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Preparing For Major Emergencies


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Looking at the 9/11 thread reminded me that the Irish Government has now issued a booklet on what to do if things go pear-shaped. This sits alongside our stock of government issue anti-Sellafield iodine tablets on the hall table in the Republic (perhaps I should bring them over).


As well as photographs of politicians it contains some ideas:


- Flooding - Always wear suitable clothing when working in or near floodwater (neck to knees?)


- Hazardous Chemical Spills - Stay away from the scene


- Suspicious packages - Get out of the vicinity of the package


- Nuclear Incident - the Government will find out what is going on from the European Commission (by fleeing in the Govt. jet to Brussels)


- Animal Diseases - contact your veterinary practitioner


- Fire - evacuate the building

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I saw the draft leaflet, but they seem to have missed out in the final version:


"Muslim Hornet's nests: Don't kick them or wind up the muslims hornets, in an attempt to steal the hornet's oil honey, and then invite several million muslims hornets to live in your own home. Otherwise you risk getting severely stung, and having to put out leaflets to warn the rest of the population about the consequences of interfering with muslims hornet's nests, instead of leaving the muslims hornets alone in their pre-evolutionary type nests."


They probably realised hornets don't produce honey.

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