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Taxis - Day Of Action


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Hopefully I will be on the road all night, as will other drivers I know.

Don't know about one firm that holds 25 plates (allegedly) and only has 6 cars though.

The answer is, come to Ramsey, plenty of cabs.

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great i can drive around tonight without no one up my arse :D ( i realise this isnt all taxi drivers and infact i must say i have seen quite a lot driving really safely, unfortunately there are a lot more that dont)



anyway ill be driving about at about 1 am so if any young girls in short skirts need a lift ;)

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So what would happen if a Douglas Taxi driver decided to flout the strike and carrry on working? Will it be dangerous for him to go to work, would the others try and catch him and beat him to within an inch of his life?

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So what would happen if a Douglas Taxi driver decided to flout the strike and carrry on working? Will it be dangerous for him to go to work, would the others try and catch him and beat him to within an inch of his life?

They won't be his friend anymore and won't double park alongside him to chat for half an hour on the prom.

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So what would happen if a Douglas Taxi driver decided to flout the strike and carrry on working? Will it be dangerous for him to go to work, would the others try and catch him and beat him to within an inch of his life?


They won't let him join them for a few pints before work anymore

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So what would happen if a Douglas Taxi driver decided to flout the strike and carrry on working? Will it be dangerous for him to go to work, would the others try and catch him and beat him to within an inch of his life?

They won't be his friend anymore and won't double park alongside him to chat for half an hour on the prom.


Also they might not let them into the rank on Victoria Street so they will have to park on the road itself instead....oh wait a minute....

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Which is certainly not a 'post office.'


A post office isn't a private business, it's a government service licensed to private businesses. It's hardly a good comparrision.


We'd all bloody love it if the number of competitiors was controlled by regulation, that's not the case. There's businesses going to the wall all the time, should they all operate in closed markets to prevent this happening?


I'm amazed that no one can make the connection - an 'open skies' policy has meant that any company (such as Euromanx)trying to offer a genuine service to the public doesn't last very long and, in the long term, you find yourself left with an agressive and uncaring one that doesn't give a stuff about the paying customer.


That's an open market. If euromanx's business wasn't viable, then it shouldn't be propped up by anything.



Make no mistake, if the taxis are DELIMITED (I've put that in capitals because people keep talking about them being DEREGULATED, which is entirely different and not being proposed!), it will be those who are prepared to make the effort to provide a proper service who will be the first to fall.


And why is that? Is that true of other industries? Why is the Taxi industry special?


Like Albert, I can see both sides, and I sympethise. This will go particularly hard when it has been limited in the past, so the plates are suddenly worth a whole less money. That absolutely sucks ass, but the situation that created those over-valued plates was and is wrong.


I have to leave the debate as the school's just rung to say my daughter's been taken to hospital - sorry!



Good luck with that.

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I sympathize with Lonan as he's only trying to safeguard his future.

Too many taxi's and there's no profit and therefore resulting in no food for the table and kids go hungry. Over dramatic I may be, but it must have an affect somewhere along the line.


I can understand additional taxi's for times like the TT and I'd say that those who qualify, would have to pay a premium price for the use of their taxi cab during this time, so that it equals those on longer contracts, but as it's not my call, I'll leave that up to those who work such unsociable hours, ie, the report showed that the most pick ups were after 11pm and peaking at 2 to 3 am


ps Lonan, hope your daughters ok

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A better way to do things would be for the government to see exactly how many issued plates are actually used. When they know which ones are in 'reserve' they should delete those and issue other to cover them. That way the speculators are cut out of the picture and only working cars are registered.

My opinion is that the plates are issued to cover demand for cabs, if they're not used it is defeating the object. Let's have some control over the trade in plates, which is surely fraud as the plates are owned by the government officially and shouldn't change hands at all.

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I hope the government take notice - however they will not, they never do, they are an entity unto themselves and take little notice of anyone. Less cars on the road would be a good thing. Why not look at getting a decent rail infrastructure? no, lets close train lines and focus on having more cars - we have idiots in charge, but that is not news to anybody who can see past this year or the next.


Will the police be offering a taxi service in place of the other taxis? It is dangerous on the streets, people getting stabbed all over the place, drug dealers on every corner (makes it easy to score though...only I don't really like heroin, makes me sick) and more drinking drivers than you can shake a stick at. I would have thought the Civil Defence would have had something in place in the case of such drastic action by the Taxis.

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I sympathize with Lonan as he's only trying to safeguard his future.

Too many taxi's and there's no profit and therefore resulting in no food for the table and kids go hungry. Over dramatic I may be, but it must have an affect somewhere along the line.


If there were too many taxis competing for the same customers then there would be no money in it = some people stop being taxi drivers. Until a balance is reached.


As it is there are no taxis available in some parts of the island at some times during the day.


And another thing - whilst we're on this; we should be able to haggle over the price too. That's another part of competition.

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