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Plea To Dhss For Improved Benefits


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Agreed, the present set up is abused by some and those who really need good assistance don't get it.

Albert, where's that petition? I'd sign and so will a lot of people if they knew about it and could put pen to paper.

The one I saw was at the little cafe on Peel breakwater (by the castle/lifeboat station).

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Indeed £63 is not enough.


He must have some other income as well though otherwise he would be getting income support on top of that



I fully agree there are too many people claiming DLA who are capable of working and play on some illness to say they cant work when on the other hand those who are genuine find it hard to get what they deserve.



I saw a petition for this grievance yesterday. I'm sure he'll be getting quite a few signatures going by the one I saw.


I'm all for a major sort out of the benefit scheme. Get the idle scroungers and chav breeders who are capable but too idle to work or too busy bringing feral kids into the world - off the system. A serious accident or illness could happen to anyone, and if you've paid tax and NI much of your life - you deserve better treatment than this.


We could have a model system here with a bit of serious thought, especially one based on assessments from doctors - plus if we stopped importing pensioners (up 100% in between censuses) who are going to start eating our health and care expenses over the next few years. That said, I still think we can never be able to afford a decent system unless it remains means tested, as should be family allowance IMO (which goes to poverty stricken families and millionaires).

As stated previously, £63 is not sufficient to live on and I'm with you all the way on this one Albert

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( Manx Radio ) Carers who are still looking after loved ones when they reach retirement age should continue to receive the Carer's Allowance.


That's the view of North Douglas MHK John Houghton who says it's unjust, and possibly unlawful, to stop the benefit when the state pension kicks-in.


Mr Houghton (pictured) has tabled questions on the subject for Tynwald tomorrow.


He's also unhappy that the one-off Carer's Bereavement Payment is not paid to those on a state pension.


Mr Houghton says the clash of benefit and pension needs to be looked at:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I had an accident some years ago and crushed my spine. So i'm limited to what i can do. I've tried my best to get work in my capacity but as soon as you mention Back Prob, you get shown the door :(


I've gone for retraining, no joy.


So what am i doing now?


Of course, if the Island had a Disability Discrimination Act, that might help. Oh hang on, we have 'got one', but the government won't implement it because they would be in breach of it themselves, so won't give a Day of Appointment to legislation that they would then fall foul of, as stated by Tony Brown.


Now on the face of it, that appears sensible enough... until you reconsider the wording...


What they are actually saying is 'we know that we are discriminating against our own citizens and we've decided to carry on doing so'. Isn't that a pretty damning indictment of our government?

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The whole system of benefits, contributions use of healthcare etc etc needs a severe overhaul. People who work all their lives and who pay all contributions are very often the worst off when their time comes for help. This is why I am so anti the profligate waste of public money on grandiose projects with little or no tangible benefit to the bulk of the populace. It does not take a genius to work out that we may all become elderly or incapacitated and this island has the means to build a fair and just system to take care of its people, but instead chooses to waste huge sums of public money on its laughable projects.


Agree with all here, those who justly deserve help should be given it.

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So what am i doing now?



My old job, with the pain, to make sure my kids get to 16 and can look after themselves.


My Future?


Funnily enough, i was thinking about this thread the other day.


So what did my future hold ?


After trying to do my old job for some time, it wasn't working and only making my injury worse so i had to stop.


I thought, and still think, well there must be something i can do and popped off down to the Job Centre to have a look. There wasn't alot , if anything, there which was appropriate. However the people there were good and suggested i sign on for Job Seekers untill something came up.


Off i trots to Markwell House and explained it to them there, that i don't want to be signed off, i'm looking to work, however my injury limits me to what i can do. No problem the woman behind the counter says, sign here and come back on 9.30am Monday to sign on. Ok, this looks good me thinks.


Turns up on the monday at 9.15. 3rd in line, get's a seat and waits untill it opens. Looking good i thought.


Then the problems start.


Same woman at the counter asks me if i've applied for at least 2 jobs in the last week?


I relied no, as there wasn't anything suitable. She says that's noy good enough, you have to aplly for at least 2 jobs no-matter.


I again explain about my permanent injury and she states that it doesn't make any difference, you still have to apply for 2 jobs. I said it would be stupid if i applied for a job with heavy lifting or something that inflames my problem.


Her reply was telling me not to tell them i had a problem when applying for the job !!!!!! I thought that was against the law for me to not inform them ? She then said that i'd have to make sure for next time or my money would be stopped. I felt like a schoolboy !!



I then turned up 2 weeks later to sign on to find i was at the back off a line of around 30 people. As i can't stand for more than about 10 mins due to pain, this worried me but i thought, what the heck, it should go down fast. However, after standing for about 30 mins and the line a only halved, i was in acute pain, nearly passing out, so i left and sat outside untill the line had gone, some 90mins later. I returned to the counter only to be met by the same woman who told me i should have been there at 9.30.


I explained why but she replied that she had a bad back and it didn't effect her standind so she couldn't see it being a problem. I tried to explain that it's different for everyone but she didn't want to know. She then said if i was late again my money would be stopped and asked me if i'd applied for 2 jobs per week. Please refer to previous fortnight. We went around in circles again.


I then asked if i could get a later signing on time as i can't stand to long and after speaking to her manager, the answer was no. I must point out, there are about 6 seats in there but they're normally getting used by people filling in forms.


I thought i'd get a note from the Doctor to explain why i can't stand for long and try again, which i did. Only to be told by the same woman that if you can't stand in a line, apply for 2 jobs per week and have a Back Injury, i should be on the Sick not JSA. I explained that i wanted to work but was told that those are the Rules, they can't be changed, tough.


So after being made to feel like scum, a freeloader, useless, a child, stupid, lazy, many things, i was sent on my very unmerry way.


After explaining all this to my Doctor, who was disgusted with them, he signed me back on the sick.


So what did my future hold?


I'm now well and truely signed off on the sick due to Long Term Severe/Agitated Depression.


Luckily enough that our Mental Health Service is not as fucked up as the DHSS or i'd really be in the shoite.


Due to an exellent Therapist, and some good anti depressants, i'm getting better.


It will be a long journey but i'll get there and the bastards will not put me down.


My Family and Marrige has been put under enormous strain thanx to the lack of help and/or understanding from the DHSS but we've survived so far. What doesn't break us will makes us stronger as a family.


So that's my story so far. Sorry for the long post but i think these stories need to be told.


I, like many, turned to the people who i thought were there to help, oooh how wrong is was. After years off thinking i was paying my NI so i would have help if i needed it in times of trouble, what a shock to find out you go more for doing nothing and paying nothing ?


My advice to anyone in a similar situation is to look to your family and friends for help. You certainly won't get it from the Fuckwits in Government or Markwell House :(


What as sad reflection if the Island we live in. Freedom to Fluorish, my arse.

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It is storys like that which make me glad I left the DHSS. They will be more than happy for you to go onto Incapacity benefit, despite it costing the taxpayer more if you are on it long term.


Also this 2 jobs per week stuff is bullshit (or at least it used to be) for the first 6 months on JSA you can restrict your search to jobs within your profession.

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Have you been in touch with the Disability Employment Service? They are based in Nivison House, above the Job Centre. Contact Mike Johnson or Sean Crossley, phone 686209 / 687021. Not saying they can help, but they may be able to.

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Have you been in touch with the Disability Employment Service? They are based in Nivison House, above the Job Centre. Contact Mike Johnson or Sean Crossley, phone 686209 / 687021. Not saying they can help, but they may be able to.


First i've ever heard off it.


Thnx for the info, i'll give them a ring :)

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I had an accident some years ago and crushed my spine. So i'm limited to what i can do. I've tried my best to get work in my capacity but as soon as you mention Back Prob, you get shown the door :(


I've gone for retraining, no joy.


So what am i doing now?


Of course, if the Island had a Disability Discrimination Act, that might help. Oh hang on, we have 'got one', but the government won't implement it because they would be in breach of it themselves, so won't give a Day of Appointment to legislation that they would then fall foul of, as stated by Tony Brown.


Now on the face of it, that appears sensible enough... until you reconsider the wording...


What they are actually saying is 'we know that we are discriminating against our own citizens and we've decided to carry on doing so'. Isn't that a pretty damning indictment of our government?


So they have done the DD Act ( 2006 ) paperwork etc but it's not passed and enacted then?

Is it actually legal to not implement it?

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So they have done the DD Act ( 2006 ) paperwork etc but it's not passed and enacted then?

Is it actually legal to not implement it?


There isn't anything to not implement until it receives it Day of Appointment order. So yes, you can discriminate away. Latest ETA of the delayed act is 2010. Obviously government weren't aware of the bill as it was making its tortuously slow progress and were entirely surprised when they realised that they would be in breach of it. Only once it's law will they start to explain to businesses what they have to do about it rather than start now. I *think* I'm right in saying we're the only country in Europe that doesn't have any legal protection for people who have a disability. Perhaps not one of our proudest boasts?


The 2006 Finance Act was passed on the same day as the Disability Discrimination Act and received its Day of Appointment the following day but I guess government were actually aware of that happening...

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From the DHSS website:


"Disability Living Allowance is paid to you if you become disabled or terminally ill before the age of 65."


"Disability Working Allowance (DWA) is a benefit to help people with an illness or disability who are starting work or are already working."


"Incapacity Benefit (IB) is a contributory non-means tested benefit which gives financial assistance to people who become sick, and are unable to work."

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