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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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Aaah when people in England go, "so what's it like in the Isle of Wight then"...........even though you have said loads of times you come from the Isle of Man!


Also when you tell people who are not up on their geog that you are from the Isle of Man - they look at you like you are telling a joke that you are from an Island of men - honestly, people sort of humour you and go, yea so where you really from them? Then when you say Isle of Man again thye just go "oh right nice one" and you just know they have no clue what you are on about....then 2 hours later say something like "you havent got a very irish accent" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!


Also on the same vein, my boyf Mum knows I come from the IOM and I think she thinks it is Ireland and she came home one day and goes "oh the nurses that I work with said that you are a plastic Irish person" and I was thinkin, never once have I claimed to be Irish, but I think she told them that her son had an "irish" girlfriend and they asked where from and she said the IOM (as per her understanding of it al) and all the nurses from dublin were in outrage!! LOL! So getting labeled as a placky Irish gets on my nerves, spec as when you explain to people, oh it is in the Irish sea inbetween Ireland and UK they still think it is Ireland - some people just dont get it!!


Another one is "oh you from IOM, you must be loaded then, get the drinks in"!!!


And then people who are more informed say "aaah the IOM, are you inbred" that is what my WELSH boss asked me when Ifirst met him, I thought cheek of it, you're Welsh mate if anyone has 6 toes and related parents its you son!




edited re missons post - oops!

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Paypal/Ebay - they're dirty great big leeches!


I just reluctantly sold my fancy camera lens to pay towards my new bike, and admittedly it was a doddle & it sold literally overnight for £520 inc postage.


I will actually end up with less than £476 of that money by the time these greedy feckers have taken their several different slices of the pie at each opportunity.

I need to sell other things so I can repay the money the mrs lent me, so I can imagine by the time I've done all that there'll be a big chunk of money that could have gone to her, lining their filthy pockets instead.


But it does make stuff easy to sell.


Also, they tell me I need to provide more personal info by law as I am nearing my selling limit for the year. So I have tried to provide said info but their site is almost like an active barrier against doing what they ask.



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Paypal/Ebay - they're dirty great big leeches!


I just reluctantly sold my fancy camera lens to pay towards my new bike, and admittedly it was a doddle & it sold literally overnight for £520 inc postage.


I will actually end up with less than £476 of that money by the time these greedy feckers have taken their several different slices of the pie at each opportunity.

I need to sell other things so I can repay the money the mrs lent me, so I can imagine by the time I've done all that there'll be a big chunk of money that could have gone to her, lining their filthy pockets instead.


But it does make stuff easy to sell.


Also, they tell me I need to provide more personal info by law as I am nearing my selling limit for the year. So I have tried to provide said info but their site is almost like an active barrier against doing what they ask.






As selling stuff goes re commission and P&P I dont think the figure you got was too bad?? bout 10% - £50ish quid aint bad is it??? If you went to a shop,pawn brokers, cash converters type etc you would have got rinsed! Maybe you could check out how much it would cost to advertise in local paper? Mind you the fact that you sold it in 24 hours is a total bonus and worth the money! Ithink Ebay is the cheapest place to sell stuff, and you get your worth, i recently had a car boot sale where no one would pay anything over 50p for anything (quality stuff aswell!!) and I got stuff robbed aswell!- proper opened my eyes to the selling trade! People were bangin on the car window for our stuff as we were driving in to the field!!! well scary! Im stickin to EBay!

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Ignorant drivers who dont give the right of way when they should and still continue to drive down the street even tho the parked vehicles are on their side. Especially the people in Peel on the street at the Spar, HELLO!!!!, there is not enough space for a parked car and 2 moving vehicles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF THE PARKED VEHICLES ARE ON YOUR SIDE AND THERE IS TRAFFIC MAKING ITS WAY DOWN THE STREET IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION YOU ARE GOING, WAIT UNTIL ITS CLEAR BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ashley Cole, reminds me of a muppet for some reason, dont know why.


iPod headphones, or head phones in general. Pick up iPod ready for a run, try and untangle said earphones and i always end up with L headphone in right hand and vice versa. Now this is a 50/50 scenario but its more like 85/15. why???? now that hacks me off. :(

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