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Taxis - Day Of Action


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Glad you took the time to do the sums, many people don't and make assumptions. Look at how (white) Diesel prices have risen 10p p/l in the past 2 weeks.



u have to do the sums or u never make it in this world,

if i printed my turnover id be a rich man, pitty i have to pay the bils after that

but it does look gd on paper till u add the rest of the bits :rolleyes:


diden think thay had, thought it was 3 ppl its gone up, thats what my fuel bills saying,

i think u mean 10ppl in 2 months,

think it goes up around 1ppl a week,

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Unfortunately there are plates out there that are 'stockpiled' and so not on the street, lending the situation to the same as if plates were even more limited. I would like to see this situation reversed and the use of plates monitored, as it is supposed to be.






Any increase in the amount of plates being operated would dilute the market and cause untold grief and financial hardship for a lot of families.



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Why oh why oh why won't somebody think of the children and regulate all industries on the Isle of Man?


Personally, I agree with the taxi drivers - we need to control the number of taxis to make sure they earn a living. We should also limit the number of ferry companies to make sure nobody goes out of business there, too. And perhaps we could also limit the number of electricity suppliers - after all, if there was too much competition, people would lose their jobs.


Maybe we could also informally limit the number of fuel supplies on the Island - charging what you want means you can keep many people in gainful employment.


Alternatively, how about placing a limit on the number of cabs that can work AT ANY TIME in the Island - just think of the money you could make if we limited the field to, say, two cabs each Saturday night?


Taxi drivers should figure out they're in a free market economy: just like every other industry. Why should the service to the public be poorer than it has to be? Throw it open, let the uproar die down, and the market will sort itself. Those not making money will go out of business. Plenty of other jobs for them to do. If somebody's earning £39.95 in 10 hours, can I suggest McDonalds? They're short of staff and pay almost twice that rate.


Of course, if the service was good enough, nobody need worry about going out of business...

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Most of the taxi drivers I encounter always seem to be doing the job until their "other business" get's off the ground.


You never seem to meet one who is exactly delighted to be doing the job in the first place.


I was charged £15 from the Airport to Colby last year. Think I'll walk next time.

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I wonder what taxi drivers think of cats?


Apart from the exceptional nice one or two, I've found them to be rather selfish creatures, living a law unto themselves and they only ever show up around your house because they want to be fed.


And then there's cats...

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If my driving is at default level, I will fail. If my demeanor falls below the accepted standard, I will fail. Surely I can't ask for more than that?


earning £39 in a day its about time you took stock of your position

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Energy FM News


Striking cabbies plan 'slow drive' through Douglas


Taxi drivers are planning a second day of action tomorrow ahead of this month’s sitting of Tynwald.


If any of my drivers are thinking of joining in with this, they can deliver the car back to me right after they are quite finished making arseholes of themselves and make their own way to the job centre. :angry:


Honestly, I cannot believe this is happening again. Just how do they think this is going to win the support of the public? And do they think that the MHKs will be impressed? <_<

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Worst thing is, they probably got the idea for the slow drive from this thread. Someone already suggested it.


Taxi drivers aren't known for coming up with their own ideas...

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Honestly, I cannot believe this is happening again. Just how do they think this is going to win the support of the public? And do they think that the MHKs will be impressed? <_<



They didn't win my support this morning, they were pissing me off and quite a few of their other potential customers.

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Worst thing is, they probably got the idea for the slow drive from this thread.

It was a close thing between this and petitioning the government like civil people, but then they realised they had to get out of their seats for that.

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Actually there were quite a few, split up into a few groups - I couldn't find my phone and switch it on in time.


edit to add

Managed to wake a few policmen up. They were piling out to see what the noise was - bit late.......

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