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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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The DOT who stick a huge sign in the road blocking half the lane to warn you about a small inconvenience further down the road.


They should put a sign before it saying 'Warning FUCKING BIG SIGN IN ROAD'.


On same note.... they never have a sign where the speed reduction ends, and they leave them up long after the work has been completted


On a different note. Using mobiles while driving, pulling out on you then when you tell police (finding out they have just been fined for simular offence) that if you pursue it to court the most that will happen is a £40.00 fine.... what happened to the £500 on the spot that used to be advertised just before the LAW came in.

Thats the worst they are accually breaking a law.

Rant over!



For now!!!


Some stupid doris in an X5 nearly wiped me out yesterday while yakking on the phone doing about 50 in a residential area <_< If I ever see her car unattended anywhere I'm going to slash her tyres, and leave a nice note on the window explaning that she is a stupid ugly bitch and I hope that when she meets her grisly end the other party is a brick wall and not an innocent person :D

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Be careful discussing motoring offences on the forums, especially specific ones.


I found out today that a regular forum member has been banned from here for referring to a certain RTA from 3 or 4 years back. Mind you, he admitted to having been warned on more than one occasion, so no excuse.



not being able to say what you want to..............................................................................

............................................................that hacks me off a bit haha

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Everything is happening just as it is meant to: so why waste energy getting hacked off about it.


In end, there is absolutely nothing you can do about. Chill out man, relax and enjoy the ride, as you never know exactly when you will be asked to get off it.. :cool:

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Everything is happening just as it is meant to: so why waste energy getting hacked off about it.


In end, there is absolutely nothing you can do about. Chill out man, relax and enjoy the ride, as you never know exactly when you will be asked to get off it.. :cool:

Is that you Jesus?

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  • 2 weeks later...

People commenting on my height. Just recently it seems to be happening all the time when I'm out on a Sat night and they always, without fail, ask me to show them how high my heels are. I wouldn't mind but it's not like I'm freakishly tall at 6ft.....just some people are freakishly small.

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people driving from Cooil Road heading into the Fort North roundabout and cutting straight across rather than following the left lane to go toward Kewaigue, they'd soon complain if someone coming from north intending to go to Kewaigue saw them going into the right lane and pulled off in the left lane as they should be able to

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Parents who don't control their kids in restaurants and then have the audacity to be "offended" when you tell their kid to stop running around.

OOOOhhhh... you are picking on my precious...!!!


Well would you like to see how your "precious" looks with a heavy glass sticking out of the top of his head or how well a heavy plate with hot food will look draped all over him..


Of course " precious's" mommy clearly doesn't give a continental as to the guilt the poor fellow diner or server will feel when they have fallen over "precious" causing "precious" a serious injury....


Keep your brats at home if you can't keep them under control.....


Here-in endeth my rant for today... :angry:

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Text speak. Like Will Self, "I'd rather fiddle with my phone for precious seconds than neglect an apostrophe; I'd rather insert a word laboriously keyed out than resort to predictive texting for a - acceptable to some - synonym." (http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/referenceandlanguages/story/0,,2289264,00.html)


People who say “Thanks!” all the time. Say thanks when you want to thank someone, not as a suffix to every utterance. It loses its meaning and just becomes annoying, to people like me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Onchan Park stadium when those ..'kin dash around the track making maximum noise heaps of crap are at it. :angry:

Accompanied by what sounds like a neurotic monotonal commentator

Till 10 o' f.......g clock. :(

And there are only a handful of di......ds watching them

There must be more local people don't want it than those ballooners who do????

I've searched this site hoping there is a current thread hell bent on shutting the dolts down - that I could whole heartedly support - but cannot find anything.

It's not an obsession that would attract passing punters to watch, so I think the stupid crowd who need a fix for their ear drums would be best served on a track or something in Jurby

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