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Low Class Equates To Low Iq


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Prince Charles... I rest my case



Prince Charles has a bachelor degree from Cambridge Uni and is qualified as a pilot. He has devoted his life to doing charity work within the Princes Trust, Regeneration Trust and Trust for the Built Environment. He has built a village in Poundbury to show exemplary methods of incorporating sustainability into modern building. Not a bad resume for a dunce.

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I have never heard so much shite in my life. I live my life the way I see fit with an IQ of 189. Most friends wouldn't think so and that suits me to the ground.

Congrats I thought I was doing ok with my 165 but will keep quiet lol ( and I'm a comprehensive school girl)



Could you post the site where you did the test so we can all have a go? Never actually completed an IQ test (since i was 10).

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Prince Charles has a bachelor degree from Cambridge Uni


Prince Charles was accepted automatically into Cambridge due to his royal status, despite falling far below the required standard at A-Level, in particular he got a B and a C in History and French respectively, and went on to get a 2:2.


Prince Edward was also accepted into Cambridge, and also got a 2:2 in History despite only having a C and two D's at A-level


It might not say that much about the princes themselves, but it does demonstrate the folly of using A-Levels and degrees, regardless of the awarding institution, as a measure of intelligence.


As an aside, after Edward, Cambridge stopped the policy of letting the royals saunter into the University and started demanding the same entry requirements of them as they did from anyone else. Much of the reason was undoubtably because of increasing dissatisfaction with the established practice, but I'm willing to bet a fiver that part of it was Cambridge becoming increasingly self conscious about what having people with way below their stated entry requirements getting reasonable passes on their degrees said about those degrees (assuming of course that 'exceptions' weren't made when it came to awarding their degree classifications).

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The Intelligence Quotient is a supposed scientific measurement of intelligence. As people naturally excel in different areas of knowledge and interest, come from different environments, and have different genetic makeup, it could be said that the IQ test cannot be applied to the general public and therefore is innacurate and a general load of b*****ks!

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IQ tests are utter nonsense. If nothing else, in intelligence they claim to measure something for which we have only a sketchy and by no means universally accepted definition!



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Ok gang..here it is..how about posting your results?


You would be surprised how many do not get by the first instruction! (Enter birthday)


Free IQ test


Wait... when even good IQ tests are of questionable worth, you're trying to use a shonky data mining operation masquerading as a bad IQ test to imply others are stupid? Well done, brainzilla ;)

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