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Killzone 2

K.os Theory

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Played through 2 chapters last nite, absolutely stunning to look at. The opening sequence is breath-taking...the gun-fights are intense and can be long drawn out affairs, the AI is absolutely ruthless ( i'm playing on veteran ) I've had to replay many sequences due to me dying and they are using different tactics everytime.


OK it brings nothing really revolutionary to the table ( apart from the cool cover mechanism ) but it does everything else so right... :D


I thought I'd give the Multiplayer a blast, and that's exactly what it is..a blast! Everyone basically starts out at the same level, with access to the same weapons, then depending on how you fare in the game you receive medals/ribbons. Get enough of these and you unlock additional perks ( extra ammo, grenades etc ). I can see a lot of depth in this, and as it's still new it feels quiet balanced.


All in all, this really does live up to the hype it's a visceral, noisy and chaotic experience and if you're a fan of the genre ( even if you're not ) it's worth a look.


I'll be online tonite from about 9pm so if you wanna create a squad you know where to find me...



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going down to buy a PS3 tomo hopefully! the killzone limited edition.


Saw them in HMV.


Been playing the Campaign on Veteran and loving it!! It's one of the few next-gen games that has lived up to my expectations.


Looking forward to multiplayer but the campaign has me gripped. Some great firefights!


Might jump on multiplayer tommorrow so add me if you want - PSN ID: slinkydevil



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slinky regarding the ammo situation...from your post on the COD5 thread.


you start of with hardly any ( something like 2 full clips I think ), but once you get one of the early ribbons you get extra ammo at the start ( 4 clips ).


Example Soldier - 8x Good Conduct - Increased Start Ammo Amount

Natural Born Killer - 8x Kill Count - Increased Grenade Amount


I usually use what i've got then just steal from the dead.


I've just unlocked the engineering class, but in order to get the second ability ( which is fixing up turrets and ammo stashes ) I've got to get kills with my turret in 8 games ( which is the norm ). I've already got my medic class able to dish out med-kits ( once I get 8 ribbons on that skill I think I use other secondary abilities with the medic )...


here's a full list of the ribbons...



Example Soldier - 8x Good Conduct - Increased Start Ammo Amount

Natural Born Killer - 8x Kill Count - Increased Grenade Amount


Badge Specific

Aerial Supportive - 8x Air Support Specialist - Combine Tactician 2nd Ability

Defensive Specialist - 8x Turret Specialist - 2nd Engineer Ability

Explosives Expert - 8x C4 Specialist - Combine Saboteur 2nd Ability

Field Mechanic - 8x Repair Specialist - Combine Engineer 2nd Ability

Field Medic - 8x Healing Specialist - Combine Medic 2nd Ability

Forward Observer - 8x Spot and Mark Specialist - Combine Scout 2nd Ability

Front Runner 8x Boost Specialist - Combine Assault 2nd Ability

Master of Disguise - 8x Disguise Specialist - 2nd Saboteur Ability

Shadow Marshall - 8x Cloak Specialist - 2nd Scout Ability

Spawn Authority - 8x Spawn Point Specialist - 2nd Tactician Ability

Trauma Surgeon - 8x Revival Specialist - 2nd Medic Ability


Clan Specific

Meritorious Unit Award - 10x Clan Matches Won with Clan - 1000 Valor

Meritorious Unit Award - 25x Clan Matches Won with Clan - 10,000 Valor

Army Superior Unit Award - 50x Clan Matches Won with Clan - 100,000 Valor


Combat Specific

Black Belt - 5x Close Combat Specialist - Increased Points/Melee Kill

Hawk's Eye - 5x Sniper Specialist - Second Sniper Zoom

Head Fetish - 5x Headshot Specialist - Increased Points/Headshot

Quick Draw - 5x Sidearm Specialist - M4 Revolver 2nd Weapon


Mission Specific

Assassins League - 5x Assassination Kill Specialist - Increased Points/Assassination Kills

Bodyguard Aliance - 5x Assassination Defend Specialist - Increased Points per Survival

Bomb Squad - 5x Search and Destroy Specialist - Increased Points/Returns/Disarms

Corpse Counters - 5x Body Count Specialist - Increased Points/Kills (Body Count only)

Defense Initiative - 5x Capture and Hold Defend Specialist - Increased Points/Defensive Kills

Retrieval Corpse - 5x Search and Retrieve Specialist - Increased Points/Return


yep multiplayer is pretty deep, considering you can only get one ribbon of each kind 1 a game...


I should be on tonite ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Watched this being played earlier on today and have to say after about an hour of the campaign , he got bored of it.


A mate was saying when it came out that this wiped the floor with Gears 2 and I am afraid after seeing it played I couldn't disagree more.


Ratchet & Clank is superb though

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