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I think what is food for thought is that with quite a few rumours here and around the island about them going under that no one has made any real statement to deny this only vague answers

A lot of company's have a policy of not commenting on rumours.


Unsurprisingly, the media haven't picked up these unsubstantied claims, which makes them as doubious as those who were saying the Polish shop was a cover for a brothel.

No need for a brothel here, too many talented amateurs giving it away for free. :rolleyes:

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My mate just had his holiday to Greece ruined by Euromanx


The flight was supposed to leave at 6 last night but was cancelled, but the staff did not say the flight was going to be cancelled until they had run through a series of excuses over several hours


By the time they finally 'fessed up there was no way of my mate getting to Manchester in time for his onward flight so his holiday did not happen.


Many other passengers also missed connecting flights

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I had a few friends on the Saturday evening one from Manchester that was cancelled. Also received a phone call a few hours ago telling me tomorrow's from Manchester is cancelled too (my sister is coming over and they're bussing her to Liverpool instead now). Seems to be an awful lot of cancellations lately.

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...this mornings Liverpool flight came here via Manchester!


I reckon something will happen VERY soon!

The plane which is out of service comes back from the garage?

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I have no idea if EuroManx are experiencing any difficulties or not but history has shown that there is not enough business to support two airlines on the same route.


When Flybe strted to muscle in on the Lpool & route some on this site were all for it saying it would be good for fares to have competition. Others were against due to the poor level of service etc and all the add on costs that Flybe have.


Ultimately there will only be one winner & that is Flybe as they have the deeper pockets than EuroManx and they can in the short or medium term price EuroManx out of business.


Whether a virtual Flybe monopoly is good for the Island long term, and I presume it will see prices rise at the least, we can all have our own views. But I would be sorry to see EuroManx go as they have been a decent little local airline over the years, and whilst not perfect I have always felt that they were more accomadating and listen to the local community than some of the bigger airlines will.


...this mornings Liverpool flight came here via Manchester!


I reckon something will happen VERY soon!

The plane which is out of service comes back from the garage?

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It cost you a fortune to get anywhere and they were worse at combining flights than Flybe.


But you did get a scone with clotted cream. That was cool.


Yum they were good.........but they had slots at Heathrow that the IOM Government did not have the brains to take at the inception of Manx Airlines and let back to them. These proved too valuable to BA who bought the company (making certain owners VERY happy) and then basically closed it down!!

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