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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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Bifidis Actiregularis, Pentapeptides and any other made up guff used to advertise shite that doesn't work


Ha ha i love the bifidus actus regularis! Makes me chuckle everytime!!

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People who walk through Strand Street on a wet day with umbrellas, nearly taking peoples eyes out!!!!

Mobile phones while driving, and i've found its mainly van drivers with the company name on the side of the van!

Most of the adverts on TV.

Girls who go out on a saturday night wearing a mini skirt and not much of a top, then spend the evening adjusting it to cover themselves up.

Non smokers, who insist on sitting outside a pub in the smoking area, then complain about it.

British politics.

Beer prices constantly increasing.

Taxi fares


That's all for now!

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I've never seen a dog in a bandana before, so I googled...





Why is it when you put something daft on a dog, it suddenly assumes a dignified countenance? 5 minutes ago it was chasing a stick or licking it's genitals but now it has the moral high ground.


Whilst googling I found that they have banadanas for deaf dogs that say "I am deaf" on them, presumably so you know that you have to use sign language to say "fetch" and "I am blind" for blind dogs and "I am blind & deaf" for well you get the picture. They also have "I am shy" bandanas for shy dogs, as if they weren't self-conscious enough.


edit to add I think the second dog above is Donald Sutherland.

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People who say "thank you", when you avoid crossing on the stairs by waiting for them to complete their upwards or downwards journey or after you hold a door open for them. Ignorant bastards.

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People who say "thank you", when you avoid crossing on the stairs by waiting for them to complete their upwards or downwards journey or after you hold a door open for them. Ignorant bastards.


Eh? Did you miss out the word "don't" in that? I agree anyway if yes.


And people that don't make any sort of thanks gesture/gesticulation etc when you let them out into a queue of traffic. I let a guy out today when he would have been in for a long wait potentially and the rude tosser didn't wave/smile or acknowledge it at all.

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I make a point of ignoring people that wave/flash me to go when I'm waiting to exit a side road that they're going to turn into, purely on the basis that they're shit drivers. Aside from that, I'm most gracious when someone gives way when they're supposed to. :)

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People who say "thank you", when you avoid crossing on the stairs by waiting for them to complete their upwards or downwards journey or after you hold a door open for them. Ignorant bastards.


wot Cret said

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I'd find it insulting that you thought my politness was me in someway pandering to your shallowness.


Next you'll be getting hacked off by people giving you your change as they obviously only do it as you look so poor!

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