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[BBC News] Road improvement scheme completed


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if you are not supposed to drive over the red bit, WHY do the lanes nearest the centre of the road from onchan and the grand stand aim you straight at/over it?? when approaching the roundabout you steer right to get in the VERY short lane ( heading the way you want to go ) then they expect you to steer left!! back towards the car on your inside that probably hasn't left you room anyway and is now shitting himself cos he thinks you've changed your mind and you're cutting him up!! and then start turning right again!! fucking joke. they should mark the lanes around the roundabout like the big one at the top of anacoar if thats the case. unfortunately the morons in the design office have tried to fit a quart in a pint pot and it just doesn't work. but they were probably not allowed to 'adjust' the TT course part to get extra room to make it workable. hannay the fanny strikes again. they should purchase 10 yards into the field below and build it up, move the roundabout seaward ,and make the lanes of a useable width ( and direction ) as it stands it looks like the red bit denotes the inner lane and the bollards and white bit are the roundabout.

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They could easily make the lanes a useable width. They have already got the land behind the wall and even built a footpath on it.


However, instead of using the old pavement as part of the roadway they have planted some bushes where it was instead

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and then add a flyover to victoria road yey!!!


That was the only sensible bit of the whole project (link road from Governors road to Victoria road) but our idiot politicians threw it out!

I hope they take Hannay and co out for a trip on the Karina & dump them off the back of Douglas head.

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and then add a flyover to victoria road yey!!!


That was the only sensible bit of the whole project (link road from Governors road to Victoria road) but our idiot politicians threw it out!

I hope they take Hannay and co out for a trip on the Karina & dump them off the back of Douglas head.


I know...... and the benefit of the 6 weeks closed at the junction is..... NOTHING! other than confusion.. Those from the North still use it as a through road.... Wish they did the access road, that was definately an improvement to traffic flow!

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thing is,

is it brakeing the law if u drive over the red bit or cobbles, or is just them saying u shoulden,!!!!!!!


i allways drive over them, why turn a corner if there aint one :rolleyes:

I take you do this whilst reading your dictionary. :rolleyes:

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thing is,

is it brakeing the law if u drive over the red bit or cobbles, or is just them saying u shoulden,!!!!!!!


i allways drive over them, why turn a corner if there aint one :rolleyes:

I take you do this whilst reading your dictionary. :rolleyes:


bloody hell how did you know that, have u seen me doing it,

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Did you hear Hannay being interviewed about it on Mandate this morning?

Perhaps someone with better hearing than me will correct me but was he implying that they have not got it wrong, but were always planning to alter it in the light of comments etc from the TT riders etc?

Considering that the road surface is probably the best piece of road on the whole Island it seems ludicrous to dig it all up again. Stu Peters suggested it would be a hell of a lot cheaper to put signs up telling us to drive round the red bits rather than spend thousands altering it all again. Hannay just sniggered saying they would considerer all suggestions.

Well Mr Hannay here’s a good suggestion. Why don’t you retire, draw you big fat index linked pension, and lets get someone in who can sort out the whole sorry mess that you and your clique have imposed on us for the past few decades.

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Stu and Hannay seemed to just concentrate on the red circle part of the roundabout. I'd have hoped that Stu would also have asked about the narrowness of the lanes approaching the roundabout and the apparent lack of space for two cars side by side on the roundabout if the red area is out of bounds to the cars.

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who's gonna be in charge of the monorail?


What Monorail :)

Hmm, good question though. I think they'll have to get a firm in from across to have a consultation to decide that one.

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Perhaps they would be interested in my recently formed Liberian Company:-


Weplanroundaboutsandmonorails Consulatants Limited.



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I think someone has used the 'Road design for dummies' book to prop up the wobbly table leg in the office, as they certainly havn't read it lately. Road design engineers should know what they are doing, not put something there and then ask people what they think, imagine that happening in the middle of a UK city :wacko:


There are 'standard' designs for road design and junction layout, you shouldn't need signs explaining how to use an effin roundabout or set of lights, they should all conform to the same rules do Jo Blogovski can use it even if he can't read the signs in english (or in the dark).

The red bit is just like the white dots at the QB, if you try and go around the paint you end up in the driver's door of 'him on the left', mini roundabouts were made to make you behave as if there were a real roundabout there and if you had to drive over the paint to make your turn that's why it isn't a raised kerb, likewise lanes should be wide enough for 2 HGV's side by side, not 2 smarts.

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