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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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Drivers who don't have children with them, but insist on parking in the parent and child spaces.


About parent and child spaces, the distinct lack of them in M&S, Shaws Brow, Chester Street car parks. Circling M&S whilst waiting for an end space so that I can get a car seat out of the rear of the car is not fun.


The red and white concrete blocks at the Quarterbridge roundabouts. Apparently no valid reason for them and no benefit (unless you call restricting visability a benefit). However, we are expected to manage just fine without them during TT when the traffic really increases.


Dog mess on the pavements. I don't enjoy spending every journey to and from work dodging it.


Old women feeding seagulls.

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Just about everything agitates me more than it should, but probably 'top of the pops' would be people who are rude for no particular reason, and selfish people.


Unreliable people (ie people in businesses/shops/services etc that fail to phone you back, or who post you the wrong goods, or forget to send stuff because they're busy etc etc). Litigation culture/ambulance chasers etc.

People in general really - they're increasingly rubbish.


More recently, thick people in cars that beep their horn because you trundle past their queue on a motorbike when it's quite safe & clear to do so. You're supposed to do it, so stay calm in your car diddums, and keep your fingers away from the horn until you're actually meant to use it.

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  1. South Africans in roles requiring empathy to get results
  2. People who drive hybrid 4 x 4's who are deluding themselves that they are saving the planet
  3. People who park in disabled spaces
  4. People who link sentences by using words like 'like' and 'whatever'
  5. Traffic wardens that issue tickets before 9:00am in the morning

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People who stand/sit at the bar drinking when there are seats or spaces around and its busy thus creating queues that are not needed.


Colours (although the smoking ban has made it interesting because when you go outside for a smoke you get to meet people and chat.)


People who are incapable of viewing things from other peoples perspectives.


Cyclists who ride along one another in heavy traffic and do not acknowledge the fact that they are holding people up.


Cyclists who moan about motorists who beeb and shout at them for holding traffic up.


People who have no fucking clue about roundabouts or the correct way to signal their intentions.




Women who mention boobs in conversation then slap you when you take a glance.


People who take kareoke seriosly and glare at others who just want to have a laugh (colours on a Sunday.)


Reality TV.

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People who can tell you everything about z list celebrities and reality TV, but haven't a clue about any real news happening in the world. (And more worryingly they aren't actually interested).


Drivers who don't indicate at roundabouts. Especially when you are waiting to give way to them and they zoom off at the exit before. (Staring at you for not moving off, yet they are the one that hasn't signalled!)


Don't know if this has reached Tesco on the island yet. Self Service checkouts. Following the narky instructions of an electronic lady you scan your own shopping, process your own payment, pack your own stuff. Yet there is an assistant on hand in case you get stuck. Why not just have the assistant working a normal till in the first place? What next filling the shelves ourselves on the way in?


Petrol station staff who don't switch the pump on quick enough. You stand there in the wind and rain with a clicking pump until they can be bothered to press a button....from the warmth of their shop.


Ignorant folk in shopping centres who march through you because their need to get to Next is obviously so great they can't acknowledge you or walk round you.


Refuse Collections. At one time you just stuck the rubbish out, some guy came and collected it. Now I have 2 separate wheelie bins and a box. All of which disappear from time to time in high winds. Then the council decide that it is easier if we all trail our bins halfway up the street, arrange them in a certain way and distance from the side of the road so that some lazy arse council worker can pick the bins up in his fancy new truck without leaving the cab! And they had the cheek on their leaflet to warn us to be careful crossing the road while doing this.

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The TT part one - the fact that most of the DOT budget is spent on the upkeep of a racetrack that's used for less than 20 days a year while the roads on the rest of the island fall apart. Some of the roads down south are third world standard.


The TT part two - the fact that lots of places up their prices to rip off the visitors thus stinging the locals too. Some of them don't lower their prices after the TT.


The TT part three - the fact that after 100 years they still haven't built a decent access road and the place comes to a standstill.


The TT part four - it's the same shit every year. From the manky rip-off funfair to the woeful Quill to Steve Colley. Bor-fucking-ing!


I feel better now. :) Thanks. JNow that I've got that off my chest I won't whinge about it again... until next year ;)

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hit the 'quote' button at bottom right of their post. When it turns red, hit the reply button next ti it.

You get a clear window with their quote in it.

Then away you go.

Others could probably explain it more acurately.

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hit the 'quote' button at bottom right of their post. When it turns red, hit the reply button next ti it.

You get a clear window with their quote in it.

Then away you go.

Others could probably explain it more acurately.


Just hitting the reply button on its own will do it. You only really need to hit the quote button if you're quoting more than one post.

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hit the 'quote' button at bottom right of their post. When it turns red, hit the reply button next ti it.

You get a clear window with their quote in it.

Then away you go.

Others could probably explain it more acurately.


Just hitting the reply button on its own will do it. You only really need to hit the quote button if you're quoting more than one post.


ye ha!! Thanks both of you!!!!

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