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[BBC News] Man, 35, arrested over drugs find


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Why don't we just prescribe Heroin, Cocaine, Cannabis, Steroids, Tobacco, Alcohol, Ecstacy, or, my personal favourite GHB, free to anyone who wants it ?.


Great big skips full of the stuff placed all over the place free for everyone to come along and help themsleves. Magic.

If they'd have done this 100 years ago then we wouldn't have a drug problem now.


Indeed. :lol:

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one problem with drugs being illegal is that it makes them expensive! they are not that expensive at all in real terms. because of this the cost to end users is disproportionately 'high' ( pun intended ). in the main the people that cause the problem with drugs are the lower income/ benefits folk that can't afford the stuff so turn to crime to fund their habbits which is when it affects the rest of society in a bad way and the druggies become a problem. i'm all for giving drugs to those who want it to cut the crime against others that is associated with druggies, but that would only add to society's problems in the long run treating even more druggies with similar problems to alchys at government expense. give em enough to overdose and they are no problem to society.

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Has anyone actually considered that due to the number of arrest, the amounts found and the numbers these low life scag heads in prison, it may actually be down to the police doing their job and catching them more efficiently and not down to an increase in users.


I'd say its both.


There's definitely an increase in users here although whether that is down to improved supply is probably another issue. I still cannot believe that for a place surrounded by water we can't track the importers down more easily. It can't be that difficult to stop the stuff coming in.


As most of the stuff seems to be shipped in via Merseyside the route would not even seem to be that convoluted.

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At least they are addicted to a decent drug
That has got to be , the stupidest statement I have ever read!

Heroin is a vicious soul destroying drug and people who deal in it should be jailed for a minimum period of 5 years regardless of the amount IMO!

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I was making a point, clearly you missed it. Heroin is bad, yes, but nicotine is more addictive and you can buy that next to the sweets in the corner shop - NOW DO YOU HEAR ME? Double standards is what I was on about. Double standards is what I have been going on and on and on about since as far back as I can remember but what is the point the Isle Of Man is full of stupid people who cannot see 2 feet in front of them.

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It's a bit misleading to call nicotine more addictive than heroin. It's not scientifically proved (it is something fairly hard to prove), and heroin withdrawal can be much harder.


The rules are simple enough - if they've not been deemed needed by someone with a medical license then it's recreational. There's this distinction for good reason too, opiates whilst offering massive painkilling potential are addictive (and with increasing tolerances). The fact that they may be 'covering' a deeper mental illnes isn't really relevant, they will only hide the problem temporarily, if not exacerbate it.

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Nicotine is more addictive than Heroin? . Well ,you learn something new every day!.

If that is the case it makes me wonder why Heroin is Class A and Cigarettes are Class C ?

Maybe thats due to the fact that people dont try and inject 20 Benson and Hedges in to their arm

Nor do they steal from friends and family to fund their 'highly addicitve' habit.

I really find it hard to remember the last time that two people were stabbed over 20 Lambert!

To be honest you are not making a point you are trying making a comparison where any sane person could see

there can be none!

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, everbody knows that but to put it on par with heroin is in my opinion foolish.

So I suppose I will have to concede the intellectual highground to you as I'm obviously just one of the poor shtuped maxmin

who cannot see two feet in front of them. :rolleyes:

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Oh you are so dramatic, don't get your feathers in a ruffle Homaros. Never have I ever said that the Manx are stupid, nor have I ever taken the higher intellectual ground. You called my comment the stupidest ever - but clearly you do not understand what I have said. :sheep:

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Everyone should take shitloads of CAKE and get fucked and bombed.


I'll enter the nightmare of cake!


Sometimes I get a bad case of Shatner's Bassoon as well.




What's so hard about this? Why are so many people being so stupid?


Some people like to take drugs. It doesn't make them evil, it just makes them human, why the fuck lock them up at everyone else's expense?


If you don't hurt anyone else by your actions, you should be free to do as you choose.


Also, thebees is the coolest.

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What's so hard about this? Why are so many people being so stupid?


Some people like to take drugs. It doesn't make them evil, it just makes them human, why the fuck lock them up at everyone else's expense?


If you don't hurt anyone else by your actions, you should be free to do as you choose.

Here on Planet Earth taking drugs makes you a drug addict and a criminal. Being human is normally a given (having said that how did millions of years of evolution produce Chris Evans?)


And 75% of known drug addicts fund their habit with crime.


Otherwise I agree; you should be free to do as you choose....

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And 75% of known drug addicts fund their habit with crime


86% of statistics are made up on the spot :) What about the unknow drug addicts? and how would you go about differentiating between a known drug addict and an unknown one? Not everyone who takes drugs becomes a drug addict, lots of people know that 'having some more of something tomorrow is only going to make you feel 3 times as bad the day after', and if they cannot work that out, then they deserve to be a drug addict for being so flaming stupid! and that goes for all drugs, ones from the doctor too. People need to be more responsible for themselves.

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I thought it was only 83% of stats that were made up on the spot :)


Of course not everyone who takes drugs becomes an addict. Millions of us like a drink but we're not alcoholics!


The unpalatable fact remains that a great deal of crime is drug related. Home Office clicky with the 75% figure. As you are clearly interested in the other 25% I suggest you write to:


Home Office

Direct Communications Unit

2 Marsham Street

London SW1P 4DF


or wade through all this lot. Once you have some answers please post them up here. I would be interested in seeing them as well, thanks.


Some years ago an Audit Commission put the drug related crime figure at 50% of all recorded offences in the UK. Crap isn't it?

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People need to be more responsible for themselves.

Very difficult to support when dealers are regularly trying to induce kids ("Hey! They're the customers of tomorrow!") to try these very nasty forms of chemical 'enhancement.'

I've recently seen an intelligent and articulate young man virtually throw his future away because a 'friend' introduced him to a few illegal substances.

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