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New Chief Minister


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The difficulty is with the system. We aren't going to correct this before the next CM is appointed.


Because we don't have a party political system the people don't choose the CM. We have to hope that the people we vote will use their power honestly.


(BTW who is Roger Payne? Just heard him wittering on the wireless about the people on the Isle of Man not careing about democracy but only careing that the people in charge are makeing decisions and that the people don't really care whether the decisions are right, just so long as they are made.)


Declan, Roger Payne was an MHK for Onchan a few years ago. He also formerly served on the Onchan Commissioners. He was in earlier life a policeman. His politics were independant which most assumed was conservative with a small c.

I am not sure whether he lost an election or did not stand for re-election to the Keys.

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Addie has made his comments and is allowed to, but I would ask him this, who should fill the post as CM. We have to have one or the Government is finished. By having Mr Gelling fill in will give the Keys more time to think of who could be the CM after thr next elections, lets not forget this is the first time that a CM has lost his job and the Keys did not prepare for it , the same as most things from the Keys LACK OF PREPARATION.


Also I feel that as an acting CM, he should have a clear out of a certain Department, for the failings they have made over recent affairs. And Maybe Mr Bell should be taught a lesson for passing the Buck at Mount Murry,  :rolleyes:


Answer please who can do the Job

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... lets not forget this is the first time that a CM has lost his job and the Keys did not prepare for it , the same as most things from the Keys LACK OF PREPARATION.

I suspect that it's a little more deliberate than that.


Wasn't the subject of electing/appointing a deputy CM dismissed by the last CM?


One now wonders why the suggestion to have a "back-up" was made in the first instance!

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Just to add from Manx Radio


Manx Radio has learnt that certain pressure groups in the Isle of Man are trying to make sure there WILL be a contest for the position of Chief Minister.


It seems an unlikely prospect.


When former holder of the post Donald Gelling M.L.C announced he would stand, other possible contenders including Michael M.H.K, David Cannan and DHSS Minister Steve Rodan said their names would not go forward.


Nominations close at five o'clock this afternoon (Monday).


Treasury Minister Allan Bell is acting as head of the Council of Ministers until a replacement for Richard Corkill is elected on December 14th.


Mr Corkill will continue serve as M.H.K for Onchan.


The lack of competition is a disgrace. What are we electing (and paying) all these MHKs for if absolutely none of them are capable of doing a good job as chief minister?

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Someone mentioned to me that all the MHK's must have shivers running up their spines but as we all know, shivers can't travel along something that's not already there!


I find it difficult to understand how a Chief Minister can possibly function whilst still being a member of the Legislative Council. It was a ridiculous situation when Pam Crowe and Claire Christian were elevated to the Legislative Council, keeping their ministerial roles but not answerable to questions in the keys!


For this position to happen now would be ridiculous, especially when there are so many unsavoury events that have started to bubble to the surface.


Donald Gelling would be unable to answer questions in the keys. This would have to be left to a deputy. Who would be the deputy? The Treasury Minister? Both Mr Bell and Mr Gelling were heavily criticised in the Mount Murray report!


However, if this appointment goes ahead the Islands good governance will be in the hands of these two men. Mr Bell has not yet disclosed how the MEA managed to borrow a further £120 million without Treasury approval. Don't forget that it is roughly the cost of the new hospital and nobody knows anything about it!


I think that if the proposed Chief Minister would not be able to appear in the House of

Keys, it would be a disaster. How would he cover the supplementary questions?


If the Treasury Minister is appointed as deputy, he would be effectively running the offices of both Chief Minister and the Treasury without taking all of the responsibility.


Go figure!



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I agree with everything you say Stav.


Invertebrates Rule. OK?

Mr Bell has not yet disclosed how the MEA managed to borrow a further £120 million without Treasury approval. Don't forget that it is roughly the cost of the new hospital and nobody knows anything about it!

I'm deeply suspicious about this whole "MEA Shocker" scenario to be honest.


To me it smacks of smoke and mirrors, or maybe I'm just getting disillusioned. I'm a little suspicious of the timing too.


I'm going to wait and see.

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Everything you have said makes sense Stav (as always when you're sober )

But I was just wondering..Hasn't Donald Gelling recently been appointed to the Chair of the FSC ?..I might be wrong , but if I'm not can a CM serve on that ?

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Thank You... I did think i had the wrong bunch, but the same question would apply , I think.

I read recently that Tony Benn (a great democrat ) once said

"If I meet a powerfull man I ask five questions :What power have you got ? Where did you get it from ? In whose interests do you exercise it ? To whom are you accountable ? And how can I get rid of you ?"

It seems that power in this Government is confined to the few.

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He's probably one of the only ones that could be up to the job!


They're probably too worried about their own positions to make a stand and propose and second him for the role.


I think that they're still being told to sit up and beg!



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