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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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Bad fake tans.


Parents of kids near the school where I live that block / park in my driveway!! God forbid they should have to use the car park and walk 10 metres!!


Selfish people generally.

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People who stand in the middle of a busy street blocking it and thn looking bewildered when people barge through or bump them trying to get simply down the street!


people who ring the office and I pick up my colleagues phone and they say "oh xxx isnt there, okay well can you take down this messaage (at this point im thinking if it is something like tell her to call me back etc - that okay) but no it is usually about an A4 side of the whole issue - so that makes me go " cant you just send her an email" and they go "mmm well I could but could you just give her a heads up" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I refuse to take huge messages, I just switch off an think more fool you for being so lazy and not sending an email message cause i aint passing it on, i got too much of my own work to do!!


People who moan about stuff but then dont do anything about it - big annoyance!! fair enough a wee moan now an then but when people are fundamentaly unhappy with something but then do fuck all to help themselves, got no sympathy.


Boxing- really dont see the point (an my man watches it all the time)


The boy racers that drive 100 mph outside my house


People littering


Spitting in the street


The man who always snores on the train in the morning with no shame whatsoever, and the bad thing is he is awake!


Okay that is enough I can feel my blood pressure goin up!

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empty buses


buy-to-let brigade




bad pints


tell tale tits


empty promises


lying cheating barstewards


R platers who think they're in some form of championship


the police who do fuck all about arseholes on the road


parking in douglas

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Signs at roadworks with "DELAYS POSSIBLE".



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People who stand in the middle of a busy street blocking it and thn looking bewildered when people barge through or bump them trying to get simply down the street!

If you barge into people in the street just because you can't be arsed 'steering' a bit then you're way worse mannered and rude than them. It annoys me too but I don't just walk into people for the likes of that. In fact I just don't walk into people.

people who ring the office and I pick up my colleagues phone and they say "oh xxx isnt there, okay well can you take down this messaage (at this point im thinking if it is something like tell her to call me back etc - that okay) but no it is usually about an A4 side of the whole issue - so that makes me go " cant you just send her an email" and they go "mmm well I could but could you just give her a heads up" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I refuse to take huge messages, I just switch off an think more fool you for being so lazy and not sending an email message cause i aint passing it on, i got too much of my own work to do!!

Competing for employee of the month then eh? You & 'The Bees' should form some sort of Anti-Manager gang or something.

"Sorry Larry, I rang your place about that big deal last week and gave the details to a lass there. After a week or so I had to sell it to someone else as I thought you weren't interested. Can't believe she didn't even mention it! Sorry your company has folded now but I did try to help mate..."


The man who always snores on the train in the morning with no shame whatsoever, and the bad thing is he is awake!


What? How does that work?


1) Why should one be ashamed of snoring? I suspect most people do it whether they realise it or not, and

2) Exactly what Declan said. I'm confused.

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Small people in big cars - who think because they are small, they can fit through that gap thats 2" smaller than their car.


People who just drive right over the QB roundabout - because they gave way at the first one - so they dont need to at the other one.


Its Mirror, Signal, Move ... not move, signal/not signal, speed up/slow down/change your mind/go the other way/stop dead/bounce off the kerb/abandon and go into the shop/house/garage/post office.


Wearing tights with jeans.


Half brain dead 4x4 drivers who hit my car, do damage, deny the fact you even touched it, and make me spend loads of time on the phone chasing bloody insurance twats.


The AA - my renewal was going to be 50 quid, my wife has just joined for 35 quid. Ive had been with them for over 20 years .. where is the logic?


Eastenders on the TV in the A & E waiting room.


The BBC and TV output in general.


My bank balance.



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Moddhey Dhoo biker club


The school run




Comeovers complaing about immigrants


Really old people buying shit load of lottery tickets


Nissan micra drivers


Declan,Keyboarder,the bees from manx forums

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Dog owners - who let their dogs crap outside your house

Douglas Town Council - a drain on my income

Manx Radio - same reason

MLC's who get in promising to change the voting system and never mention it again - I'm looking at you Juan

Porsche Cayenne owners - why if your rich buy such an ugly stupid useless vehicle

David Beckham - because he's a global brand that squeeks like a demented hamster

Victoria Beckham - for being a nasty po-faced shitbag

Heather Mills - because she should be left to hop around a minefield until she finds one that works

Stale Bread - the type they make fresh in the Isle of Man

"Team Building" courses - where you still hate your work mates but in a field or river

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Car drivers at temporary traffic lights who still drive through, despite their light going red at least ten seconds earlier. All because they dont want to wait for the lghts to change again!

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Bus drivers who don't speak to you when you say good morning/evening - £40K a year plus and they don't have the ability to speak to you.


Bus drivers who don't put the floor/ramp down for disabled people without being asked.


Don't get me wrong. I know a lot of the bus drivers personally and they are great guys but a fair number of the others are extremely rude to$$ers.


The bus company should send out inspectors and either retrain or dismiss these idiots.


Bring back Blakey - I 'ate you Butler !! :angry::lol:


Also, Parent And Child parking spaces. If you're fit enough to procreate and have a child you're fit enough to walk fifty yards down a f*cking car park.


My father has difficulty walking and has a disabled badge sanctioned by our doctor and has to walk further than the mothers with their mewling, puking, screaming offspring.


All you mothers would lose the "baby" weight you always complain about if you didn't park your f*cking 4X4s right outside Tesco. If you got your fat ar$es out of your 4X4s and walked to to the shops you would save the environment and disabled people who need a car parking space outside the shops could have them.

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P&C spaces are all to do with the extra width on either side to allow you to get a carry cot or suchlike out.


Maybe you should go do his shopping for him if you're that concerned about it.

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P&C spaces are all to do with the extra width on either side to allow you to get a carry cot or suchlike out.


Maybe you should go do his shopping for him if you're that concerned about it.


I do a lot of the time because of what I said in my post. Dad has difficulties because these selfish women cannot push/carry their brats more than ten feet.


Disabled spaces are also wider than ordinary spaces to allow wheelchairs/less mobile persons to get out.


If mothers want P&C spaces let them have them where the disabled spaces are and let the disabled spaces be outside the store where they should be.


This is discriminating against disabled people and the Government should be stamping on it. If any member of Tynwald was disabled this would have already been dealt with.

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