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Low Class Equates To Low Iq


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There is no one to one correlation, but there certainly is a connection between lower intelligence and social class.


I am working class.


Are you suggesting intelligence is directly or inversely proportional to class?


By asking that question you are in fact answering it for yourself.

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"Imagination is of far more use and of greater importance than Inteligence"! :)


Think is was Albert einstien who coined this phraze wasnt it ?


But I do belive the man has actually made sum sense for the first time in his life!


Think i will have a go at the IQ test myself, just out of interest to see where I stand, think the last time i tried it, my IQ rating was off the scale, I ended up proving most of there "correct" answers to there questions to be incorrect and wrong!

Im not sure how they can accuratly test somones IQ when the test itself is inacurate and full of mistakes ! :(


Just dont the IQ test unfortunatly at the end u have to fill in your name address, phone number ect and then fill out all these other questinaries ect before u get your results! I gave up in the end! Im pretty sure tho that I got EVERY single question right, it was really easy!!!!! :)



/me pats midnight gently on the head...


And I love the thought that "Imagination is more important than knowledge". I believe though that sometimes courage and imagination, or knowledge and sensitivity are a good mix.


IQ tests? They can be useful as a confidence booster.


Edited as woke up! ;)

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Absolutely wrong in many ways.

I would assert that intelligence, inate ability to reckon and act, is nothing to do with social class. What is affected is the ability to access education and experience.


While there is not an absolute correspondence between social class and intelligence there IS a relationship. If that relationship is one where the social consequences of low intellectual capacity results in people descending to the lower social orders, or if it is simply that like breeds like is moot, but the tendency is there for all to see.


What is very important in all this is to recognise that no matter if a person is a gibbering genius (yes, I meant that because I've met one or two) or a sedate numb skull everyone has the same value in the sight of God.

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I always thought that IQ was more applicable to problem solving ability. You get people who would achieve enormous IQ scores but can't deal with real life situations. On the flip, you get people who are dyslexic and would do poorly in an IQ test but have high social intelligence, are great with people, savvy and creative. I don't think that too much emphasis should be put on the tests unless you want to study statistics, engineering, maths, physics etc. If you want a more typical job, the ability to spot trends and work out sequences is less important.


On the class thing: I don’t think there is a correlation between the things that typically define class (income, property ownership, address, profession, newspaper choice, strength of regional accent etc) and intelligence. However, people from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds have often not had the same opportunity for education (cost of uni fees etc).


You do get some morons (see Jeremy Kyle show) that some people would describe as working class, but they have never worked a day in their lives. :angry:

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While there is not an absolute correspondence between social class and intelligence there IS a relationship. If that relationship is one where the social consequences of low intellectual capacity results in people descending to the lower social orders, or if it is simply that like breeds like is moot, but the tendency is there for all to see.

You wouldn't, then, expect much intelligence from a carpenter's son.

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While there is not an absolute correspondence between social class and intelligence there IS a relationship. If that relationship is one where the social consequences of low intellectual capacity results in people descending to the lower social orders, or if it is simply that like breeds like is moot, but the tendency is there for all to see.

You wouldn't, then, expect much intelligence from a carpenter's son.


Step son actually.

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I always thought that IQ was more applicable to problem solving ability. You get people who would achieve enormous IQ scores but can't deal with real life situations. On the flip, you get people who are dyslexic and would do poorly in an IQ test but have high social intelligence, are great with people, savvy and creative. I don't think that too much emphasis should be put on the tests unless you want to study statistics, engineering, maths, physics etc. If you want a more typical job, the ability to spot trends and work out sequences is less important.


On the class thing: I don’t think there is a correlation between the things that typically define class (income, property ownership, address, profession, newspaper choice, strength of regional accent etc) and intelligence. However, people from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds have often not had the same opportunity for education (cost of uni fees etc).


You do get some morons (see Jeremy Kyle show) that some people would describe as working class, but they have never worked a day in their lives. :angry:

I have witnessed a child with average intelligence born of intellectually average parents, pushed and prodded to educational success, despite repeated failure in passing all exams, simply by the parents having acquired enough money to pay for public schools, crammers and extra private tuition over some years.


This person is now in a highly respected profession and has obviously moved up a class or two, plus he's classed as highly intelligent.


There used to be a saying Oop North, "They're buying brains for thick kids". ;)

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"Imagination is of far more use and of greater importance than Inteligence"! :)


Think is was Albert einstien who coined this phraze wasnt it ?


But I do belive the man has actually made sum sense for the first time in his life!


Think i will have a go at the IQ test myself, just out of interest to see where I stand, think the last time i tried it, my IQ rating was off the scale, I ended up proving most of there "correct" answers to there questions to be incorrect and wrong!

Im not sure how they can accuratly test somones IQ when

the test itself is inacurate and full of mistakes ! :(


Just dont the IQ test unfortunatly at the end u have to fill in your name address, phone number ect and then fill out all these other questinaries ect before u get your results! I gave up in the end! Im pretty sure tho that I got EVERY single question right, it was really easy!!!!! :)


Any grammar or spelling questions? Lol!

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I find this whole " I am better than you" thought process rather sad.


Wether applied to percieved class, wealth, religious views, clothes worn or music listened to.


Why do so many people value their own self worth in terms of what percentage of the populace they consider themselfs better than?

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It's all an issue of people who are eager to be well thought of by other or to be envied.


To consider one's own self worth in society, very many people consider where others find worth.


Unfortunately, such beliefs of value and worth are taken as universals and people think that others should want those same things. Such as notions of what it is to be successful, where people assume what criteria makes someone successful and then tries to tick all the boxes so that they will be well thought of and also happy. And if you don't conform to that, by having the well paid job, or a certain type or job, having a home, having a flash car, etc. then you are relatively less successful.


This is especially problematic when the general public are apt to be swayed by propaganda so that others shape those values. You need only look at modern consumerism.

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Nope there was no gramer or spelling questions in there aquarious ( a ggod job too !)

But the mathimatical questions were a little bit tricky, but thats were the good ole guess work comes into play lol :) well its not guess work really, one mearly has to use a little bit of imagination to arrive at the correct answer ! ! !

Like i said addie imagination is often of more use than intellegence !! :)



I find this whole " I am better than you" thought process rather sad.


Wether applied to percieved class, wealth, religious views, clothes worn or music listened to.


Why do so many people value their own self worth in terms of what percentage of the populace they consider themselfs better than?


Supose these thoughts of "im better than you" , gives someone a sense of worthyness, and as false as this perception is, we do live in a very competitive world and people need this kinda self approval.


But If you run a race faster than somone, your actually only "different" in the speed of how fast you can run, thats all, your not actually "better"!!!! ! It could be said that the other person is "better" as they can run slower! :)


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But If you run a race faster than somone, your actually only "different" in the speed of how fast you can run, thats all, your not actually "better"!!!! ! It could be said that the other person is "better" as they can run slower! :)



I LOVE this piece of philosophy!

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