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Maybe they should give the slot to someone with slightly more gravitas. Someone who would make the programme into essential listening.


Perhaps Manx Radio needs a 'night of the long knives' -  when Allan Partridge / Hairy Cornflake / Smashie and Nicie would be replaced by people with a serious journalistic background and intent.


Simon - just as I was warming to you, you choose to have a pop at one of my esteemed colleagues - who I should add built a career working with the BBC (Radio 4, World Service etc) before coming back to Manx Radio. The way that he and David Callister pushed Allan Bell LAST week on the same programme was compulsive listening!


What's on your CV that gives you the credibility to make such bloody sanctimonious and patronising statements? Or were you turned down for a job on The Hill? I guess it's easy to fire bullets from behind an armoured nom de plume.


We WELCOME constructive criticism - I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating. What grates though are specious potshots and unfair comparisons.


And to your final point - staffing the station as you suggest would cost you a damn sight more than the 20p a week you currently contribute. Paxman and Steve Wright are no doubt available - but would YOU be prepared to pay for them?


I had a day off on Friday and listened to ALL our local radio stations as a punter - and after a few hours was bloody proud to work for Manx Radio. The others do a fine job, but I got a real buzz from listening to Manx.



Addie: You got me. Don't tell Ans though. Maybe instead of President For Life I can just be Capo Di Tutti Capo....



Bugger - can't work the quote thingy...doh - you get the idea!

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Simon - just as I was warming to you, you choose to have a pop at one of my esteemed colleagues - who I should add built a career working with the BBC (Radio 4, World Service etc) before coming back to Manx Radio. The way that he and David Callister pushed Allan Bell LAST week on the same programme was compulsive listening!


What's on your CV that gives you the credibility to make such bloody sanctimonious and patronising statements? Or were you turned down for a job on The Hill? I guess it's easy to fire bullets from behind an armoured nom de plume.


We WELCOME constructive criticism - I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating. What grates though are specious potshots and unfair comparisons.


And to your final point - staffing the station as you suggest would cost you a damn sight more than the 20p a week you currently contribute. Paxman and Steve Wright are no doubt available - but would YOU be prepared to pay for them?


I had a day off on Friday and listened to ALL our local radio stations as a punter - and after a few hours was bloody proud to work for Manx Radio. The others do a fine job, but I got a real buzz from listening to Manx.



Addie: You got me. Don't tell Ans though. Maybe instead of President For Life I can just be Capo Di Tutti Capo....

Stu: I've described my criticism fairly exactly. I could go into more detail but I was trying to be succinct. I've written some of what I thought was wrong with the Roger Waterson programme (2 posts). My opinion is that it wasn't anywhere near good enough.


But it's only my point of view. Obviously the point of a forum is that you can counter the point of view with a constructive counter commentary.


I'm not convinced that my background is relevant. Surely it would be best to stick to the issues before we start swapping cvs.


EDIT: btw - what Hill?

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On many of the statements you have made I agree and I certainly would state that Manx Radio is certainly now fulfilling its role as a Local Station covering many and varied aspects of Life on the Isle of Man. This is not ideal for me as when at work it is a lot easier to listen to a station that is predominantly music so you are concentrating on what your doing rather than an in depth discussion on the radio.


In regards to your coverage last week of probably what has been one of the biggest News Stories to hit the Island for a while I was impressed and thought the interview with John Wright put everything into perspective.


Sorry to ruin the praise above but I thought the way the manninline was handled today by Mr Watterson was below par. Firstly and not his fault the length of programme bearing in mind last weeks events was far too short. I felt that the way he dealt with certain callers was unfair and I thougt he expressed his own views (I assume not the policy of Manx Radio on certain topics) was to forceful. He certainly came over with in my opinion a very blinkered view of the Island. No corruption and if there is keep it quiet. OK he said we shouldnt wash our dirty linen in public. (This was in relation to the Gaurdians reporting of the Island)

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You're right Simon - the forum is all about free speech. So I don't usually bite when people complain about most things or comment on what we do.


The relevance of your background is that from your posts I assume you're involved in the media - and if so MUST understand more than the 'man in the street' the challenges of constantly striving to do your best to a tight deadline and within a modest budget. For example, I wouldn't dream of comparing the Examiner with The Times... they do a different job with vastly different resources.


Or maybe I've got PMT or something...


The Hill = Douglas Head.

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Another interesting point that Billy raised...sorry but I can't respond about today's programme as it was someone else doing it, and I only heard the occasional bit!


When I was doing the weekday Mannin Line, I'd try to engage the caller and get a bit of dicussion and debate going, rather than just let people on to spout their favourite rant. A couple of them objected and reminded me that my job was to listen and not question, but many more prople told me they preferred it that the presenter had a voice too - but maybe they were telling me what they thought I wanted to hear?


Personally, I think that as long as the presenter strives for balance (my views on the proposed all-island speed limit were always balanced by at least as many minutes of people supporting the plan) it's much better radio. But I'd welcome a discussion here on it.

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Stu: I hear you.


But Roger was rambling on Sunday and that isn't about money.


He should have known about the Times article. The news team should have given him a copy if he hadn't seen it. And if the news team hadn't seen it - then Manx Radio needs to get a better media cuttings service. Or, at least, employ a couple of multilingual interns to daily go through the national and european papers and find out what people are saying about the island. Especially when we are in the news.


Don't all of the programme makers currently get a press cuttings pack each day? We get far too many UK national items which are based only on PR company advertising surveys.


Quotes from the Times article should have made the Manx Radio news this weekend. The quote about Allan Bell and his "sweater shop" deserved airing for its simple comedy value. Local reaction to the article would have also been worth hearing. Roger could have been asking his pre 'Mannin Line' guests for their reaction to the article. Given the nature of the panel interview, it would have provided a useful and intelligent focus for the item. And the item certainly lacked focus.


The Times article, right or wrong, was the most comprehensive of the recent crop of articles.


It was news that we were in the news. And it should have been reported. Discussion would have been interesting.




IMO it's not about money - it's about how Manx Radio chooses to spend the money and organise the workload. 3FM and Energy are doing music between them. Manx Radio no longer has any need to compete on that level and should be spending the budget on better local current affairs. There really isn't any need to spend any of the budget on deejays.


Hence my call for a 'night of the long knives'. First you get rid of the deejays. Then you weed and replace, where necessary, the news and current affairs team - gradually replacing them with bright people who don't get their words wrong and who have some attitude. It should be a place where people make their careers - rather than being a retirement home for people who are winding down.


The only people who aren't doing news should be doing local arts / language / history. **IMO**.


And I'd promote the women who work on the station. Give the Sunday current affairs slot to one of the women. Make it longer. Start each day with a longer magazine style news programme. Maybe have two presenters: perhaps an older tough cop and a younger soft cop. Or vice versa.


But start by sacking the deejays.


EDIT: I thought that you did the 'Mannin Line' well, btw. I also think that you deserve respect for even responding to these threads in such an upbeat and generally positive manner. Even when provoked :)

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I just thought Roger Watterson was having an off-day. But faced with the 3 dead-beats dragged up for whatever his programme is now called, I'd have heaved heavy sighs too.


I still think that the most important attribute for a MR presenter is a MANX ACCENT (given that they have the obvious skills required for the job).

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If you read the National press this week you will see details of an employment opportunity within the station for a Programming Director.

Perhaps Simon , you would apply at which time you can explain how you have become an expert in "Local Sound Broadcasting" as you don't seem to want to here.

You never know, you may even get the job at which time you can " sack all the deejays" and read and listen to a minority of people who clearly don't understand the full picture.

Please read and digest what Stuart has written because he is right.

Incidentally I don't take any of your criticisms personally which is something bearing in mind if you were to be succesful in your application.Just think, the first "deejay" you could "sack" would be me.


Chris Williams

Acting Programme Director.

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Perhaps Simon , you would apply at which time you can explain how you have become an expert in "Local Sound Broadcasting" as you don't seem to want to here.


Do you respond to all your listeners who offer you lengthy and well thought out constructive criticism in this patronising fashion?

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Perhaps Simon , you would apply at which time you can explain how you have become an expert in "Local Sound Broadcasting" as you don't seem to want to here.


Do you respond to all your listeners who offer you lengthy and well thought out constructive criticism in this patronising fashion?


It's not the first time - http://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php...indpost&p=23881

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