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Isle Of Man Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike Over Smoking Ban


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I very much doubt any prisoner would have the courage of their convictions and refuse food / water until they starved to death over such an trivial issue.


Not that they would be allowed to, cause presumably they would be forcibly drip fed before it got to that stage.


If they really could starve themselves to death over the issue to make a point, who would really be bothered? sympathy for prisoners is always going to be in short supply.


starve yourself to death over your "right" to smoke? I somehow don't think so.

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Guest liberty

They have succeed in getting everyone talking about them,

Stopping smoking increases the appetite, It will be all over long before everyone stops talking about it.

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I fast, 'food and water' for 24 hours once a month!


I do the same for about 180 hours each month.


[Mind you, that's assuming that I manage to get 6 hours sleep a night!]

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It's a slow news week...


What they hoped to gain by contacting the media I'll never know - public support for their cause? :lol:

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I fast, 'food and water' for 24 hours once a month!


I do the same for about 180 hours each month.


[Mind you, that's assuming that I manage to get 6 hours sleep a night!]


whilst I'm on about 50 mins a night.


so... dang... sleepy.

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They have succeed in getting everyone talking about them,

Stopping smoking increases the appetite, It will be all over long before everyone stops talking about it.

Lets hope they have also suceeded in realising nobody gives a shit about their plight, who cares about the harship of a bunch of thieving violent toe rags, I mean my heart pumps purple piss for them :whatever:

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Guest liberty
They have succeed in getting everyone talking about them,

Stopping smoking increases the appetite, It will be all over long before everyone stops talking about it.

Lets hope they have also suceeded in realising nobody gives a shit about their plight, who cares about the harship of a bunch of thieving violent toe rags, I mean my heart pumps purple piss for them :whatever:




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Oh dear me - they can't smoke. Why should that Government building be different from any other? It is another deterrent which is what is needed - too much of the softly softly approach and bleating about prisoners "rights" -They should give up their rights when they break the law! There are plenty of alcoholics that go to jail - we read about them every week -they are addicted to alcohol - I bet they aren't allowed a bottle to drink in their cell or out on the exercise yard every day. They should stop bleating and do their time, and be glad they don't live in a country that has capital punishment! I would gladly exchange places with them, free heating, food, electricity and a tax rebate of £350 per year I am led to believe - they should try living on my pension! What wouldn't I give to have 3 meals a day provided for me! I couldn't afford to smoke even if I wanted to.


They don't fund it, Joe Public do. And if Joe Public says "No Smoking" then that's it. If you don't like it then don't commit the crime if you can't do the time.


Though I doubt it and am joking, you never know, this ban could have a huge deterrent effect in future. But my view is that even if people do commit crimes it is not right for society to completely strip them of all contact with society and allow them to have no freedoms at all.


Bit of perspective: We are talking about a few prisoners refusing meals here, not a mass riot.


Smoking is banned on all Government property, and it is difficult to make the case an exception should be made for convicts.


Smoking is not a human right. Food, water, shelter, healthcare and social interaction are and, as such, are all provided.


Why should the building be any different from other Government buildings? Well...that would appear obvious, the other government buildings contain workers not inmates. They don't go home at the end of the day, it is their home. I don't think it is difficult to make an exception at all, why would that be the case? The only thing that makes it seem difficult are the unfortunate attitudes that are all too common in which people think that anyone committing a crime, no matter what that may be, are bad people and have therefore forfeited all freedoms. I just don't see it that way, if a someone stole something or caught with some drugs and they were smokers, what should the smoking ban be used as a punishment, which it undoubtedly will be whether it is intentional or not.


Smoking is not a human right, that's right but water, food, shelter, healthcare and social interaction are not rights either, they are all necessities. But is that all that convicts should get? Just the necesstities?


Plenty of alcoholics do go to jail and you cannot drink in prison but this has nothing to do with the smoking ban in prisons. The smoking ban in prisons is simply an extension of the ban across the country. Given the impact it has on behaviour and the likelihood that alcohol played a role in them committing the crime it wouldn't really be sensibly to allow drinking.


All this is about is smoking, and when people are talking about how the prisoners should just lump it that is where I think people are loosing perspective. Why does it need to banned in the prisons, what is the big deal. The prison officers can leave their job if they don't like it and I am under the impression that they would be the only ones to complain, not that I heard they have. And this is the problem. There hasn't been any issue with smoking in the prisons before, nobody has complained about being subjected to the prisoners' smoke and yet a ban is slapped on.


I very much doubt any prisoner would have the courage of their convictions and refuse food / water until they starved to death over such an trivial issue.


It may seem trivial but most smokers do not trivialised their addiction. Most believe they enjoy smoking that much that they spend huge amounts paying for cigarettes. It is an addiction but not a trivial one. And I can appreciate why it makes the routine of prison life and the impact of the detachment from society more bearable.


Lets hope they have also suceeded in realising nobody gives a shit about their plight, who cares about the harship of a bunch of thieving violent toe rags, I mean my heart pumps purple piss for them


I don't know if it is how you see the world but it is a rather simplistic understanding of things to see all criminals as thieiving and violent. There are plenty of others crimes than theft and violence related ones. I care for their hardship to the extent that I think, for example, that the thieves you mention do not belong in prison and if they are there I have no problem what drugs they can get. I just don't see how prisons solve the problem. I also do not think that 100% of the blame for crimes such as theft and other property related crime rests on the shoulders of the criminal. And I think it is all too convenient and feels good for people to form a clear dichotomy between those evil, bad criminals and the wonderful law-abiding on the other.

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Lets hope they have also suceeded in realising nobody gives a shit about their plight, who cares about the harship of a bunch of thieving violent toe rags, I mean my heart pumps purple piss for them


I don't know if it is how you see the world but it is a rather simplistic understanding of things to see all criminals as thieiving and violent. There are plenty of others crimes than theft and violence related ones. I care for their hardship to the extent that I think, for example, that the thieves you mention do not belong in prison and if they are there I have no problem what drugs they can get. I just don't see how prisons solve the problem. I also do not think that 100% of the blame for crimes such as theft and other property related crime rests on the shoulders of the criminal. And I think it is all too convenient and feels good for people to form a clear dichotomy between those evil, bad criminals and the wonderful law-abiding on the other.

What a load of tosh, of course criminals are responsible for crime, there are plenty of hard up people who don't resort to crime. Also if they can be prevented from obtaining drugs in prison it may cure their habit, as for thieves not belonging in prison, bollocks they steal they get punished and in my eyes that means keeping them away from the law abiding public until they can keep their thieving sticky little hands to themselves. As for caring about their hardship......nope sorry I though for 1.4 seconds and decided your right they don't have enough so lets take away the TV in each cell in the new prison and turn off the heating along with cutting the menu choice and making them work harder :whatever:

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From iomonline:


All prisoners are taking fluids and some have also taken their week's canteen entitlement – including sweets and biscuits etc,' a spokesman said.


:lol: Lovin that hunger strike.

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I also do not think that 100% of the blame for crimes such as theft and other property related crime rests on the shoulders of the criminal.


Bleeding heart liberal clap trap.

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what the smoking ban will/should do is give the inmates no excuse to be smoking anything, and no excuse to have fire making materials/implements. as such this should also cut back the use of drugs and there wont be any discoloured spoons that need cleaning. it has probably taken this long for the numptys to work out that banning smoking will also curtail other chemical consumptions. ha ha.

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You're right of course, prisons aint the ideal solution but untill society adopts penalties with teeth such as those practiced in countries like Saudi Arabia then i suppose we'll just have to make do with banging the little scrotes up. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that society should leave these creatures to rot - it's about time we as a voting public got a grip and i'd be first to vote for public beheadings, floggings and amputations. Get the punishment out of the way and start with a clean slate - that way everybody feels better; erm except maybe the one handed tealeaf or the lacerated drug pusher. Never mind i'm sure the cuddle-a-crim brigade would console the wretch.

Ha Ha Haaar (evil laugh)

I'm still deciding if your nuts, but I had a chuckle at your comments :P


I personally don't smoke and detest the putrid stinking fumes thats emitted from people smoking cigarettes.

That said, what is it about smoking that smokers enjoy?


After reading the above, I could see why the prisoners would miss it (to some degree anyway), but doesn't patches or whatever they're getting free, work?

If they're getting the same nicotine fix as that of smoking, what is the difference?

I would appreciate an ex smoker or a person who's on patches to explain the difference, as at the moment, I'm pretty ignorant of those who smoke.

It still won't change my mind, but at least you can say I've heard from both sides.

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