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Beertent Tt


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They're showing Battleship Potemkin followed by a debate on Eisensteins juxtaposition of images of innocence against images of violence.


Alternatively some pissed slapper will get her udders out and everybody else will puke and piss all over the promenade to mark the end of the evening.

No change there then.

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I was down there for the Charity Gig last Sunday and i have to say the atmosphere was great, i have not had chance to go down there this week but was hoping to go tonight after work.


I cant stand the Whole TT show thing but i do like a few drinks at the tent, if there is no Footy then it looks like its the Manxie with the yokels moaning about the TT then!


Shame the weather is shit today :(

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Was down there tonight with my ex missus watching the jet powered quad bike do its stuff


After its done a few passes and roasted a number of spectators my missus says " is this guy part of the act or did he just show up on that thing?"


Fucking priceless, makes me wonder why we ever got divorced

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I saw Mr Tatlock and waved, but he probably didn't recognise me.

Sorry, I did see you last minute, but it was difficult to wave without getting a shower when holding a couple of pints at the same time - plus difficult to put on an animated face after being up much of the previous night.

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someone is holding a young child in his arm at the minute, are kids allowed in licensed premises that are not serving meals now?? it used to be you can only have a kid in for the purpose of eating a 'substantial' meal ( crisps and nuts don't count as that ) are the licensing laws being broken???

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Well he's been coming here for about 5 years i think, so it's not a new health and safety issue. That said i agree with you, i love watching it (it makes me giggle like a small school boy for the sheer insanity of it) but I'm not so sure it's a wise idea so close to the crowds.


I agree. I learned my lesson two years ago with singed eyebrows and a blistered nose. The guy is a genuine nutter.

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