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Low Class Equates To Low Iq


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Todays news that apparently if you come from a lower class background ergo your IQ must be low also.

Your views on this controversial issue please....

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Thus if you come from a higher class background ergo your IQ must be high? Rubbish. Some of the stupidest people I've ever met were born into money.

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I have never heard so much shite in my life. I live my life the way I see fit with an IQ of 189. Most friends wouldn't think so and that suits me to the ground.

Congrats I thought I was doing ok with my 165 but will keep quiet lol ( and I'm a comprehensive school girl)

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I have never heard so much shite in my life. I live my life the way I see fit with an IQ of 189. Most friends wouldn't think so and that suits me to the ground.


189 wow! Only 11 off "Unmeasurable" genius. I've got a pub quiz coming up soon, got a free night?

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I have never heard so much shite in my life. I live my life the way I see fit with an IQ of 189. Most friends wouldn't think so and that suits me to the ground.


189 wow! Only 11 off "Unmeasurable" genius. I've got a pub quiz coming up soon, got a free night?


PM me, I am available most nights! ;)

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This story is pretty much just a publicity stunt, and it's telling that the author of the paper works in the field of evolutionary psychology (the same maligned discipline that brought us, amongst other ludicrous headline grabbing claims, the prediction that the working and upper classes would split into sub species). With regard to the actual claim, most of the arguments that so effectively rubbished The Bell Curve apply to Charlton's bid for attention. In fact, he can't have been unaware of the controversy that erupted around The Bell Curve, or the similarity of its conclusions to his own, making me think that this is nothing but shameless headline grabbing by another hack academic.

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189 wow! Only 11 off "Unmeasurable" genius. I've got a pub quiz coming up soon, got a free night?


PM me, I am available most nights! ;)


Yes.... but what about for quizzes? :P

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What's all this shit about 'class'. When we northern Europeans get over the whole class thing we can get on with our lives.

I've never been tested and don't really care what my IQ is, nor do I regard those with high scores any less than those without. I certainly can say I'm a bit brighter than Mark Thatcher, just as an example of private schoolboy 'intelligence'.

How refreshing it would be to see "I've got an IQ of 14 and I am quite happy working in the finance sector."

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One in a continuous stream of "in a report published today, an expert says" i wonder how many a day we get these times?


Anyway i fink dey are fick as buttery, ffs i wish the news would pack it in, only Sun readers take any notice of em now :(

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