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Taxis - Day Of Action


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Stop your bleating taxi drivers.It would be like me,being an electrician asking the government to only allow a set amount of sparkies in the Island.And stop double fucking parking outside the Villa colonade,lazy cunts.

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I heard a load of them were stood outside Tynwald today cheering and waving as cars passed beeping their horns.


They were apparently too busy cheering and waving to notice the bloke outside the tax office holding the beep if you hate taxi drivers sign.

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If they want the slightest iota of sympathy from me the lazy b******s will need to stop beeping their horns to alert the whole damn street they have arrived outside an equally lazy b******d's house who can't be bothered to watch out for them.


Oh, and stop emptying your ashtrays in the gutter outside the Villa, too.

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Without having read through all the posts, as i'm going to bed.


I think the Cabbies have some credability in stateing that the Fatstocks and such have had more consultation applied to them than the Cabbies.


Yet the service supplied by the Cabbies is no where near a rip off compared to the Fatstocks.


Personally, my first offer to the cabbies, if an MHK, would be, OK, we will stop handing out Plates if ,you, the Cabbies, start selling them said Plates on for the Issue price, and not for thousands.


Every other buisiness will sell on a Cleintelle. There is none of this in Taxi's as it's first come first served.


Imo, they are only looking after the big overpriced bucks, they paid for a Plate. No more, No Less.


Their own fault for being greedy in the first place.


Plus i know of many Cabbie running a Company from a Council House, which is against the Tenency Agreement.

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Ok Lonan, what year did you BUY your taxi plate and how much did you pay for it? We would all love to know


Well not quite. I couldn't give a tinkers cuss

Just as well because his sudden silence makes me think he won't tell us anyway... sore point me thinks?

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Without having read through all the posts, as i'm going to bed.


I think the Cabbies have some credability in stateing that the Fatstocks and such have had more consultation applied to them than the Cabbies.


Yet the service supplied by the Cabbies is no where near a rip off compared to the Fatstocks.


I am sorry celt, you can’t use the argument that because the fatstock is ripping us off more than the cabbies rip us off, the cabbies have some credibility.

We are being ripped off, end of.


Taxis are more expensive than in the England, unless you get a taxi from an airport rank. And how many people in England get a taxi from an airport rank if they have any other choice? (rhetorical question!)


The reason I don’t use taxis more when I am at home is because they are so damn expensive. So for me anyway, if taxis want support, then offer a better value service because some people travel to England once in a while and can see how much cheaper it is there. Yes, I know there is a boat etc but why should I have my pants pulled down just because I choose to live here? And I know there is a smaller population here but I really do think taxis price themselves out of work.



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The reason I don’t use taxis more when I am at home is because they are so damn expensive. So for me anyway, if taxis want support, then offer a better value service because some people travel to England once in a while and can see how much cheaper it is there. Yes, I know there is a boat etc but why should I have my pants pulled down just because I choose to live here? And I know there is a smaller population here but I really do think taxis price themselves out of work.

You can't honestly be comparing the Island to England in this case, can you? There are numerous reasons why taxis are cheaper in England, or at least they are in most of England. Not least among these are the lower costs of fuel and living there.


The crux of this issue is not 'taxi drivers need to have public sympathy,' but whether or not the Island will be better or worse off if the proposed changes transit successfully through Tynwald. Even if the public support something, it is not necessarily the best way forward (see any debate about nationalising a viable industry or service).


Having used a taxi on the Isle of Man about twice in my whole life, I can't claim to have much knowledge at all about their operations, but if the proposed changes do come into effect, which seems probable, those taxi drivers that maybe want to keep an edge on 'fly-by-nighters' need to start coming up with ways of making themselves stand out.

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