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Who is in charge at the DOT?  

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Surely the problem here lies, not with the DoT, but with the morons that let Tesco build a supermarket in a cul-de-sac with poor access?


Partially as a result, the DoT are lumbered with the impossible task of finding a traffic solution for a Victorian town every seems to want to drive in.

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Surely the problem here lies, not with the DoT, but with the morons that let Tesco build a supermarket in a cul-de-sac with poor access?


Partially as a result, the DoT are lumbered with the impossible task of finding a traffic solution for a Victorian town every seems to want to drive in.


If I recall correctly there was a plan to put in a road bridge from the Old Castletown Road across the river onto the Tesco Road. You can even see where the junction is opposite the entrance to Tescos.

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Surely the problem here lies, not with the DoT, but with the morons that let Tesco build a supermarket in a cul-de-sac with poor access?


Partially as a result, the DoT are lumbered with the impossible task of finding a traffic solution for a Victorian town every seems to want to drive in.


The Tesco store is a red herring - the issue (as anyone who has drive down Banks Hill in the morning will testify) is the people who want to drive into Douglas and not use South Quay - if you want to drive up to Quines's Corner you need to drive past the Railway, round the roundabout, back past the Railway, along the cobbled 20mph bit and round the corner. People waiting to come out at the Bank Hill junction have a long wait for a gap in the traffic.


Is it just rose-tinted glasses or was the situation much better when there were traffic lights at the bottom of the hill, before the DOT removed them to 'improve traffic flow'? Fucking idiots.

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shopping at tesco is not the issue, it's people heading that way that have no intention of going into the shop, that just turn around the mini roundabout so they can head off down the semi pedestrianised bit legally. even if it's a T junction, folks will just turn left, do a 3 pointer in the entrance by the little carpark next to the tyre place and come back out. what they should do is move the barrier to the carpark behind clinches ( thats the only reason to keep the quay as a road for the parkiing inside for staff ) and move it onto the quayside to stop it being used as a throughway. that way only those with a pass for the park could use the quay and go out at quines corner. it is daft for the DOT to be whining about people using the road in accordance with the highway code.

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so when are they doing to plonk a flyover from the Nunnery mill (or whatever that building was) over the railway lines up onto Hills Meadow to link to the 'inner-ring-road' (Peel Road) and divert trffic from the town centre (for when they pedestrianise the whole lot !)

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Oh come on - it's not as if the main commuter traffic has to pass through the same little roundabout that also has a supermarket, bus depot, diy store and huge building site behind i..oh wait...







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Surely the problem here lies, not with the DoT, but with the morons that let Tesco build a supermarket in a cul-de-sac with poor access?


Partially as a result, the DoT are lumbered with the impossible task of finding a traffic solution for a Victorian town every seems to want to drive in.


The Tesco store is a red herring - the issue (as anyone who has drive down Banks Hill in the morning will testify) is the people who want to drive into Douglas and not use South Quay - if you want to drive up to Quines's Corner you need to drive past the Railway, round the roundabout, back past the Railway, along the cobbled 20mph bit and round the corner. People waiting to come out at the Bank Hill junction have a long wait for a gap in the traffic.


Is it just rose-tinted glasses or was the situation much better when there were traffic lights at the bottom of the hill, before the DOT removed them to 'improve traffic flow'? Fucking idiots.

Okay, that makes sense.


So, the intention with removing the roundabout is to force people to use South Quay, which doesn't seem wholly unreasonable? Surely there is provision so that the bridge is not lifted at peak times? In the evenings at least, isn't one of the problems that the Ben gets in at around 17:30, thus adding to the congestion?

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The Tesco store is a red herring - the issue (as anyone who has drive down Banks Hill in the morning will testify) is the people who want to drive into Douglas and not use South Quay


Defo. I'd love to see a traffic survey on the number of cars that pass the Discount Tyre place every day. Straight past, round the roundabout and straight back out again down North Quay. Thousands of them each day.


But then you have to ask why do people do that and its to avoid the inevitable bottleneck that you hit coming off the swing bridge into the bus station as all the cars coming into Douglas from the prom start backing up from Lord Street.


I don't know who drew up the traffic flow system for Douglas but I'm guessing his name was Tommy - that deaf dumb and blind kid.

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It wasn't 'designed' though, was it? They've only got a few roads to work with. There are just too many cars.


I don't fully accept that. There are plenty of routes into Douglas (at least two routes from South and West, and at least three from the North) but on the Island people tend to drive how the crow flies using the most direct route. It would actually be a relatively simple exercise to get traffic flow working properly. But everytime they try they make it worse.


Braddan Bridge is now worse than when they started and as people have already posted at Governors Bridge they have made the same classic mistake that they did at Braddan in not having the entry lanes into the roundabout wide enouge to take two cars side by side. It just causes worse borttlenecks. That is just basic common sense. What do they use as a guide for marking out road lane widths a Peel P50?


On the Quay what they have done is tried to force everything down South Quay causing worse bottlenecks at the bus station when they should have put a more direct North Quay route in as well rather than introduce the stupid round the roundabout route they're now taking out.


Most of the traffic when in Douglas is heading towards a car park. In the case of the Quay thats the new one across from Tescos which you can only access one way, or Shaws Brow which you access via Lord Street from the bus station or cut through via Rileys Corner because it has its main entrance up a stupid side street rather than off Athol Street. Its not hard to manage the flow.

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Tesco take an average of £1.3 million a week and I would say 90% of shoppers go by car so I reckon about 10,000 vehicles passing that roundabout to shop and probably more using the roundabout to get into town


So by limiting this route to shoppers only would more than halve the traffic across the stone bridge


Making life a little more pleasant for the residents of the new Dan development, but I cant see this figuring in the DOT's plan


I mean.... really...... the very idea

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