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[BBC News] Teenager dies in wall collision


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I'll tell you what i think is a good idea though is this Motorfest that has just been on for example, and or track days for new drivers, boy racers want to push their car to the limits and show off to their mates, let them do it in a relativly safe, controlled environment, if they take a corner too fast they slide onto grass and have their ego taken down a notch. They get a better understanding of what it feels like to go too far and would maybe even grasp that they are mortal too.

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Deepest sympathy for the family, I can't imagine what they're going through to lose someone so young.


As to what's been said, the real issue isn't the driver taking the risk and suffering the consequence though is it? In this case it was the passenger. In other similar accidents* it's been someone going in the opposite direction, or a pedestrian.


It's these people that need protecting. And yeah, if this wasn't the TT course, that straight would have had an extra bend put in it by now, I recon.



*Disclaimer: Wasn't suggesting blame or being specific, turn the laywers off!

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It isn't the risks themselves, its that people miscalculate the risks.


Society tries very hard to ensure that risks and peoples perceptions of risk align. The risks of driving without a seat belt are huge, but if you are a 17 year old in a rush it doesn't seem such a big thing. Hence mandation.


The problem is that people have very wide risk perceptions and these vary alot. On a Wednesday going into work, people will tend to calculate the risks of a certain overtaking manoeuvre very differently than on a Saturday night going for a BIG night out.


Society will always have to put up with risk - I find it irksome when people simplistically go on about people wanting to eliminate all traffic or whatever. There are huge advantages that vastly out weigh the risks in having cars etc , but people, especially the young will miscalculate the risks and either hurt themselves or die.


There are very few disadvantages, for example, in getting to Douglas from Ramsey 5 minutes later - but the risk reduction in forcing that behaviour change will save lives.


I have really great difficulty when people go - they knew the risks, it was their choice. More often than not the people didn't know the risks, and the cost in ruined lives is far more than the state taking an effort to stop people miscalculating.


Yeah that's what I was trying to say only less eloquently!


The one thing that I have benefitted from through moving to the IoM is that now in traffic I sit back and wait, simply because previously when I pushed an overtake and taken risks, I've generally got to where I am going only for the car I've overtaken to be immediately behind me! However, when I go across and have the benefit of Motorways and Dual Carriageways I can overtake safely and gain some real time over the cars I've overtaken, although realistically these days this is becoming less and less the case.


The 'There's time enough or aplenty' saying is a real benfit to motorists whether they be on 2, 3 4 or more wheels.


Unfortunately however, whatever I do, I cannot compensate for the person who will drive dangerously, break the speed limit or do something silly like a U turn in front of you. This is why ACCIDENTS happen.


I'm not saying that the driver in this unfortunate incident was doing anything foolish or otherwise as I don't know the circumstances, however, I do know the poor lad that was killed and my thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time. I hope that whatever the outcome of this tragic event that we all learn something from these sad losses we suffer year on year.

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My thoughts are with the family of the lad killed, and also the driver. Having been close to a number of similar incidents I know that this will be a very difficult time for all concerned.


Manx Radio Report

Sharp right hander??


That is probably one of the smoothest right hand bends on the whole TT course. Going round it at the prescribed 40mph seems very slow and certainly very safe.





Edited by ans to remove the content that you have been repeatedly warned about posting and will result in your irrevocable ban if you do it again. Ok?

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I don't personally believe speed scameras achieve the desired result, especially not over here, unless you are going to put cameras in fairly close proximity to each other on every road they just won't work, ok so it takes 2 days to learn where all the cameras are so you slow down for them, just make up the time somewhere else....meaning even faster driving to make up for lost time, they just don't work in the big picture and are another way of generating profit.


I do not know the circumstances of this accident but as we are discussing speeding then we can have as much or as little as the Island is prepared to tolerate. As soon as the penalties for being caught outway the risk of being caught we will all, or the vast majority will, self police ourselves.


Most of us do so with regard to drink driving as we know the risk of being caught is a ban and possible prison. We are generally happy to speed though within limits as we know if caught then it is a fine & a few penalty points. If we simply had a system that above 5mph above a speed limit there was an automatic penalty point per mph above the stated speed limit then I and I would presume many others would be much more careful about stictly obeying limits. Whereas now we generally comply in spirit, say 50mph when we go past the 30 sign and gradual reduction to 35 ish after that.


That will never happen because as stated on many other threads we all believe that bad driving is what others do, whereas we drive appropriately for the circumstances and our abilities.

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It's these people that need protecting. And yeah, if this wasn't the TT course, that straight would have had an extra bend put in it by now, I recon.



If it was not part of the TT course inexperienced drivers would not feel the need to drive at inappropriate speeds there. Hillberry corner is more than safe as it is or with a 50mph, or 60mph speed limit, or no speed limit as it was until quite recently, privided it is negotiated at a speed and in a manner that is approptiate to the conditions at the time.

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What 3vO said.


I was at Jurby on Sunday giving 'hot laps' in my sports car (I've long been a supporter of education, training and inclusion for our most at-risk driver age group), and whilst it was a superbly organised event with lots to see and do, the turnout by the target audience was quite pitiful.


Just goes to show - you can lead a horse to water (etc).

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What 3vO said.


I was at Jurby on Sunday giving 'hot laps' in my sports car (I've long been a supporter of education, training and inclusion for our most at-risk driver age group), and whilst it was a superbly organised event with lots to see and do, the turnout by the target audience was quite pitiful.


Just goes to show - you can lead a horse to water (etc).


Didn't know about it myself. Bit of a shame Jurby's so far away. Perhaps if they paid 40p a mile to drive up there... :)


Is the skid pan still going?

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It was on my first hot lap session...but I was on cold tyres!


There was lots of screeching on the far side of the airfield, so I think there was drifting and all sorts of PLANNED low coefficient of friction shenanigans too!


I'm just glad Amadeus didn't get a picture of my shame!


Edit to add: Jurby is too far! That's proper Manx, that is...

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Tragic that as usually happens in these cases, it is the passenger that is the victim, and not the driver. As previously stated by many other ppl, limits are there to be broken in some ppl's minds, you will NEVER legislate against that.


Speed limits do not cut down deaths, driver education, and culture changes need to be made. We have had a family move in up from us (30mph limit) and it has turned into R Plate city, little shits whamming back and forth at silly speeds. Only a matter of time until another marine drive incident I fear.

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A terrible tragedy for all concerned.


Talking about action though - I bet I can guess exactly the spot it happened in on that stretch because how many other fatalities and near misses have happened over the years as the camber shifts as you pull up towards Cronk Ny Mona. Its had an accident black spot sign up as long as I can remember. They fixed the bend that didn't really need fixing to the degree it was (Brandish) to make the TT quicker when maybe money could have been better spent further down the road.

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A terrible tragedy for all concerned.


Talking about action though - I bet I can guess exactly the spot it happened in on that stretch because how many other fatalities and near misses have happened over the years as the camber shifts as you pull up towards Cronk Ny Mona. Its had an accident black spot sign up as long as I can remember. They fixed the bend that didn't really need fixing to the degree it was (Brandish) to make the TT quicker when maybe money could have been better spent further down the road.



There is nothing wrong with that bend, it is wide, clear visibility, good camber, there is nothing at all about that stretch of road that is dangerous, in the slightest.

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Sympathies to the family and I mean that with a truly deep sincerety.


But has been said, accidents happen. Be they trivial or in this case truly tragic.





Accidents happen.





Sorry :(

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IF the driver was adhering to the speed limit, chances are there wouldn't have been a fatality - 40mph is a relatively safe speed to crash as long as seatbelts are worn!


There's too many dickheads on the road - mainly R platers, just watch them come out of college every day, morons trying to find their own accident

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