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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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Ok then, I'll allow it.


Ans - was the turd incident like the scene from Caddyshack?

A lad I know was there a while ago with his kids and was just about to leave when that happened and he was chuffed as they got a pass for free entry next time.

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Half finished documentaries - the ones where you get 50 minutes through an hour long programme and they've only got half way through what should be the story and they cut it off just at a point where it gets interesting and then give you a 'helpful' update in the closing titles.


eg last night I watched something called 'half ton dad'. It was the story of a man who weighed over 70 stone, had to knock a wall down to get out of his house for treatment and then had multiple operations in an attempt to save his life.


Apart from the shoddy story telling (no attempt to really explain why he'd got that fat and no attempt to confront the people who were obviously feeding him to death), the story ended at the point where he'd lost enough weight so that he could stand up (albeit for less than a second) for the first time in years and was just about to go back home and try to lose the remaining weight on his own (or rather, with the "help" of the family who'd watched him try and eat himself to death over the past years).


Note to channel 4 - this is not the end of the story. It's all very well showing us great big piles of fat being carved off him - perhaps that's all that some people watching wanted to see. But surely the struggle he's going to face at home is far greater than while he was in hospital having everything regulated by experts. But no. Why wait to film the rest of his journey when you can put together a half arsed telling of half a story and fill an hour of your scheduling.




Actually the worst thing about the entire programme was the footage of the man's daughter trying to feed her baby (who was not more than a couple of months old by the look of it, though I'm not very good with babies and stuff so I can't be sure) a fucking hamburger! I hope it was just an attempt at humour on the girl's part, but I really don't think it was.

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alot of things are starting to annoy me as i get older, i think that by the time i'm 60 ill be one of those old ladies that moan about everything coz everything will annoy me hehe....


standing in a que and the person behind getting uncomfortably close, so you move forward to make some space between you and this weirdo behind you and they shuffle forward once more turning you in to a living sandwich between them and the person in front of you (who is by now probably thinking the same thing about you as you are about the person behind you!)


I quite like some of the talent shows on TV e.g - x factor but it really peevs me off when they go on and on about how much of a hard life these people have had before joining the show! Shut up! i dont want to hear about your life, everyone has had bad things happen to them and never even get a chance to become a star!


people who obviously dont give 2 sh*ts about their car so dont think anyone else gives a sh*t about their car either so proceed to open their door and use yours as some kind of bump stop. (either that or they are too fat to get out of their car without touching their door on to your bodywork).


old men flat cap drivers who dodder around everywhere they go at 25mph and proceed to give you the fingers if you overtake! People who pull out in front of you at junctions and then decide they want to drive 20mph in front of you (and just so happen to always be going the same way as you).... Old doddery drivers in general.


girls who insist on covering their whole face in orange make up daily, thinking they are making themselves prettier when actually the only thing they are doing is turning themselves in to umpa lumpas.


people who you think are really genuine and pretend to be your best mate but who after a while stab you in the back.

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Drivers, of either sex, who pull out of a junction just enough to stick out too far for you to pass without swerving and then sit there until there is a gap the size of Ontario to pull out completely. If they can't see out of the junction why not get a smaller car? The white line means the car should stop there, not the tyres.

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Marks and Spencer asking if I have brought a fucking carrier bag with me.


No I bloody haven't and I never will. I am not Roy Cropper off Coronation Street and will never stuff my pockets full of plastic bags when heading into town on Saturday morning. I'm shopping in M+S ffs with the prices in there do you really think I give a shit about paying 5p for a bag.


And while I'm on the subject I refuse to be lectured on the environment by a company that wastes so much packaging in it's products and as for giving the profits to environmental charities, very noble indeed just don't mention the fact that by charging for the bags you have just wiped out a very significant cost to the company (I very much doubt the charities get the full 5p per bag)


It is not even as if the food is that good nowadays lots of things are very near to their sell by date and it is always a lottery if they have fresh fruit and bread products on the shelves regardless of ther time you go in there.


In fact bollocks to you. I'm not going in there anymore

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Yea I agree - pseudo enviromental concern - when really it about making the companies bucks (positive advertising etc) and leaves us lot everyday Joe struggling under the pressure to be "green" as dicated by corporates. what they need to do is stop flying in products that could be grown here or sourced ina more greener way, stop using senseless packaging, I mean they are selling corgettes in Tesco that have a plastic tray and wrapping on them?? WHYYYYYYY?


I dont mind bring my own bag to the shop, sometimes I used my rucksack, but mostly any bags I get I re-use as bin liners - dont know if that helps? Im so sick of all this green green green being rammed at us every 5 mins when companies dont seem to be accoutable for their efforts (if any). Then when a company does something on a small scale they practically have a wank about it to the press, it proper grates on me!! it is allll so false.


More things:


People who write policies for education yet send their kids to a posh boarding school or day school - therefore not really believing in the shite they are overseeing. how are we meant to have faith in schools if the ministers and civil servants pack their kids off to private schools. To me, it speaks volumes.


The fact that pensioners have to pay council tax - yea they get a reduced rate but come on they dont work, they ahve to pay for it out of their pension. I personally would not mind paying a bit extra each month if it meant that when I am 65 I would not hav to pay council tax - which is also measured on your house size not individual circumstances.


Inheritance an capital gains tax - I have only just found out about these little beauties (since I bought my place I am more informed!!) and its a joke! So basicly if i have this right, if i wanted to buy a house with my boyfriend, but not sell my little flat - rent it out - when i come to sell my flat I havce to pay money to the government???? RAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WHY should i????? I pay the mortgage with huge interest, i pay tax every month etc etc, so just fuck offfff!!!


All this really does sometimes think that those people sittin on their arses on the dole with rent an council tax paid by the state are ina better position. I at the moment would not be able to afford a baby - yet Miss x down the road in her nice council place and benefits has loads of em and seems to beable to live reasonably well!! I dont get it!!!!



Rant over.....for now!

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I experienced the great M&S carrier bag shenanigans for the first time today and the queue at the checkout took bloody ages as customers ferreted around for plastic bags in pockets and the standard issue Cropper canvas sack.


I did feel for the poor girl behind the checkout as she hesitantly asked me if I wanted to pay 5p for a bag or try and juggle my shopping out the door. I got the impression they’ve had their ear chewed a few times in the past couple of weeks.


Just to add for good measure people that can’t order drinks logically at a bar. Nothing worse than a busy pub and having to wait while some prat orders each drink individually waits for the bar staff to return and then orders another ad nauseam making the whole process twice as long.


Oh and paying by credit/debit card at the bar.

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I had a silly bag thing going on in the co-op in Duke street on Friday morning. I only had a few bits (ie few enough to hold in my hands without a basket) and the girl behind the till advised me they don't have free bags (not sure if they're stopped or just run out), so I asked how much they were, 5p? She then pointed at some cloth bags on the counter and told me that's all they have, and are 99p.


I don't mind paying for bags, but as if I'd pay that for £2.56 or shopping that would fit in my pockets anyway,

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I think they are phasing out their cheopo carrier bags (at least they are in the small Co-Op in Ramsey). They do some big blue plastic bags for 10p which are pretty sturdy and fold up quite small - a good alternative to the cloth bags.


I've got a few of them now, a couple in the car and one at home and one at work. I'm trying to use them all the time rather than use the cheapo ones that pretty much won't do more than a couple of uses with heavyish stuff in them.


Oh, and just to stay on topic, the lottery machine at the 'express' tills at the big Co-Op - NO, I don't want to queue behind half a dozen people buying £30 worth of Lotto tickets for everyone they know (whilst simultaneously checking last weeks tickets for winners), every time I want to get a few bits and some ciggies.

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