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What Small Things Hack You Off More Than They Should Do?

The Reverend

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Minnie, I hope you or anyone you know ever becomes impaired/disabled. You'd soon change your moronic attitude if you did.

My moronic attitude towards what? You point out where exactly I've said anything out of turn about disabled people and I'll gladly apologise.


I don't have any disabled/impaired friends or relatives but I do have a child who was severely ill with cancer for over 4 years and is still suffering now with various problems connected with his illness. A couple of years ago he spent almost 10 weeks with both his legs in plaster and had to go around in a wheelchair a majority of the time. We were refused a disabled badge for this time and struggled many times parking in "normal" spaces. We did, however, just get on with it without complaining or causing a fuss and acting as if the world and his wife owed us a favour just because we had a severely ill child.

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Minnie, I hope you or anyone you know ever becomes impaired/disabled. You'd soon change your moronic attitude if you did.

My moronic attitude towards what? You point out where exactly I've said anything out of turn about disabled people and I'll gladly apologise.


I don't have any disabled/impaired friends or relatives but I do have a child who was severely ill with cancer for over 4 years and is still suffering now with various problems connected with his illness. A couple of years ago he spent almost 10 weeks with both his legs in plaster and had to go around in a wheelchair a majority of the time. We were refused a disabled badge for this time and struggled many times parking in "normal" spaces. We did, however, just get on with it without complaining or causing a fuss and acting as if the world and his wife owed us a favour just because we had a severely ill child.


The above case is what pisses my off, A genuine need for a parking badge that was refused yes i know several people with slight chest conditions (still smoking, thought i would throw that in) and even people with a disabled badge for there family members to be used when taken shopping, used when on there own if you know what i mean, the system is a sham.

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Minnie, I hope you or anyone you know ever becomes impaired/disabled. You'd soon change your moronic attitude if you did.

My moronic attitude towards what? You point out where exactly I've said anything out of turn about disabled people and I'll gladly apologise.


I don't have any disabled/impaired friends or relatives but I do have a child who was severely ill with cancer for over 4 years and is still suffering now with various problems connected with his illness. A couple of years ago he spent almost 10 weeks with both his legs in plaster and had to go around in a wheelchair a majority of the time. We were refused a disabled badge for this time and struggled many times parking in "normal" spaces. We did, however, just get on with it without complaining or causing a fuss and acting as if the world and his wife owed us a favour just because we had a severely ill child.


I was alluding to your moronic, offensive chip on my shoulder/get a grip comment.


If this is your experience I would have thought you would want the disabled badge abuse dealt with.

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I was alluding to your moronic, offensive chip on my shoulder/get a grip comment.


If this is your experience I would have thought you would want the disabled badge abuse dealt with.

After the way you've bleated on I think you do need to get a grip. Nobody at all sugested that disabled people were less important than other members of society or that your father wished limited mobility on himself.....you've taken innocent comments and twisted them into something you could rant about, making out like people have offended you/the disabled. If disabled parking was limited or non-existent in the carpark I could see why you'd get so wound up but, in my opinion, there are plenty of disabled spaces available, they may not be in a place which you or some others deem as appropriate but we can't please everybody all of the time. It's better than having none at all.


The disabled badge abuse isn't something which hacks me off. I have more important things in my life to concentrate on.


On the subject of parking/things which hack you off.....people who drive, so slow they're almost at a standstill, along the length of the prom with their indicator on in the hope of finding an available space. If the charming chap with the equally as charming passengers in the 4WD happens to be reading this.....F OFF right back at you mate! You had your indicator on and were driving so slow as if you were going to stop so I indicated and overtook you, I did nothing wrong. The fact that I then got to an available space before you doesn't give you the excuse to stop alongside and hurl abuse at me. Quite frankly, it serves you damn well right :P

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....Driving my hire car straight through a toll booth barrier on the Spanish / French border last Monday. The barriers really do fly off, just like in the movies!!

God it hacked me off that I could be that stupid!!



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Gah! I've got a fast computer a good 8meg connection. Why do I still get buffering. Who else is going to be watching Little Angels and Shed 7 videos on YouTube other than me at 11:30pm on a Sunday evening.



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People who stand in the middle of a busy street blocking it and thn looking bewildered when people barge through or bump them trying to get simply down the street!

If you barge into people in the street just because you can't be arsed 'steering' a bit then you're way worse mannered and rude than them. It annoys me too but I don't just walk into people for the likes of that. In fact I just don't walk into people.



1. winter

2. having to listening to so called tv personalities being interviewed before an F1 race

3. queues

4. my alarm clock

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The man who always snores on the train in the morning with no shame whatsoever, and the bad thing is he is awake!


What? How does that work?



He snores honestly but his eyes are often open for part of it, then he closes them then he opens them, all the while he is slack jawed and honking like a pig! It makes me heave first thing in the morning - lots of people just stare and laugh at him in amazement!

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Forget disabled and parent & child parking spaces. Supermarkets should have extra wide spaces for people with nice cars.


The current spaces are way too narrow and as a result there is always the danger of dents and scratches resulting from door contact.


They should also be right next to the entrance so everyone can see who the owner of the nice car is

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Gah! I've got a fast computer a good 8meg connection. Why do I still get buffering. Who else is going to be watching Little Angels and Shed 7 videos on YouTube other than me at 11:30pm on a Sunday evening.




What do you think of Toby Jepson being the new frontman for Gun? Only saw it recently and as I like both bands thought it a strange combination.

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People who stand in the middle of a busy street blocking it and thn looking bewildered when people barge through or bump them trying to get simply down the street!

If you barge into people in the street just because you can't be arsed 'steering' a bit then you're way worse mannered and rude than them. It annoys me too but I don't just walk into people for the likes of that. In fact I just don't walk into people.

people who ring the office and I pick up my colleagues phone and they say "oh xxx isnt there, okay well can you take down this messaage (at this point im thinking if it is something like tell her to call me back etc - that okay) but no it is usually about an A4 side of the whole issue - so that makes me go " cant you just send her an email" and they go "mmm well I could but could you just give her a heads up" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I refuse to take huge messages, I just switch off an think more fool you for being so lazy and not sending an email message cause i aint passing it on, i got too much of my own work to do!!

Competing for employee of the month then eh? You & 'The Bees' should form some sort of Anti-Manager gang or something.

"Sorry Larry, I rang your place about that big deal last week and gave the details to a lass there. After a week or so I had to sell it to someone else as I thought you weren't interested. Can't believe she didn't even mention it! Sorry your company has folded now but I did try to help mate..."


The man who always snores on the train in the morning with no shame whatsoever, and the bad thing is he is awake!


What? How does that work?


1) Why should one be ashamed of snoring? I suspect most people do it whether they realise it or not, and

2) Exactly what Declan said. I'm confused.


Ooooh calm down dear!! Bloody hell!!!


1) If you see my post it says people barge into them, in London barging people mainly tourists who block up a whole pavement/entrance is a sport worth points! I try not to barge people and will always say excuse me but often people look at you bewildered and dont move, so often you end up walking onto the road, other people will just barge. I have bumped people with my rucksack when I have tried to walk through a group though.


2) At work, I work at a University, so dont think it will collapse/fold if I dont pass a message on, also for my job - passing messages on is not recommended due to the legal/confidential issues we deal with and the fact that there is a big resistance from many staff to use email (we also have problems with people passing work on to others unfairly, ie they think they can leave a message and then job done, knowing there is no reference point or proof to come back to them, they can then just say "i passed the message on" therefore desolving themselves from any comeback). Passing on huge messages to another colleague could be the difference to loosing a case if passed on wrongly. We also use email as a form of confirmation and evidence. Like I said I am happy to pass on messages such as call so and so back etc etc, but my point was people who leave long and drawn out messages that I have to write down and then email the colleague, when infact that person could have just done it themselves eliminating my time and making sure the message was correct in the process!


3) the snoring man, snores with his eyes open and then closed and then open. Fair enough people snore, but I dont like it! Simple as that. This was a post about things that annoy you, I have written just that, but it seems you have issue with the things I dont like, somehow they are not valid to you! I dont want to hear the man next to me snoring in my ear on the train, spec as he has his eyes half open and it is really loud. It freaks me out. Sorry if that offends you! Also yousay people dont realise they are snoring, so if you were on a train in the morning and you had your eyes open and were quite clearly snoring very loud, you wouldnt realise you were doing it?? Mm okay!

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