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Trip To America On The Tax Payer


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This is a local station subsidised by th elocal tax payer, how can this be :angry: justified.


1) Very good PR for the IOM.

2) It would be rude to enter and not attend.

3) A trip to the US is hardly expensive.

4) Get out of the wrong side of your cot this morning? :-)

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2) you wouldn't enter unless you had visions/aspirations of having to go to the awards

That's stretching it a bit; obviously they would have entered with 'visions/aspirations' of winning or placing highly, rather than hoping for a trip to New York.


As one of the major issues facing the Island is like of international awareness, something like this is a fantastic opportunity for the Island.

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2) you wouldn't enter unless you had visions/aspirations of having to go to the awards

That's stretching it a bit; obviously they would have entered with 'visions/aspirations' of winning or placing highly, rather than hoping for a trip to New York.


As one of the major issues facing the Island is like of international awareness, something like this is a fantastic opportunity for the Island.



Psshh like yanks care where the isle of man is. "Oh is that near London? My 3rd cousins aunt is related to Duncan Mcloud..."

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2) you wouldn't enter unless you had visions/aspirations of having to go to the awards

That's stretching it a bit; obviously they would have entered with 'visions/aspirations' of winning or placing highly, rather than hoping for a trip to New York.


As one of the major issues facing the Island is like of international awareness, something like this is a fantastic opportunity for the Island.


did you mean lack of or was that a fortuitous typo...

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Crabby crabs.


To appease those who hate Manx Radio or the thought of the station - or the many talented and selfless freelance people who work hard with us - achieving any sort of international recognition, I have composed an email to our Executive Director of Junkets to suggest she cancels the optioned Gulfstream charter (I'd voted for the full package, replete with an oiled flight attendant called Mitzi, champagne and caviar sandwiches). I hope it makes you happy.


To those who actually think it was a good idea investing in a couple of stamps to enter this event, and that anything that portrays the Isle of Man as a centre of excellence can only do good for us on a wider stage than the environs of the Irish Sea allow, thanks. You obviously listened to the interview I did and understood that we've ALREADY done pretty well to get through to the finals - to get a gong would be outstanding.

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I did and understood that we've ALREADY done pretty well to get through to the finals - to get a gong would be outstanding.


It's an impressive shortlist, vs canadian national radio and UN radio, so it's got to be worth a trip in case you win.


Isn't it a shame all those potential international listeners will be subjected to that shitty web stream though? ;)


Please fix it, please please please!

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The long established American festival has been in existence for over 50 years and is regarded as the Oscars of the International radio industry. Manx Radio's Controller of Programming and Content, Marc Tyley, says he believes entering such awards schemes is very valuable:


The Sony Awards are the only radio awards which anyone in these islands takes any notice of. 5 years ago they still seemed vaguely relevant . And even the Sonys were always the radio equivalent of double glazing awards. From their inception they were already like radio imitating the world of double glazing, imitating the Oscars. Every rubbish industry award ceremony claims to be the something equivalent of the Oscars. The claims more or less define rubbish award ceremonies.


He says that "he believes that entering such awards schemes is very valuable". But it isn't true. These awards are irrelevant to the remaining useful functions of local radio in general. It makes no difference whether or not Manx Radio enters for an award. It will have no significant effect on the number of people who will listen to the station now or in the future - and therefore will have no significant effect on the advertising revenue which the station would be able to generate. These self congratulatory industry awards are of no significance to the remaining listeners. They are as meaningless as RAJAR and Nielsen,


Part of the problem - probably - is that the world of radio professionals in general is in denial. Delivering audio is less than ever about owning a transmitter. And yet Manx Radio still doesn't produce a single podcast / netcast. Not even a weekly well produced quality round up for the Manx diaspora - who would potentially be their biggest advertising audience. Meanwhile this forum is a better resource for local traffic and news.


The future of the local transmitters is as an emergency service to be switched on only when the sirens go off and the lights go out. There will not be awards for that.

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Nah - looks like these representatives of England are going to something possibly bigger than the Oscars! From the website of NYF (An International Awards Group Company):


We are delighted that with the strong showcasing of the award winning work and our improvement in the quality of our judges the 2007 NYF entries grew by a whopping 23%. In 2008 we will develop a completely new website and exhibit the winners in HD and in a number of televised shows about advertising with an audience reach of 400 million. That right, 400,000,000 (sic).



Edited to insert link.

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I did and understood that we've ALREADY done pretty well to get through to the finals - to get a gong would be outstanding.


It's an impressive shortlist, vs canadian national radio and UN radio, so it's got to be worth a trip in case you win.


Isn't it a shame all those potential international listeners will be subjected to that shitty web stream though? ;)


Please fix it, please please please!

Web quality is excellent here in Switzerland all things considered although for some unknown reason there's a presenter who always talks over the music :-)

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