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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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people who dont say thanks so to speak when you give way to them, i dont mind if i really have to, but when i give way to them out of the kindness of my heart a nice little wave makes it all worthwhile



oh and people who dont indicate, which seems to be happening a lot lately..................

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Some more driving winges.


When coming from the Strang to the hospital roundabout, if your turning right, get in position, the amount of drivers that sit on the LEFT waiting to go right is just stupid.


When you go past tromode, if you are going to turn right to go down towards the cricket club, use the little filter lane so if you have to wait ppl going up to Jonny Wattersons lane can get by you.



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Some more driving winges.


When you go past tromode, if you are going to turn right to go down towards the cricket club, use the little filter lane so if you have to wait ppl going up to Jonny Wattersons lane can get by you.




It's hardly a filter lane, it's more like a 2 foot wide strip where you'll never get even half a car in.

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parents who bring 5 year olds to 12a films and don't once ask then to be quiet, despite them talking though about half the film


People who can't fit in cinema seats then elbow you every 12 econds as they shovel food from the noisy, crinkly bag into their relentlessly chopping, mushy faces. And then squeeze past you every 20mins to go for a piss and get another gallon of diet coke/pepsi max, thus emptying on to me the slimy bits of popcorn that somehow managed to escape their slobbering jaws of doom to collect in a sticky pile on their lap.




I don't like the cinema, other people and their kids annoy me too much.

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Some more driving winges.


When coming from the Strang to the hospital roundabout, if your turning right, get in position, the amount of drivers that sit on the LEFT waiting to go right is just stupid.


You have to be fair about this.

Many of them are driving huge Citroen Saxos or enormous Renault Clios!

These vehicles are so vast that their drivers often have to use the entire width of both lanes in order to make a right (or left) turn!

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I don't like the cinema, other people and their kids annoy me too much.


Damn yes. How could I forget that one.


I detest going to the cinema - it's the perfect way to spoil a good film.

I explained this somewhat hesitantly to the wife in the early days of courtship and she thought it was funny and I was exaggerating.

So we went to watch Van Helsing (yes I know) and some tosser in the seat behind had his feet resting on top of the seat next to me (ie feet next to my head), his kid kept kicking the back of the seats, and they were talking & being noisy with their fodder.

I spent more of the feature trying desperately not to turn round and tell them what I thought, and the wife found it all very amusing but agreed that I shouldn't have to go there again. I don't think I've been back in the 4 years or so since then.


But then if I watch a film at home having spent a lot on a big telly & fancy sound system etc she'll talk & say things like "As if that would really happen!". And people tell you off on here for having a big telly etc.


You just can't win.

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Airport security - hours having to queue to get through to the "shopping experience" beyond.


The lack of seats at airports (IOM excepted). It seems they are forcing you to either go into a cafe area to sit (and spend money) or walk around the "shopping experience".


At Gatwick, the seating area with viewing opportunities over the airport has now become part of a noisy bar, and you can only get a view if you spend money. There are so few seats in the departures side it is ridiculous.


Some airports make you walk through the duty free to get anywhere, and there is never a clear pathway through.


If you want to sit down before going through the departures gate, for instance if you have come in from another flight and your next check-in does not open for 2 or 3 hours, don't expect to be able to sit down anywhere. Manchester is a brilliant example of that.

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The insurance company that keeps fucking phoning me 13 times a day because I got an online quote with them (knew I should have used a fake number :rolleyes: ) "Hello sir, you got an online quote with us?" Yes, because i don't want to speak to some fucking tit in a call centre hence the ONLINE part you stupid fucking drone! I know they will stop phoning if I actually speak to them but I really can't be arsed, and i'm in work so they can suck on my call cancel finger until I think of a suitable response <_<:D

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Those feckless sensodyne pronamel adverts :angry: it used to make me laugh as the first dental expert told you not to drink fruit juices and fresh fruits because of the natural sugars but i seen that has been editted recently,Halfwits <_<

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