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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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People who get paranoid on t'internet...


People who use custom smiley things



don't now they was NOT allowed :(


who said I meant you?........paranoid........

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Dust, where the hell does it keep coming from ??


You. And every other human. Household dust is mostly particles of dead skin.


Apparently not, at least not according to Stephen Fry on Q.I. the other week who suggested human stuff accounts for only approx 15%. (iirc).

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Ear wax.



Tom Cruise.

Hair in food.


Hair scrunchies.

Fat guys in speedos.

Kids with no manners.

People who pee in the pool.

Compulsive cell phone users.

Instructions in ten languages.

People who don't wear deodorant.

Windshield wipers that don't work.

When you get a drink but no straw.

People who don't brush their teeth.

Waiting in line at the post office.

Ratty old thongs hanging out of jeans.

Drive through workers who don't speak.

People who drive too slow in the fast lane.

People who call me, and then put me on hold.

Changing smoke detector battery/vaulted ceiling.

Football players: who spit and adjust themselves.

Parents who think their bratty kids are adorable.

Finishing a drink/finding something in the bottom.

Paying more for my drycleaning/haircuts than guys.



Whew!! I feel better now.

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It's a silly, petty thing, but toilet roll the wrong way on the holder, the paper should lie flat against the wall...

I agree with Snappy - paper hanging on the inside

We need a poll on this, I say paper on the outside


...on another similar vein, loo paper that has delaminated and the outside sheet unrolled once so the two ends aren't level

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Dust, where the hell does it keep coming from ??


People who don't put their hand up to say thanks when I let them out in the traffic.


It's a silly, petty thing, but toilet roll the wrong way on the holder, the paper should lie flat against the wall...


Irritating bloody people on aeroplanes who just HAVE to stand up the instant the seatbelt sign is switched off. WHY???? What is so important in your hand luggage that you didnt think to take it out BEFORE you sat down??


The toilet roll thing, you are so wrong! over the top is the only way! :lol:

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People who pee in the pool.


Last time I was there with the kids, they found a turd in the pool on the bottom in the deeper play area (where the whirlpool is) and they asked everyone in that part to get out. I pointed out that the water runs down into the shallow pool but nobody seemed to be bothered and they let people back in 10 minutes after they fished this turd out. By which time I'd already made an exit.


A poo in the pool though? You don't do that by accident. Pricks.

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Well, I am very sorry but......having the paper coming over the top is just tooooooooooooooo darn easy for my 6mth old pup to grab and run it all over the house like the Andrex puppy. So in Snappy Towers it stays underneath.


Ah, so the issue here really is the dog taking the paper, not the orientation of it as such.


We need a poll on this, I say paper on the outside


...on another similar vein, loo paper that has delaminated and the outside sheet unrolled once so the two ends aren't level


But you just roll it on one extra lap and it lines up again.

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