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Finally got through to Flybe and they say they will only honour bookings up to 25 October, so that is us sunk!


Anyone want to join in a class action against IOM Govt for propping up an ailing airline for the past 7 months and allowing it to take fares 9 months in advance (bookings for December 08 made in February 08)?

It says in the Examiner that flights that have been booked up to the 31st March 2009 can be changed.....

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When was the flight plan to Exeter submitted?[/u] I want to know. I think I'm right in saying the airport opens at 0615 (well it used to) so that would make the escape flight taking off er 8 minutes later. Didn't anyone tip off the airport director or ATC that this was likely or did they just think "no problem there's a buyer". I despair sometimes.

Im guessing that the airport and atc knew exactly what euromanx were upto. It was all over the internet that there was an announcement going to happen on friday. But Im assuming they cant ground an a/c without reason and a rumour isnt a legal reason i wouldnt have thought.


As for the ATC turning the a/c back. I think in theory they could do that but when you take off your handed over to Manchester control very quickly as they control the airspace at a certain altitude over the isle of man (not sure what height its at tho) so im assuming it was in manchesters control when they announced liquidation.

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Well, I am making various enquiries regarding the tax issue. We shall see.


As for the Examiner stating that flights up to 31 March 2009 can be changed, someone needs to tell Flybe as they were categoric this morning that only flights up to 25 October will be honoured.


As for the last flight, who will get the proceeds of the sale of the aircraft? If they were owned by Euromanx than the reciever/liquidator will and so will count in the realisations in the liquidation. Under UK law, it is open to the receiver/liquidator to consider whether any contract can be set aside as being onerous, so I am not too sure whether this will apply here. It has to be wondered whether it could be argued that advancing the inevitable realisation of assets does any creditor any harm in any case.


My greater concern is the Government's involvement behind the scenes; this should have been transparent and clear so that potential creditors were aware of the financial position of the company before exposing themselves to Euromanx owing them anything, be it money or a flight. The continued involvement of Government may have extended the period that Euromanx were trading whilst insolvent and thus lengthened the list of creditors now unlikely to recover.


Some serious questions here.

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Im guessing that the airport and atc knew exactly what euromanx were upto. It was all over the internet

Quite its hardly rocket science.


Once its taken off, its not practical to ask it to return but it is up to IOM ATC to submit the flight plan and eventually grant a take off clearance. You cannot move on rumour and speculation but you can be ready just in case it goes tits up. Its simple enough really, something like:


"Hey I'm a bit worried about those pirates with the red planes they owe us a **** fortune

How much?

A million or two!

'Kinell, do you think they'll do a runner?

Yes, wouldn't you?

Er, oh, dear me what shall we do then? Anything?

Ring up Anne Reynolds and ask her to look out for any unusual activity like bogging off first thing in the morning without passengers to somewhere they don't normally fly to.

But if they go early she might be still in bed!

Stuff that, we pay her enough! Tell her to have a word on the senior air traffic controller. If it looks like they're going to take their only asset, tell him to deny start clearance until I'm out of bed.

Don't you mind being woken up 3 hours before normal?

Yes but they pay me enough so I'll do it this once.








Its not hard is it? A 12 year old could work that one out.


PS If AR wants to resign, I'll have her job. I nearly applied for it until I found out .... oh never mind!


PPS Just wondered, do they owe Shell lots of money?



Edited 'cos I offended someone and I don't do that, well not on MF anyway

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We’ve just rebooked our holiday connection flights off the Island in July, originally booked for the evening of the 11th July, with Euromanx. We rang Flybe as per their email instruction only to be told that the seats allocated for Euromanx customers were on the 07:05 flight on the morning of the 11th meaning that we have to take an extra day off work. However, if we wanted to fly later in the day we would have to pay full price for the seats.


Whilst I understand that Flybe have no obligation whatsoever to pick up the stranded Euromanx customers, their customer services desk could be less rude and abrupt. The way we were dealt with was appalling, we were treated as more of an inconvenience than a valued customer. This is what the Island has experienced since the Flybe takeover of BA and what we will experience going forward.


The open skies policy that the government encourages is a farce when it has a sole user agreement at the sea terminal, which it fails to manage. Until the government gets some teeth and demands from both points of access that we get a decent service, we the customer will have to put up with sub-standard levels of service.


As for letting EM fly the only asset or seizable item off the Island, someone wants shooting given all the back room discussions that have seemingly taken place.

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The open skies policy that the government encourages is a farce when it has a sole user agreement at the sea terminal, which it fails to manage. Until the government gets some teeth and demands from both points of access that we get a decent service, we the customer will have to put up with sub-standard levels of service.


It's certainly inconsistent, but the government seems to get it in the neck either way. Personally I am FOR competition, both on the sea and air networks, but people have to have their eyes opened to the fact that private companies in competitive industries go tits up from time to time (I am about £500 down as a result of Euromanx's demise). The Steam Packet take the piss as much as they can (and that's plenty) because they are a monopoly - the government has essentially granted them a licence to gouge customers. Watch FlyBe do the same, while they are able. Once they take the piss too much someone else will come in and have a go at competing over those routes, but unless they have deep pockets they will then be competed out of them by FlyBe.


I agree that it was insane to allow Euromanx to take the only asset off the island. I wonder whether that will go to a creditor who held personal guarantees...

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This is cack. Have flights in July and in August with Euromanx (well, what was Euromanx :rolleyes:) to London City. Not sure what to do as the only info is that hopefully VLM will help out. I really, really do not want to fork out another £300 for plane tickets. :(

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Im guessing that the airport and atc knew exactly what euromanx were upto. It was all over the internet

Quite its hardly rocket science.


Once its taken off, its not practical to ask it to return but it is up to IOM ATC to submit the flight plan and eventually grant a take off clearance. You cannot move on rumour and speculation but you can be ready just in case it goes tits up. Its simple enough really, something like:


"Hey I'm a bit worried about those pirates with the red planes they owe us a **** fortune

How much?

A million or two!

'Kinell, do you think they'll do a runner?

Yes, wouldn't you?

What about all that tax they took on our behalf? Won't people be mad if we don't refund it?

Tell them if they don't like it there's a boat in the morning

Er, oh, dear me what shall we do then? Anything?

Ring up Anne Reynolds and ask her to look out for any unusual activity like bogging off first thing without passengers to somewhere they don't normally fly to.

But if they go early she might be still in bed!

Stuff that, we pay her enough! Tell her to have a word on the senior air traffic controller. If it looks like they're going to take their only asset, tell him to deny start clearance until I'm out of bed.

Don't you mind being woken up 3 hours before normal?

Yes but they pay me enough so I'll do it this once.






Its not hard is it? A 12 year old could work that one out.


PS If AR wants to resign, I'll have her job. I nearly applied for it until I found out .... oh never mind!

Don't think AR knew anything about this, she told an MHK on Thursday all was well with the airline !! fancy being in the dark !! LOL

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My flight with euromanx was £19 single IOM-MAN.


Fare = £0

Taxes and charges = £19


When do the government get the "taxes and charges" ?

Do they get it at the time at ticketing or do they get it when the flight happens?


If the government get the money at the time of ticketing then I claim my £19.........!

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My flight with euromanx was £19 single IOM-MAN.


Fare = £0

Taxes and charges = £19


When do the government get the "taxes and charges" ?

Do they get it at the time at ticketing or do they get it when the flight happens?


If the government get the money at the time of ticketing then I claim my £19.........!



No surprise they went pop then, with fares that low. Who did they think they were? Ryannair? SleazyJet?


If low cost (not necessarily low fare) airlines can't sell on car hire, hotels, raffle tickets ( i was on a Ryannair flight the other day - 2 hours of non-stop power selling) etc then however are they going to stay in business? Look at the cost of fuel, flight crewing (sorry cptn bob!), engineering, ground handling, landing charges, security - the list is endless.


Freedom to flourish, with a fare of £0.00 off the Island? Freedom to flounder!



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Don't think AR knew anything about this, she told an MHK on Thursday all was well with the airline

Unbelievable. Actually perhaps not. What a cock up.



the bovine was not standing up i would guess??

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I believe there has been more fall-out today from the whole sorry story. Not sure if it is connected but I understand quite a few Flight Support staff were laid off this morning...JS has a lot to answer for!

It will be connected im sure.

The airline industry has just got to be the sh1ttest industry to work in..

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