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Help Needed For Daevid Allen's University Of Errors Gig


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Same post also put on manxbands.....


Hi peeps,

I've got the Devid Allen's University of Errors gig coming up on Friday 23rd May. The margins are quite tight on this gig with flights, the band, venue, etc....ticket sales are going well but I need to shift 170 of 185 tickets to break even!! :o


So I'm looking to see if I can borrow some equipment for the night. I basically need to get my hands on 2 guitar amps suitable for the Centenary Centre and a drum kit. The bands requests were as follows:


Drum Kit: Small, quality, wooden drums - Bass Drum 20" or 22" / Floor Tom 16” / Rack Tom 12" , plus hardware (snare stand, bass drum pedal, high hat stand, 3 quality cymbal stands, good drum seat) - the drummer will have his own snare and cymbals as per usual.


2 Guitar Amps: Tube amps, prefer Marshall and Music Man or Fender Deville, at least one of them, if not both, should have foot pedal for Clean/Distortion channel control.


If I could guarantee the gig selling out then I'd just go and hire what was needed but at the moment I'm not sure how the ticket sales will finish so thought I'd ask on here if there was any possibility of borrowing the equipment (or maybe a ticket in return for the loan?).


Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)

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