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Plea To Dhss For Improved Benefits


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I fully agree there are too many people claiming DLA who are capable of working and play on some illness to say they cant work when on the other hand those who are genuine find it hard to get what they deserve.

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What's the process for determining the size of an incapacity benefit?


It is at a fixed rate increasing after 6 and 12 months if I remember correctly.


It can be topped up with Income Support depending upon circumstances (level of savings, partners income, any other income etc)

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What's the process for determining the size of an incapacity benefit?


The problem is not only the size of incapacity benefit but the criteria for which it is awarded. It is based on your mobility and capability to look after yourself. If you are able to walk and feed yourself you are unlikely to qualify for it. There are a lot of people with genuine illnesses that make it impossible to work but do not meet the criteria for incapacity benefit. In these cases Income Support may be awarded but it was nowhere near enough to live on, even before these days of high inflation.

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What's the process for determining the size of an incapacity benefit?


The problem is not only the size of incapacity benefit but the criteria for which it is awarded. It is based on your mobility and capability to look after yourself. If you are able to walk and feed yourself you are unlikely to qualify for it. There are a lot of people with genuine illnesses that make it impossible to work but do not meet the criteria for incapacity benefit. In these cases Income Support may be awarded but it was nowhere near enough to live on, even before these days of high inflation.


Incapacity benefit is a contribution based benefit and is payable to anyone who is signed off sick by a Dr, and has paid sufficient National Insurance Contributions.


It sounds like you mean Disability Living Allowance which is based on your mobility and capability to look after yourself.

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What's the process for determining the size of an incapacity benefit?


The problem is not only the size of incapacity benefit but the criteria for which it is awarded. It is based on your mobility and capability to look after yourself. If you are able to walk and feed yourself you are unlikely to qualify for it. There are a lot of people with genuine illnesses that make it impossible to work but do not meet the criteria for incapacity benefit. In these cases Income Support may be awarded but it was nowhere near enough to live on, even before these days of high inflation.


Incapacity benefit is a contribution based benefit and is payable to anyone who is signed off sick by a Dr, and has paid sufficient National Insurance Contributions.


It sounds like you mean Disability Living Allowance which is based on your mobility and capability to look after yourself.


Sorry you are correct I was thinking about the Disability Living Allowance.

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My ex has been unable to work for nearly a year now, she has paid tax & stamps for 20 yrs and never claimed benefit before


She ends up with £46.53 after she has paid her (council house) rent, I have checked it and this is what she ends up with.


Out of that she is supposed to pay for the most expensive gas & electric in the UK and then pay for food & clothing with whats left


Yet the clowns who work out these payments seem happy enough to give out sufficient benefits to keep the local scumbags in tracksuits & Stella

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My ex has been unable to work for nearly a year now, she has paid tax & stamps for 20 yrs and never claimed benefit before


That's shit, imo. Or should i say discusting.


I've payed stamps for 31 yrs, i've been put on Disablity Allowance and get £74.36 a week.


My wife is now working 60hrs+ to make ends meet and we struggle.


I had an accident some years ago and crushed my spine. So i'm limited to what i can do. I've tried my best to get work in my capacity but as soon as you mention Back Prob, you get shown the door :(


I've gone for retraining, no joy.


So what am i doing now?



My old job, with the pain, to make sure my kids get to 16 and can look after themselves.


My Future?


A wheelchair.


Thanx Dhss.

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The system stinks. The number of scrounging idle scroats who seem to be able to live quite happily on benefits and spend their days gettting pi**ed and wandering round town with cans in their hands makes this fact undeniable.

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I saw a petition for this grievance yesterday. I'm sure he'll be getting quite a few signatures going by the one I saw.


I'm all for a major sort out of the benefit scheme. Get the idle scroungers and chav breeders who are capable but too idle to work or too busy bringing feral kids into the world - off the system. A serious accident or illness could happen to anyone, and if you've paid tax and NI much of your life - you deserve better treatment than this.


We could have a model system here with a bit of serious thought, especially one based on assessments from doctors - plus if we stopped importing pensioners (up 100% in between censuses) who are going to start eating our health and care expenses over the next few years. That said, I still think we can never be able to afford a decent system unless it remains means tested, as should be family allowance IMO (which goes to poverty stricken families and millionaires).

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Agreed, the present set up is abused by some and those who really need good assistance don't get it.

Albert, where's that petition? I'd sign and so will a lot of people if they knew about it and could put pen to paper.

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