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Good point - I'd forgotten the carrier landing approach there...


I'm sure a dry or wet lease deal on a 146 or Feisler Storch wouldn't be hard to source on a good route like that though.

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I have got - sorry HAD - flights booked with Euromanx for Christmas, anyway have just tried to look on the flybes website to see what alternative flights I could book and they have no dates up after October. I am sure I compared the flybe with euromanx when I booked in March???


Anyway I will give it a week or so and give Flybe a call and see will they honour the booking (fingers crossed). If I do have to pay at least the original booking was done on my credit card! Phew!

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Good point - I'd forgotten the carrier landing approach there...


I'm sure a dry or wet lease deal on a 146 or Feisler Storch wouldn't be hard to source on a good route like that though.


also as part of the ba connect flybe take over BA were left with LCY for their London air operation now doing JFK etc.


eastern with a J41 and £200 one way unless VLM seriously alter their plans and perhaps start IOM amsterdam with an extra london city trip daily to service the manx business man, that would be a brave and probably foolish move by VLM tho.


possibly a deal may be brokered between eastern and flybe so eastern come off Brum and conectrate on LCY.


hope something is sorted soon, flybe could even run HBB up and down with some old EMX crew!

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'hope something is sorted soon, flybe could even run HBB up and down with some old EMX crew!'


That idea smacks of logic and practicality therefore will never (have been) be considered. Why don't you contact that nice Mr Rutter and suggest it. Indeed, if the government had any gumption, it could have underwritten the route with a dedicated aircraft (the Dash aircraft) with crews already in place.


Perhaps, if Anderson gets out of bed very early on Monday and makes the right phonecalls it might still be retrievable - even paint the aircraft light blue if it makes the new Island's airline any happier. If the business community wants to retain this link it should flex some of its considerable muscle with those in the corridors government.

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'Indeed, if the government had any gumption, it could have underwritten the route with a dedicated aircraft (the Dash aircraft) with crews already in place.


Maybe too late once the liquidators have been called in for the gov to do a deal at a fair price? Was the time to have done that last week as part of a rescue deal? I'm no expert. Anyone know?


I'm sure any profitable routes will be carved up amongst the other operators pretty quickly and London City will probably be a FlyBe or Eastern route within days.


As above now EMX is in the hands of the liquidator the routes will probably have to go to the highest bidder. That may not necessarily be a Manx carrier as its an attractive base from which to run flights to other European destinations. Are slots at a premium?

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flybe couldnt do lcy as none of their a/c have the steep approach mod (or the a/c are too big). I think the only way they could do that route is to lease the titan or flightline 146.

Flybe have the following aircraft, all of which are capable of landing on a glideslope of 5.5 degrees (city):


6 BAe 146-300

37 DHC-8-400

10 EMB190-200

19 ERJ145


We're also forgetting that euromanx bought the londoncity-belfast route from flybe.


I do not believe that FlyBe will step in and run the city route unless there is a change in the sale agreement with BA as they are prohibited from running services from LCY as this is the main hub now for BA and their (profitable) Citiflyer european city service. The wanted to avoid the direct competition issues they had when 'GO!' started on BA's european city routes.


Lets hope AirFrance-KLM get their act together quick......

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Unless things have changed very recently, Flybe only have two types that could possibly operate into LCY - the BAe 146 and the Q400.


London City Operations


Approvals for LCY ops also require that the operating company has appropriate procedures and training in place. Regarding the Q400 fleet, all I've flow have all been placarded to say they not approved for steep approach anyway.


However, the Jetstream 41s that Eastern use were used by Manx/BRAL at LCY.......


Regarding the closure of EMX, sad but inevitable. I hope all those directly affected find alternative employment very soon.

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Approvals for LCY ops also require that the operating company has appropriate procedures and training in place. Regarding the Q400 fleet, all I've flow have all been placarded to say they not approved for steep approach anyway.


In theory though they could be used by flybe at LCY, just would require an update in procedires/training - not quite the wide sweeping have no aircraft at all.


Yes they would not be in competition with BA on that route however I think it is still highly unlikely because of the non-compete clause.

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Fuel pricess have gone up 70% in the last year. Could be related.


oldmanxfella: It's not so much that I support the Government, it's more that I feel there is a substantial number of roles for which is it not the best tool, a tourism management, is one of these, which I think would be better off with much greater involvement from those working in the industry. Alternative energy and energy efficiency are another, which I believe would be progressing faster in the hands of a co-operative. I'm also starting to think that maybe the MER and MSR would be better off run by trusts as well.

Manx Radio is one good example of this on the Island (critics are directed to UK public service radio), as are the RNLI and most charities.


I am just a bit bored with the stock cry of 'what is the government doing about this!' as if the Government should always have the answer to everything. I remember one letter in the paper where a woman demanded Government intervention when an airline switched their London service to Gatwick, meaning her son couldn't visit her as often. I mean, come on!


To be honest, I think the DTL showed what kind of tourists it wants in the Vision 2020 document, but if there aren't the Island businesses in place to provide these services then its capacity to deliver is rather limited.

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Just like to say aren't Flybe wonderful? They going to rescue all us stranded passengers for free 'cos they understand the needs of an island community. Well I think that's a trifle overstated. Not only do they significantly contribute to EM's demise (fair enough its dog eat dog after all) their service from Liverpool is shite. Last flight at 1745? That's me shafted then even if I do manage to get through to book my free rescue flight. Ryanair arrives at 1755 so that's a night in Liverpool no matter what. Even if I wanted to pay the now significantly increased fares (fair enough, dog's eaten dog now) there isn't a flight to the rock after mine arrives anyway.


Back to the old monopoly days then. Manx (not EM) had high fares but a good service. I think those days might be gone forever.


Edited to add:


Just looked at my booked flights which total £100 ish in taxes. As I booked with Switch there's no protection but have 'whoever' had the tax already? If they have I want it back. Is Mr Seymour still on the island or did he escape on the last flight?

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Indeed Ballaughbiker, you are right with regard to the 'Knights in Shining Armour' that flybe purport to be.


Yes, increasing fuel prices; yes, gross misamanagement; yes, continual external distractions to deal with; yes, piss-poor organisation before the airline even got going and that was probably its undoing but...........there can be little arguement that flybe's decision to compete on the Liverpool route had one aim only that had nothing to do with financial viability but to provide the last straw to break the camel's back and Mike 'Splutter' Rutter new full well what result would be.


So, mission accomplished on the Isle of Man - a monopoly on all major routes with now no possiblity for any competition to be able to establish itself and the tiddlers can squabble over the second division routes amongst themselves.


On Friday morning the flybe system was fully geared to deal with the Euromanx collapse (oh! I forgot - it came as a comlete surprise). It would appear that Euromanx's last aircraft was flown to the flybe engineering base to join the other aircraft delivered there the previous week.


Flybe were deeply complicit in this affair and have a considerable amount of blood on its hands - far from the squeeky-clean image it is trying to present.

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Flybe have blood on their hands.

What absolute rubbish! Euromanx were in trouble long before Flybe started competing with them!

The one thing that the Euromanx management done well was to build themselves up and hide all financial problems almost to the last. As for questioning Flybe's generosity,remember, it was'nt them that dropped you in it!

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