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true plane wasnt owned by euromanx at the time but it could have certainly been used as lever to prevent the staff and suppliers from going unpaid. business is a cut throat world and that aircraft could have made the owners of euromanx sweat very nicely but our airport director missed another trick there.


Well maybe, but I seriously doubt it. Furthermore, the plane departed the Island at 6:23am, which I imagine is before the Airport Director gets in, and EuroManx was ended only five hours before, so the chances of action being taken on are somewhat slim.

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Triskelion - imo this was a government and airport management monumental cock up that could have easily been avoided by proper management at the airport. If I had been the airport manager, I should have been fully aware of the level of unpaid debt and would have had a word with the senior ATC fella. Last I knew, unless they were going to fly the aircraft VFR to Exeter (not impossible but highly improbable) a IFR flight plan has to be filed at least one hour prior to departure. Until this is accepted by the system start clearance cannot be given never mind a take off clearance.


I should have sent an email to whoever has replaced Ken Karran (Paul Clarkson innit?) to pass on to all ATC/flight planning personnel. It would say "if these Euromanx pirates file a flight plan to anywhere unusual at a non-timetable time get me out of bed/pub whatever before you give them start clearance. I'll come straight down the airport and do a bit of research before letting them **** off with a highly mobile asset/negotiating lever".


Yes, it's easy to be wise after the event but Ann, didn't you really see this one coming? If not, you should resign and I'll have your job. In fact, due to your apparent alleged negligence with our money you should resign anyway. And I'll have your job.


PS while we are having a moan can you explain why it is necessary to have every passenger wandering around security with no shoes on? Is that really necessary? Everyone who has carried out an act of terrorism during the present problems has been aged between 17 and 43, male and of middle eastern apprerance. OK there was one woman, but her attack wasn't aircraft related). Why are we asking kids, little old ladies and pilots with airside ID wearing a uniform and who we see nearly every day, wandering around without shoes? I travel all over Europe and this scene is not replayed anywhere else I fly to. Question : did you come up with this or have you been told to do it? If so, by whom?


Edited to correct bad grammar

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PS while we are having a moan can you explain why it is necessary to have every passenger wandering around security with no shoes on? Is that really necessary? Everyone who has carried out an act of terrorism during the present problems has been aged between 17 and 43, male and of middle eastern apprerance. OK there was one woman, but her attack wasn't aircraft related). Why are we asking kids, little old ladies and pilots with airside ID wearing a uniform and who we see nearly every day, wandering around without shoes? I travel all over Europe and this scene is not replayed anywhere else I fly to. Question : did you come up with this or have you been told to do it? If so, by whom?


Because you cannot and should not differentiate between racial origins where security is concerned.

Are you saying that if someone is of "Middle-eastern Appearance" they should be made to go shoeless whereas anyone of a non-middle-eastern appearance can remain shod?

Furthermore, how do you determine someone's geographical origins or political/religious beliefs by their physical appearance?


A ridiculous posting.

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How predictable that I should get a reply like that. OK the whole post was (deliberately) a little provocative in many ways. Perhaps to pacify the likes of you I should have made it clear that I don't sanction this type of search for anyone, whatever their appearance. Don't think I mentioned religion, did I?


Do you honestly think the security forces are listening to kids and little old ladies phone conversations and emails? Really? No they are concentrating on the very small number of nutters who are out to kill us. It just so happens they are identifable by certain characteristics. You have chosen to interpret it as some sort of racist comment which it wasn't. Whether you think it ridiculous or not, at least it got you to post and discuss (sort of).

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How predictable that I should get a reply like that. OK the whole post was (deliberately) a little provocative in many ways. Perhaps to pacify the likes of you I should have made it clear that I don't sanction this type of search for anyone, whatever their appearance. Don't think I mentioned religion, did I?



"The likes of me?" You know nothing about me - or is this another example of your stereotyping?

No, you didn't mention religion specifically, but you did make reference to the "act(s) of terrorism during the present problems" which I believe are ostensibly about religion.

There's nothing wrong with provocative posts - I suppose it's down to interpretation as to whether yours was provocative or just poorly considered.

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Yup, at last we agree, it's down to interpretation. You seem to be hell bent on reading into this something that isn't there. I wonder why. You also seem to have made a good job of pidgeon-holing me (albeit in the one that's way off the mark) whilst then accusing me of something similar. Oh, well that's forums for you. You're in the wrong place if you don't like discussion I suppose. The actual point I was trying to make was this doesn't happen anywhere else that I travel to including the US. Furthermore its quite ridiculous screening someone in this way who (for example) is then going to be completely in charge of the destiny of all the passengers within the hour/is old and frail/is at primary school/etc/etc. However I think I need to say that I totally support reasonable security measures and the personnel who have to do them.


We are getting a long way off Euromanx though. Thread creep is good but if you want to continue on this theme, you might like to start a new thread on avaition security. I'll happily discuss this out to a hopefully reasonable conclusion if you really want.

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It was widely known amongst Staff at the Airport (see my post of May 8th) that the last Dash was leaving for good on the Friday. It is now known they had been sold well in advance of this date and had already had their ownership plaques changed to reflect the sale.


On that Friday morning the aircraft did not belong to Euromanx, so, like the initially impounded Aer Arran aircraft, would probably not have been much use as collateral against the debt. John Seymour had said in the press a week or so earlier that EMX were in the business of leasing aircraft, thats what they did with their Dash 8s towards the end.


At the time it left the airport, the Govt had no right to seize it - EMX whilst dying a death were operating with their blessing.


There wouldn't be all this fuss about why it was allowed to leave if it had operated the early London City flight that Friday and just not come back.......

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I agree Bob with hindsight it most likely wouldn't have been much use impounding it. At the time they didn't know that though. As to the gov having no right to seize it, that, given the information at the time, is questionable. What is not questionable is that the gov allowed them to keep operating although only by default.

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I have just phoned to ask about the Winter timetable as it is only 5 days to go until the 30th June deadline for transfering the flights.


The person on the phone told me that we will have 3 weeks to transfer them after the timetable is issued end of june/beginning of July.


Hope this helps someone.



thanks. Or maybe I will try the flight support desk as someone else suggested......


After thought...has anyone managed to book anything after Oct with Flybe????

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I have just phoned to ask about the Winter timetable as it is only 5 days to go until the 30th June deadline for transfering the flights.


The person on the phone told me that we will have 3 weeks to transfer them after the timetable is issued end of june/beginning of July.


Hope this helps someone.

Thank you. It does.

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