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The Great Satan across has made Boris King of Londinium.

Gather the Orcs from Peel.

We should attack whilst there is much confusion.

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"Try as I might I could not look at an overhead projection of a growth-profit matrix and stay conscious" - on his week-long career in management consultancy


"Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3" - on the campaign trail in 2004


"If I was in charge I would get rid of Jamie Oliver and tell people to eat what they like" - striking a blow for the right to eat pies at the 2006 Tory conference. He later described Oliver as a "national saint"


"I think if I made a huge effort always to have a snappy, inspiring soundbite on my lips, I think the sheer mental strain of that would be such that I would explode" - on his unique political style


"I think I was once given cocaine but I sneezed and so it did not go up my nose. In fact, I may have been doing icing sugar" - after being questioned on Have I Got News for You about drug use


"I will add Papua New Guinea to my global itinerary of apology" - after suggesting the country was known for "chief-killing and cannibalism"


"I have not had an affair with Petronella. It is complete balderdash. It is an inverted pyramid of piffle" - on press reports of his relationship with Ms Wyatt


From the BBC.

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Did you see the clip of him playing Basketball on Have I Got News For You? Given his previously displayed prowess at

, Squash, rowing, and athletics, by the time the olympics come around there won't be a sport he hasn't demonstrated his ineptitude at (or competting nation he hasn't insulted).
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"Try as I might I could not look at an overhead projection of a growth-profit matrix and stay conscious" - on his week-long career in management consultancy


"Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3" - on the campaign trail in 2004


"If I was in charge I would get rid of Jamie Oliver and tell people to eat what they like" - striking a blow for the right to eat pies at the 2006 Tory conference. He later described Oliver as a "national saint"


"I think if I made a huge effort always to have a snappy, inspiring soundbite on my lips, I think the sheer mental strain of that would be such that I would explode" - on his unique political style


"I think I was once given cocaine but I sneezed and so it did not go up my nose. In fact, I may have been doing icing sugar" - after being questioned on Have I Got News for You about drug use


"I will add Papua New Guinea to my global itinerary of apology" - after suggesting the country was known for "chief-killing and cannibalism"


"I have not had an affair with Petronella. It is complete balderdash. It is an inverted pyramid of piffle" - on press reports of his relationship with Ms Wyatt


From the BBC.

The guy would get my vote on the second and third points alone :thumbsup:

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I still can't work out whether he is a complete buffoon or just enjoys portraying a buffoonish image. Sky certainly seemed delighted to be ripping him to pieces in front of his dad at lunchtime by suggesting he was a bit of a berk really.


He will at least be good PR for London as he'll be in the papers every other week with some tittish comment or other. In fact its a good job he only got voted in after the Olympic torch ceremony otherwise we'd probably already be at war with the Chinese over some inappropriate comment he'd made.

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We lived in London for years and have nothing but respect for Ken Livingstone


He was vilified by the Tory press, particularly the Evening Standard and never rose to the baiting,


He had masses of negative publicity directed against him, yet the voters of London held him in high esteem and even after his expulsion by that bastard son of Thatcher Tony Blair, he went on to become Mayor of London as an independent


However, now that I am safely back on the rock and not living in some inner city ghetto I am not surprised that Boris got his job


New Labour pissed on their chips over Iraq and Tony's cocksucking to Bush


Brown is a dull miserable fucker so Boris comes across as a breath of fresh air


Just like Tony did in 1997

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I still can't work out whether he is a complete buffoon or just enjoys portraying a buffoonish image. Sky certainly seemed delighted to be ripping him to pieces in front of his dad at lunchtime by suggesting he was a bit of a berk really.


The image is definitely cultivated (I believe that before he went into politics he was something of a bright star during his education). Hamming it up like a toffer straight from the pages of the Beano conveniently distracts people from the fact that he's a tory, and I suppose jolly buffoon is a better image to have than the one shared by a lot of other conservatives.

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Eton boys made good - Cameron, Osborne now Boris! British Government will be dominated by them - never had it so good!

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Eton boys made good - Cameron, Osborne now Boris! British Government will be dominated by them - never had it so good!

Do you think that the Eton peeps are more dangerous than the Freemasons, i phoned Eton and asked for a list of all their students, they told me to bugger off, a sure sign of a conspiricy :(


And what about those Rhodes scholars, another shower in my opinion :angry:

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And what about those Rhodes scholars, another shower in my opinion :angry:


VinnieK's magic facts and trivia: The Rhodes scholarship was actually created in some kind of quasi-conspirational attempt to create a group of prominant figures who would further British power and interests throughout the globe. Nowadays it's just Plan B for people who don't get onto the Fullbright.

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