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Big Brother’ Database For Phones And E-mails


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This seems to be a proposal from some Home Office officials and does not appear to have any support from the people who matter. It's pretty much non news.


Paging Dodger and Cronky to thread #24719 to spout ignorant paranoid drivel.

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I think it was the pointy-haired boss in the Dilbert cartoons who once said to his secretary 'Print me the Internet - I may want to read it later'. It seems to me a similarly disproportionate idea to record details of every phone call placed or internet page visited by anyone ever on the offchance that they may need them later to help track down a terrorist.


Number of people killed by terrorist events in the UK every year? Not many

Economic impact of terrorist events in the UK every year? Not much

Financial cost of counter-terrorist measures already in place? Enormous

Financial cost of counter-terrorist measures proposed? Enormous

Freedom from unwarranted infringement of civil liberties? Undervalued

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Please, some one, amend the heading. It has nothing to do with any EU directive. The Times ought to be ashamed of itself for implying other wise


Its the EU and more paricularly the ECHR that will save us from this type of stupid drivel from a governemt which wants to control our lives and examine everything we do


When it gets to this level, think Stasi and East Germany or the Generals in Mayanmar (Burma)

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Please, some one, amend the heading. It has nothing to do with any EU directive. The Times ought to be ashamed of itself for implying other wise

Its the EU and more paricularly the ECHR that will save us from this type of stupid drivel from a governemt which wants to control our lives and examine everything we do


As for

When it gets to this level, think Stasi and East Germany or the Generals in Mayanmar (Burma)

Hmm give it time.............

Number of people killed by terrorist events in the UK every year? Not many

Economic impact of terrorist events in the UK every year? Not much

Financial cost of counter-terrorist measures already in place? Enormous

Financial cost of counter-terrorist measures proposed? Enormous

Freedom from unwarranted infringement of civil liberties? Undervalued

Quite right which begs the question regarding the purpose of all these 'anti terror' measures.

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Clicky if you dare
part of the fight against crime and terrorism.

I feel much safer already - don't you?

Based on the UK government's ability to deliver any computer system more compilcated than a laptop running VISTA I really am not worried at all, in fact as a programmer it should generate zillions of years of work for the IT industry :-)

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I think it was the pointy-haired boss in the Dilbert cartoons who once said to his secretary 'Print me the Internet - I may want to read it later'.


The last place I worked at had (indeed still has) a buck-teethed boss in the IT department who put the pointy-haired boss to shame. At one point he asked the person who was responsible for development/maintenance of all the company's websites to print off a copy of every individual page on the websites and put it in a ring binder. Then, every time a page was updated he was supposed to print off a copy of the new version of the page, throw away the print-out of the old page and put the new one in its place. I still don't know why.

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Comment from the UK Information Commisioner:




‘If the intention is to bring all mobile and internet records together under one system, this would give us serious concerns and may well be a step too far. We are not aware of any justification for the state to hold every UK citizen’s phone and internet records. We have real doubts that such a measure can be justified, or is proportionate or desirable. Such a measure would require wider public discussion. Proper safeguards would be needed to ensure that the data is only used for the proper purpose of detecting crime.


‘We have warned before that we are sleepwalking into a surveillance society. Holding large collections of data is always risky; the more data that is collected and stored, the bigger the problem when the data is lost, traded or stolen. Defeating crime and terrorism is of the utmost importance, but we are not aware of any pressing need to justify the government itself holding this sort of data. If there is a problem with the current arrangements, we stand ready to advise on how they can be improved, rather than creating an additional system to house all records.

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But if you read the UK Government Legislative programme it says nothing about keeping all phone calls and or e-mails for a year, just improving how they tap.


The eu directive says the same, it has no requirement to do what is proposed. In fact I read it as being more about safe guards


Ity is not about Governmet setting up a huge data bank but it imposes on telecom and ISP operators an obligation to keep info on traffic. ie calls from and where to and location for minimum, and maximum times. It is already law having been approved by the House of Lords


It means that if you have a mobile the phone company has to keep a record of every number you call or which calls you and where you were when you mafde or received the call, for a lanfline, smae but obviously the location stay the same and it means ISP's linking up IP addresses, e-mail addresses and as far as possible location to record and keep for a limited period who you e-mailed and who e-mailed you.


This they do, in the main, already itemised phone bills are an eg. but in the directive there is no need to set up a governmemt data base

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