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Even more press releases in to-day's lunch-time business news - un-employment figures a press release- VLM - a press release.


That's all the main "business" guy seems to be able to deal with - the other two younger sounding guys always have very interesting stories - i.e. there was a good business interview this morning all abouty the IOM's new agreements - but did it get air time when the old guy was in at lunch-time ? No.


That older guy just waffles on and on and on - and it all sounds unscripted, just as though he 's just making it up as he goes along. Does anyone else agree?


Perhaps they MR could save even more money by putting the older guy out to pasture and leaving the business news to the two younger guys who both seem keen to get real stories on air.


Perhaps the saving will help reduce the loss - Part of the reduction in the losses must be because Andy Wint didn't get his contract renewed to do "Sounds of the 60's" as Chris Williams is now doing something similar. So - a big saving of a five figure sum (i.e over £10,000 but not £20,000).

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The real purpose of a press release obviously escapes us all then - we thought it was sometimes information our listeners might find of interest!


Are you a troll? A disgruntled ex-employee? The sacked President of the John Moss fan club?


As a would-be investigative hack, I'd love to know, and as someone who believes in transparency, I'm sure you'd love to tell us all!

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Good advice probably. Thank you.


It's just so easy to bite when someone has a pop at your workmates. I promise to try harder not to rise to it in future.


...and rest....

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Manx Radio's news page today suggests the BBC is committed to providing better local news coverage for the Island. If this really happens will we be paying twice for a similar service, firstly in the BBC licence fee and secondly as taxpayers funding a large proportion of Manx Radio? I suggest we cease the payments to Manx Radio and use the taxpayers money saved to buy 'free' BBC licenses for all residents.

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Questions, questions.


Logic, logic.


Try putting these to YOUR HMKs.





(Ha ha, haaa, haaa, ha, ha, hjrr, hrrr, haaaa, haaaa, ha, hrrrr, hrrr,)

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I see Stu Peters claims he's a would be "investigative hack".


I believe what Iliam was saying was surely John Moss, who is the Business News Editor at MR, is the professional investigative hack and so should be sourcing and getting hot news stories, not relying on press releases. If you just read press releases then surely your just a reporter and should be paid the commensurate rate?


Also, if you just read a press releases then its just an organisations spin on a situation and is tantamount to free advertising. God only knows how much free press releases John Moss reads out - probably enough if they were paid for to bring MR back into profit - particularly as they are in they are, in the main, from finance sector rich businesses.


The guy Illiam had some genuine points - I did an exchange of e-mails with him - he didn't work there but says he has a "sweet bird" as a source.


There were some threads he started that disappeared almost as quick as they went on - probably a big stick being waved at the moderators by MR trying to keep its image clean ahead of the Tywald debate the other day.


Anyhow just how much does the Manx Radio MD get paid ? How much does the guy brought in as the supposed Commercial Director get paid ? As directors who decides their pay?


In the Tynwald debate the other day a pay rise figure at Manx Radio of 3.8% was referred to.


Did all the staff get that 3.8% rate or did the chosen few get more and others less or even nothing at all? Moreover how much of a pay rise did the MD and Commercial Director get??


If we have open Government and any freedom of information then the taxpayers should be told - perhaps someone from the Tynwald club can get the information by asking questions at the next sitting - be bold be brave and lets see if the taxpayers are getting value for money - or whether the MR management is getting fat from taxpayer subsidies.


Stu Peters generally does a good job but should stay clear of becoming the self appointed staff spokesperson - if there is critism then surely they are all adult enough up there to be able to respond themsleves, particularly John Moss and the MD and Commercial Director. Or take it if he/or whoever doesn't then its probably true!!


Stifling threads and criticism is just a short step from totalitarian control - then again maybe if the Beeb are monitoring Manx Radio related stories then the MR "management" are probably out to keep anything adverse off the forum and keep it buried:-(

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Personally, I don't give a toss how much anyone at Manx Radio is paid - and I think that's probably true of most people on the island. As for our (taxpayers) contribution towards running a station that combines public service with commercial revenue, it's pretty minimal compared with some of the other things that the government wastes money on.

As for press releases, they're either the initiation of a story or the confirmation of it and, in most cases, comprise an essential element of the news - and they're usually followed up later with interviews, opinions etc.

I have no connection with it, and don't intend becoming an apologist for MR; the station has it's faults but generally does a reasonable job of keeping us informed about local happenings and these kind of pathetic rants do absolutely nothing to make me think that the contributors have any real knowledge on the subject they're so keen to pontificate upon.

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The guy Illiam had some genuine points - I did an exchange of e-mails with him - he didn't work there but says he has a "sweet bird" as a source.


But then he WOULD say that, wouldn't he?


There were some threads he started that disappeared almost as quick as they went on - probably a big stick being waved at the moderators by MR trying to keep its image clean ahead of the Tywald debate the other day.


Nope, I reported the thread as being probably libellous. No big sticks or demands.


Anyhow just how much does the Manx Radio MD get paid ? How much does the guy brought in as the supposed Commercial Director get paid ? As directors who decides their pay?


Why 'supposed'? That's his title, and that's what he does, in my opinion very well.


Stu Peters generally does a good job but should stay clear of becoming the self appointed staff spokesperson - if there is critism then surely they are all adult enough up there to be able to respond themsleves, particularly John Moss and the MD and Commercial Director. Or take it if he/or whoever doesn't then its probably true!!


You're right...so I'll stop posting for a while. The others probably don't because they would find posts like this deeply offensive and refuse to respond to anonymous sock puppets.


Stifling threads and criticism is just a short step from totalitarian control - then again maybe if the Beeb are monitoring Manx Radio related stories then the MR "management" are probably out to keep anything adverse off the forum and keep it buried:-(


...and Marilyn Munroe probably shot John Kennedy with a Martian ray gun. Luckily most people here have more sense than to believe THAT either!

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