.


EDIT: Alistair Cooke made an art of the long breathy sigh. But Roger Waterson is no Alistair Cooke.


I heard him interviewing a panel of 3 ex MHKs immediately before 'Mannin Line'. He sounded rather world weary and slightly out of touch. At no point did he force any answers.


Towards the end of the panel interview, he started babbling on, slightly incoherently, about "Polish builders" and foreign workers. His definition of "foreign" seemed basically to relate only to people who look or seem foreign. It seemed like he was essentially questioning the presence, here, of people who immediately look different.


I could just about imagine that he was trying to express what a few elderly local people might wonder. But his questions were very badly expressed and he just sounded rather stupid and embarrassing. It was as if he hadn't really thought through what he was trying to ask and was making it up. His questions remained un answered and none of the panel challenged his idiotic use of language.


Maybe they should give the slot to someone with slightly more gravitas. Someone who would make the programme into essential listening.


Perhaps Manx Radio needs a 'night of the long knives' - when Allan Partridge / Hairy Cornflake / Smashie and Nicie would be replaced by people with a serious journalistic background and intent.

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I knew it was on today but forgot. Typical!

YOU FORGOT!? How could you! (probably doing something far more interesting)


Mission,Dec 5 2004, 07:21 PM

I missed the first 5 minutes of it which must have been when they covered the Isle of Man.quote]

Callers were blocking the 'phone lines. Never encountered such a motly crew queue since I visited Stav's bogof night on the kebab stall.

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